Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-08 stars in Northolt

Northolt, Oh Northolt!

Blog Post #739

Oh darlings, you won’t believe where I ended up last night! The most magical of places, nestled in the heart of…wait for it…Northolt! Yes, my loves, I took a little trip up north, and let me tell you, the northern charm and friendly faces just make you feel right at home, don’t you agree?

You see, my darling, a little birdy told me about a local fair happening in Northolt, and I simply couldn’t resist. They had a stage, a mic, and a yearning for some Pink Tutu Sparkle magic, oh yes! Now, when a queen hears “stage” and “mic,” it’s like a siren’s call! It’s my duty to spread joy and shimmer wherever I go, and Northolt seemed like the perfect place to add a little sparkle to their lives!

But before we get into the fabulousness of the Northolt Fair, I must confess, my journey there was an adventure in itself. Oh, darling, did you know the trains in this part of the world are utterly delightful? A lovely lady, bless her heart, was kind enough to offer me her seat. Turns out, she had seen me perform in my local Derbyshire theatre a few weeks ago. It just goes to show that even in the most unexpected places, a girl can make a lasting impression. Oh, the thrill! She loved the shimmer, the dance, the message! And we chatted about her own love for ballet, and wouldn't you know, she had the most wonderful collection of vintage tutu fabric! Just think, a tutu fabric swap, I might be creating a new pink ensemble tonight!

Once I arrived in Northolt, the town just embraced me. The air was alive with laughter, the aroma of sizzling sausages and the gentle strains of a polka band. Everyone seemed so happy and full of life, even the pigeons, darling! Now, a little tidbit for you lovelies – if you’re ever in Northolt, you simply must try their famous cheese and onion pasties! I must say, my stomach was thanking me with every bite! The pastry itself, the onion, the cheese…perfection. It made the journey a joy. It just put me in the perfect mood for my evening performance, didn't it darling?

So, on with the show! After I enjoyed a cuppa and a delightful piece of apple crumble with a cheeky ice cream on top, my moment finally came! And let me tell you, the Northolt Fair was ready for Pink Tutu Sparkle! The crowds were lively, the stage was set, and my glitter was ready to shine! You’d think the whole town knew I was coming, the energy was electric, my dear. They cheered, they gasped, they laughed! I started with a gentle number, "The Pink Tutu Waltz" , a little ode to the elegance of classical ballet. Of course, I wore my favourite dusty rose tutu, the one that my granny made me! She is still a wonderful seamstress, you know. We always do a "pink tutu swap". The lady loves making tutus for me and I give her lots of pink and purple things to go with her outfits. She loves my colourful clothing! And darling, that waltz was a true crowd pleaser, oh the tears they shed! Some said it reminded them of a loved one who’d passed. I felt that warmth and connection with every flutter of the tutu. Oh, darling, you don’t understand. It was magical!

For my second act, I had planned to take a “pink-tastic” journey through the years, so I started off in a dazzling vintage red velvet dress, full of ruffles, but that darling wasn't good for a proper shimmy so I whipped it off mid song. I mean darling, a queen's got to do what a queen's got to do, right? Suddenly there I was in my bright pink polka-dotted jumpsuit, singing a jaunty, slightly cheeky ditty I learned from a London street performer a few months back.

The Northoltians absolutely adored it, and after a lively round of “Pink Tutu Dance”, where I taught everyone how to shimmy and shake with a dash of playful mischief, the night was over. It was time to go back to my little pink haven in the big city and, dare I say, enjoy a relaxing bath in pink bath bombs.

Of course, my journey wasn't over yet! Before I could escape, a lovely woman walked up to me. A middle-aged lady with a heart of gold, dressed head-to-toe in vibrant colours, asked me a question I’ll never forget. With a glint in her eye and a twinkle in her smile, she asked me: "My dear, how can I possibly buy one of those magical pink tutus you wear?". Now, how could I refuse such a lovely woman, especially after she’d showered me with compliments and shared a hilarious story of her own dance lessons! I assured her that her journey to finding the perfect tutu wouldn’t be as difficult as she imagined. We ended up having a proper chinwag and I found out she is quite the budding dressmaker and has been making things to wear since she was a little girl! The pair of us are meeting up in a couple of weeks in the little Northolt market so I can give her some advice on her own little dream-dream pink tutu. She wants me to design it, she even bought me a little pot of Earl Grey tea as a thank you, my dear! The lady knows how to please a girl. She told me about a whole local community of dressmakers. How absolutely magical is that! Imagine a Pink Tutu Sparkle gathering full of wonderful talented dressmakers!

As you know my loves, I aim to spread the joy of tutus, and Northolt certainly took my mission to heart. And I tell you, what a wonderful place. My mission to inspire everyone to put on a tutu might be just a tiny little bit easier after that magical evening! My journey continues, and with each step, my belief that the world is full of Pink Tutu magic just grows! What a night it was, and if you’re reading this, dear Northolt, my heart is already yearning for the next visit! Remember my dear loves, be true to yourself and always shine!

With sparkly hugs,

Pink Tutu Sparkle.

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-08 stars in Northolt