
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-07 stars in Bicester

Bicester Belles & Pink Tutu Dreams: Post #738

Oh darling, how are you? Did you all have a wonderful week? I know I did! It was packed full of glitter, tutus, and all things pink! My last week took me to the absolutely lovely town of Bicester, Oxfordshire. Yes, Iā€™m getting all over the place now! My mission, dear readers, is to make the whole of Blighty (and maybe the world too!) pink tutu friendly! One dazzling sequin at a time. šŸ’–

My journey to Bicester began, as always, with the utmost style. I boarded the train, (can you imagine my beautiful pink tutu outfit taking the railway by storm? Pure theatrical genius!). As usual, I couldn't resist the allure of the carriage cafe for a scrumptious cream tea! There's nothing like enjoying the rolling green fields and quaint towns passing by, with a little finger sandwich and a generous amount of clotted cream! It's pure Britishness, with a touch of pink tutu fabulousness.

Speaking of Britishness, dear readers, my Bicester venture was for a right proper grand performance, right there in the middle of Bicester Market. Think stalls upon stalls of gorgeous cheeses, fluffy knitted goods, delicious smelling fudge, and me, in my Pink Tutu Sparkles glory, entertaining the crowds! They weren't just there for the fudge! The audience was fantastic - everyone in the square just lapping up the atmosphere. Little kids were in awe, mothers were tapping their feet, grandads wereā€¦ well, trying to act casual but their grins said it all! I truly do have the most fabulous audience!

You wouldnā€™t believe the lovely stories I get told! So many people come up to me saying ā€œOh, I just love your tutus! You inspire me!" Honestly, they make me cry! Itā€™s incredible the effect a little pink can have, darling. Maybe Iā€™ve found a secret recipe to spread happiness with sparkles, it's a real revelation! One elderly gentleman even said he used to dance at the Bicester Theatre Royal when it was just the Bicester Town Hall - how cute is that?! That got my pink tutu heart-fluttering ā€“ I immediately decided to look up whatā€™s going on in the Bicester area. Turns out thereā€™s a really lovely group called ā€œBicester Dance & Fitnessā€, with a focus on ballet and dance - cue the squealing! I am practically gagging for a bit of Bicester ballet - Iā€™m looking into joining! Imagine, Pink Tutu Sparkles doing a pirouette on stage! This is definitely happening! Iā€™ll keep you updated, my dear lovelies.

As always, no trip is complete without some shopping adventures. Iā€™ve never met a shop I didnā€™t love ā€“ and the Bicester boutiques definitely did not disappoint! I managed to bag myself a beautiful pastel pink satin blouse (so chic!) and a pair of shimmery, sequinned leggings that perfectly matched my pink tutu - naturally! Can you ever have too many tutus?! (Answer: NEVER!) It wouldn't be fair to spoil the surprises - some things are best discovered with a touch of pink glitter magic!

Later, I found myself drawn to a very special shop called ā€œBicester Vintageā€. You just know the vintage hunt would bring out the drag queen in me - there were such fantastic gems! And get this - a pink tulle shawl in the window display just caught my eye. I'm talking about an incredibly beautiful shade of flamingo pink ā€“ simply divine. Needless to say, it was destined to be mine. It added such a romantic and sophisticated touch to my look ā€“ and it will definitely feature in my next performance, you just wait!

After all that excitement, what could be better than enjoying the quintessential British evening - a spot of dinner, followed by a good old fashioned pint at the pub. I must tell you, the roast lamb at "The Queen's Headā€ was delicious! All that dancing around requires plenty of energy, and that roast dinner fuelled my Pink Tutu Sparkles all night!

After the pub, I enjoyed an intimate, by invitation only, Pink Tutu tea party! Imagine it - all my new friends and supporters, dressed in our most amazing pink tulle outfits, sipping on pink cocktails, indulging in some sweet pink treats, and, of course, gossiping! The Bicester Belles, if you will, making memories that will stay with me forever.

Bicester - you really made a lasting impression. From the lovely locals and the colourful stalls to the fantastic pubs and the dazzling vintage finds, Bicester, you really are a gem! My Pink Tutu Sparkles travels will forever remember your sparkle, sweetness and warmth. Thank you for letting me grace your town! And if you ever see a pink tulle flying by ā€“ that might just be me! You are now Officially on the map of pink tutus and I will be back soon for a new Bicester adventure!

This adventure has already taught me something new: everyone has their own way of expressing their own flair, individuality and creativity. My dear Bicester Belles, I see your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles. Keep being you, my darlings! I hope that you, my sweet blog readers, will follow suit and bring your own vibrant selves to your day!

Until next time my darlings, keep being glamorous, keep being you, and always remember, even when wearing pink tutus - never ever forget to spark!

Yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles (and by day, Alex - the pink tutu enthusiast!). šŸ’•

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-07 stars in Bicester