Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-31 stars in Darwen

Darwen: Pink Tutu Adventures in Lancashire! 💖✨

Hiya lovelies, welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in for post number 731 – ready to glitter our way into the new year, darlings! 🍾🎉

Oh my goodness, where do I even begin?! It’s been a whirlwind of sparkle and sequins as I took the Pink Tutu Express on a delightful trip to Lancashire. Now, I know some of you are thinking "Lancashire? What's so special about that, dear?" Well, honey, just hold onto your tutus because you're about to discover the magic of this charming county!

The journey itself was an adventure in pink perfection. I opted for the romantic charm of a train ride - because a glamorous queen deserves a luxurious mode of travel, wouldn't you say? 😉 I got to work on my dazzling makeup look in the carriage mirror while gazing at the countryside, and let me tell you, the rolling hills looked positively radiant under the crisp December sky! The train ride is always so inspiring. It reminds me of a whirlwind ballet routine with the passengers and the train as dancers. I often get ideas for my routines on the train.

And speaking of inspiration, Darwen was practically made for a pink tutu queen like myself! A little bit of Victorian charm with an independent spirit, this place just pulsates with creativity and personality. I felt at home the moment I stepped off the train, and I was instantly in love with the historic architecture and cobbled streets. You could almost feel the spirit of artists, dancers, and performers from decades past, just begging to be unleashed!

My first stop was, of course, the fabulously grand Darwen Library, where I got my dose of history and literary delights! Now, some of you might be thinking, “Pink Tutu Sparkles, at the library? Why?” Honey, every glamorous queen needs a good dose of the written word every now and then! And the best part? They had a brilliant collection of dance books that I simply had to get my paws on. You know I always love a new routine idea! I think some of you need to put down your social media feeds and go to a library! It is the only place where I get a few minutes of peace to just read and relax, especially after being in my own bubble for my journey to Darwen!

I later treated myself to a delicious slice of Victoria sponge at one of the adorable cafes in the town centre. You all know I am a huge fan of this treat - It reminds me of my days making cakes with my mum back in my old hometown in Derbyshire. I think I learned about cakes before I learned about science - and that’s a lot, because I loved baking, but loved learning about things like the science of fabrics even more!

And of course, what would a visit to Darwen be without experiencing the incredible dance scene?! The Darwen Dance Studios held an open class on Tuesday evening and let me tell you, those dancers are pure talent! Now, I have always loved watching dance routines and I love dancing, so what was I going to do but ask if I could sit in for a few minutes? It was divine to watch these incredible young people with their amazing artistry, technique and flexibility! These guys were certainly not shy about the audience and went for it – as you should – go all in and let yourself enjoy it! They taught me some moves and were keen to hear about my own experience as a drag artist! And of course, my own stage work in my gorgeous tutu. Let’s face it, most of my dance moves have me turning to the audience to show them just how glorious I am, in my stunning pink tutu! How could they resist my gorgeousness, honey?

They loved it. It was truly heart-warming to see these youngsters embrace drag with open hearts, reminding me that the world is becoming more and more inclusive. And it filled my own pink tutu with even more sparkle to see how open the town of Darwen is to people like me.

The energy in this town is simply intoxicating! If you are considering a trip here you will love this quaint little town and you'll never guess where I found my absolute favourite part? The Darwen Tower! You must take a visit up the tower - for a beautiful panoramic view, you can see right across the rolling countryside – if you're brave enough, of course.

But that’s not all, darling! I discovered a hidden gem on the fringes of town called the “Samlesbury Hall.” The Hall was beautiful, with gardens, and a long drive with massive stone statues to welcome you to this historical, stately home. It’s one of Lancashire's best kept secrets. I loved the way they use this space in a way that doesn’t involve destroying any history - which is such an issue with lots of similar sites. It's all about embracing history with a gentle and light touch to remind us that every country has history – so let’s learn from it.

They even had a really cute little café! The staff had this fun vintage dress code that just really screamed glam! But I can’t believe the incredible antique collection on show! You all need to make this your next pilgrimage.

By night, Darwen becomes a whole different ballgame. I got the opportunity to perform in a bar with a great set list and incredible audiences! Everyone is up for dancing the night away – in what can be best described as a fabulous frenzy. I loved being able to work in a bar - a fabulous opportunity to let everyone see just how stunning a pink tutu looks with stage lighting! And even better when the light from my sparkles and the colour pink bounce across everyone's faces, as I dance and preen!

My time in Darwen was everything a pink-tutu-loving drag queen could dream of, but what else was I to do but find a fab outfit from one of the amazing local boutiques! And of course, that meant I had to grab a few accessories.

One of the best bits was that when I stopped for a delicious pie in a lovely little cafe, I had the most heartwarming experience with the staff, and the ladies serving told me I was the talk of the town because everyone had been out dancing the previous night and I was such a joy to have in their town. I truly felt embraced and like I belonged. This really warms my heart – and of course, this is what motivates me to continue my tours – spreading my joy around the globe, sharing the joy of pink tutus, inspiring others to become whoever they want to be.

There's something so inspiring about places like Darwen, and the whole of Lancashire. It’s just one of those special places that holds magic, just like a good pair of pink tutus. 😉 The people are incredibly welcoming, and the spirit is as bright as my signature sparkle. I left my pink tutu magic everywhere I went and am convinced that the streets of Darwen are already humming with my dazzling legacy! It makes me think… do you think they’ll embrace pink tutus the same way I’ve embraced my pink tutu journey and found joy in becoming Pink Tutu Sparkles?

And remember darlings, no matter where you are in the world, embrace the fun, the glamour, and above all, never stop rocking that pink tutu with pride. It’s not about fitting in, it's about shining! 😉✨

That's all for now, loves! But before I leave, I wanted to invite you to follow my journey as Pink Tutu Sparkles on www.pink-tutu.com.

So, join me next time for even more adventures in pink!

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕✨

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-31 stars in Darwen