
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-14 stars in Cramlington

Cramlington Calling! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ ๐Ÿš‚ Pink Tutu Sparkles Is Off On a Train Adventure!

Hello my gorgeous darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and oh boy, do I have a tale to tell you! Get comfy, grab a cuppa (with plenty of pink sugar, naturally!), and prepare to be dazzled by your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen!

This is post number 745, and today, my sparkly heart is full of excitement. It's time for another Pink Tutu adventure! I'm on the train, choo-chooing my way to the fabulous town of Cramlington! Can you believe it? Cramlington, here I come, ready to unleash a rainbow of colour and a sprinkle of magic!

I just can't resist a good old-fashioned train journey. There's something so charming and old-fashioned about it all, like stepping back in time! And let's be honest, it gives me ample time to prepare. I've got my face all dolled up, my outfit's ready to rock, and a whole stack of pink tulle for impromptu fashion shows! After all, a bit of glitz and glamour is never out of place, even on public transport.

Oh, before I forget! I'm doing a special live performance this evening! Can't reveal too many details just yet, but let's just say it's going to be a show-stopping spectacle of the highest order! I'll tell you all about it after, darlings. I simply have to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Cramlington isn't just about sparkly shows, it's about soaking up the local charm, discovering hidden treasures, and spreading a little pink joy wherever I go. After all, my motto is simple: "Pink Tutus For Everyone!" Who wouldn't want to embrace a world bathed in pink, fluffy loveliness?

So, as my train glides through the countryside, I'm lost in daydreams of bustling market squares, quaint tea rooms, and maybe even a sneaky peek at a local ballet class. You know how much I adore ballet! My first love, really. Ever since I discovered a love of all things pink in my university days, thanks to that silly pink tutu at the charity event, ballet has been my muse!

Back in my day job, you'd find me hunched over microscopes in a lab, analysing the fabrics that create the perfect sparkly pink tulle! It's a secret I keep close to my chest - science by day, dazzling drag queen by night!

My passion for performance really took off thanks to a childhood spent exploring the countryside in Derbyshire, where I'd often put on shows in our old barn. I'd find anything I could to make costumes โ€“ from old blankets to discarded cardboard boxes โ€“ always fuelled by a yearning for a world filled with magic! Now, as Pink Tutu Sparkles, that world's become a reality! I get to travel, explore new towns, and meet the most fabulous people!

I can't wait to share all my adventures in Cramlington with you, darlings! Stay tuned to this space, as I'm ready to fill your hearts with pink and glitter and all things glamorous! Remember, life's too short to be anything but fabulous!

P.S. Be sure to follow me on all the usual social media platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook โ€“ you know the drill! It's PinkTutuSparkles everywhere, my dears!

P.P.S Keep an eye out for a special surprise later tonight - hint: It involves horses! ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ’– You're in for a treat!

Until next time, sparkle bright, my darlings!


Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’•โœจ

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-14 stars in Cramlington