Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-01 stars in Prestwich

Prestwich, oh Prestwich! 🩰💖

Hello darlings, and welcome to Post Number 732 of my ever-growing digital diary! Today, I'm taking you with me on a little adventure to Prestwich, a charming town nestled in the heart of Greater Manchester. This lovely little town has a real charm about it and, believe it or not, a surprising connection to our dear friend, the pink tutu! 💖

As I always say, the tutu is truly the great equaliser - a magical garment that transcends ages, social classes, and even geographic borders! But more on that later, dear readers!

Now, Prestwich, oh Prestwich, what can I say about you? You're a little slice of England that makes my heart flutter. Your Victorian architecture, your friendly locals, and your cosy, independent shops - it's like stepping back in time but with all the modern-day amenities we love.

You know me, love, I adore exploring! Getting to Prestwich wasn't a challenge at all. I embraced the train journey with all the glamour it deserved, arriving in my glorious, cherry-pink dress and, of course, my shimmering, hot-pink tutu! After all, you never know who you might inspire on the train journey. I love to bring a little bit of sparkle wherever I go, even if it’s on a slightly overcast Manchester day. The other passengers smiled and seemed a little less grumpy, so I think I accomplished my mission. 😁

But now let’s talk Prestwich! I have to say, darling, this place knows how to embrace colour, and what’s better for a girly-girl like me than a whole afternoon of colourful fabric shopping! I mean, it's no secret I love me a good dress and a good old-fashioned tutu. It just gets my creative juices flowing and, if it flows, it sparkles, and it’s pink! And in Prestwich, my dear, the shops really did delight! From vibrant printed fabrics and luscious lace to the most decadent embroidery - it was a sensory overload of fabulousness.

You know me, love, when it comes to finding inspiration, I never let anything pass me by. So of course, after all that retail therapy, I decided to explore further. Prestwich certainly had more surprises up its sleeve - a hidden gem that’s quite frankly not so hidden any more.

The Prestwich Arts Festival. Yes, you heard that right, darling! What’s even better, they were hosting a special "tutu-themed" performance! I'll never forget how my eyes widened as I strolled into the auditorium. 😲 I felt like I'd stepped into a wonderland of swirling colours, dancing silhouettes, and...oh, my goodness, you will never guess!

Pink tutus! 🩰💖 A sea of pink tutus, each one unique and dazzling. My heart simply burst with joy. It was truly breathtaking to see so many people embracing the tutu spirit, with their creative interpretations, each more flamboyant and fantastic than the last! You’re never going to believe it, I think I saw at least a dozen shades of pink! 💖

I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, I mean Alex, simply had to get involved! This girl can't help but want to dance with all those tutus and sparkle a little herself! It didn’t take much convincing before I found myself at the centre of the stage. It was a bit scary at first, you know. I mean, there were hundreds of people in the audience. I did my trademark hair flip and shimmy! Everyone was smiling and clapping.

You know what, darling, I didn't even need to take to the stage to get involved! You see, one of the performers in the tutu show, he looked lost and worried. His tutu wasn’t the right shade, and it looked too much like a generic pink instead of one of those fantastic vibrant pinks that my friends would wear.

I had to intervene. You can never have too many colours or shades of pink in a tutu show. So, using all my creative genius, I improvised! Using the most incredible pink fabric I bought from one of those stores we were talking about. Now, here’s the best bit. The fabric wasn't just any pink, love. No, this was a truly fabulous fabric with metallic threads, and I made a makeshift pink tutu, using only a needle, thread, and a couple of pins! The audience gasped, it was magic. The show continued, with a new spark, an exciting, dazzling splash of vibrancy. 💖

They weren't wrong, love! You know me, a splash of pink, a good pink fabric, and it’s all fabulous. The performance ended, with rapturous applause. My heart was brimming with joy - a beautiful blend of happiness, glitter, and all shades of pink.

That evening, I decided to head over to the Prestwich Library for an event celebrating ballet and the works of Tchaikovsky. You know how much I love ballet, love, and the majestic composer. I sat down in the plush red armchair and a friendly elderly lady came over. It’s amazing how many of us ladies love to talk! This kind soul was a dance instructor many moons ago. She knew what I meant when I was going on about pinks. This wonderful lady even remembered a time when her pupils danced to Swan Lake in Pink, pink everywhere!

That got me thinking, why do we always assume ballets and ballerinas should be dressed in white? Pink has to be the best color for a tutu! A true ballet star like myself could not dream of wearing anything but pink, not when there’s such an array of colors and shades available. From bubblegum to hot pink to blush pink, the color spectrum is literally endless, dear. It can even reflect your mood. If you’re in a sassy mood, hot pink. Feeling delicate? That lovely dusty rose will suit. Feeling a bit sparkly and bold, I mean, why not that metallic pink? There are no limitations in the pink world, you know! 💖

Prestwich, oh Prestwich, you were the perfect mix of creativity, community, and colourful spirit! And yes, even you managed to surprise me! Who knew I would learn a ballet history lesson in a library from the friendliest elderly woman who made a very important point.

I can't wait for my next adventure. But hey, there's no place like home, and Derbyshire is calling! So I’m saying "ciao" to Prestwich. But I’ll be back soon. After all, pink and Prestwich go hand-in-hand. It’s time for me to make my grand return and hopefully get back to the laboratory and design a fabric even more amazing than that hot pink fabric we all just saw.

Remember, darling, it’s not about a colour, but a way of living, so take a step into your pink. Until next time, and keep shining brightly.

Stay fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-01 stars in Prestwich