Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-13 stars in Kendal

Kendal Calling!

Post #744 - Pink-Tutu.com

Darlings! Oh, darling! Oh my gosh! How’s it hanging, you gorgeous things? Pink Tutu Sparkles does a shimmy in a giant, bright pink, sparkly tutu. It’s me, your fave drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Right now I’m basking in the afterglow of a magical trip to Kendal, a truly enchanting town in Cumbria, perched amidst the stunning Lake District. And let me tell you, dearies, the vibe was divine! I’ve never seen so many fabulously dressed people in my life – just like they'd walked out of my Pinterest boards! And the food, oh the food! Cumbria is definitely a foodies' paradise!

You know I love a good travelogue, right? So hold onto your stilettos, this is going to be a pink tutu-licious ride through the Cumbrian hills.

It all started with a gig - yep, your favourite queen got the call to bring my magic to the Kendal Food and Drink Festival. This festival, darlings, wasn't just about munching on delicious snacks, it was an explosion of culinary creativity! Imagine a massive fairground filled with stalls showcasing the best of Cumbrian produce and, of course, some amazing food stalls serving up everything from succulent lamb skewers to gooey, melt-in-your-mouth artisan cheeses. Did I mention I even spotted a handmade soap stall that smelt like a fairy had created it!

Let’s be real, darling, my main focus wasn’t just on the food. It was also on, naturally, fabulous fashion! I spied the most glorious array of colour and pattern in this beautiful town, so much inspiration for my next wardrobe haul! But that’s not even the best bit – I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, was in my element amongst so many passionate and creative people. This festival had a real ‘you do you’ vibe and you can always count on your Queen to rock it!

My stage was a tiny, but vibrant, corner of the festival. And trust me, dearies, I brought the drama! The crowd were such sweethearts - full of energy and enthusiasm for a flamboyant show - so I put on my sparkly tutu, some bright pink platform boots, a feather boa that practically reached the stage, and well, let's just say I had the whole place bopping! I even taught some of the children in the audience how to ‘tutu twirl’. Don’t worry darlings, nobody got hurt!

After my act, I, err, Alex - that’s my real name, darlings - had to put the glamorous frock aside and help my trusty crew pack up. We all hopped on the train to Windermere and oh my gosh, I could have stayed there all day! It was breathtaking. Imagine crystalline lakes sparkling under a clear sky, snow-capped mountains touching the clouds, lush green hillsides rolling like velvet. It’s not hard to see why it’s the Lake District.

The locals in Windermere were equally wonderful. Everyone was so kind and welcoming. They reminded me of home in Derbyshire – full of warmth, wit and an infectious good humour. Even the shopkeeper, a friendly old gentleman who must be pushing 80, helped me get my tutu out of the shop window display. Turns out he has a penchant for all things pink, bless him.

Naturally, I had to embrace the culture. This included a little taste of Lakeland’s finest (and I mean fine – with a big helping of cream). The next day, after I had caught a breath, I popped along to a local ballet school. I always find it exciting to experience a new ballet studio and maybe borrow some ideas for my stage performance. Well, this place in Windermere was just lovely! Imagine the smell of wood polish and a giant chandelier reflecting shimmering lights on the dancers' pirouettes. It was all so graceful, delicate and inspiring! The class ended with everyone taking a bow. Now, it's not often I get a bow, let me tell you, but these ladies loved my sparkly pink tutu and encouraged me to have a go at the barre. It was such an experience!

Before you go thinking I was lost in my dance dreams, I wasn’t. This is the queen of all queens, after all, so you can bet I knew where the nearest vintage clothes shop was. You know, because my collection can never be complete! You can never have too many tutus, darling!

While I’m in Cumbria, I had to treat myself to a ‘Toffee Wonderland’ I mean, with toffee apples as big as your head, what more could a girl ask for?! It’s always so much fun when the food looks almost as good as it tastes! The apple shop was tucked away in a little corner and smelt divine! But don't be fooled by the old-fashioned setting, darling - there's nothing ordinary about their creations. Every toffee apple is crafted with passion, dipped in rich chocolate and adorned with delightful toppings like nuts, sprinkles and even tiny edible flowers. This is one queen that knows how to appreciate a quality toffee apple and let me tell you, it lived up to its name. Toffee Wonderland, I mean, seriously?! Perfect.

Let me just say darlings this trip was beyond incredible. Kendal and Windermere made a big splash on my pink-tutu-filled memory bank. The scenery, the people, the fashion and the food, well let's just say that my little pink-tutu-wearing self had an absolute blast and the best time ever. You should totally add it to your travel wish list. And who knows, maybe, just maybe, you'll find yourself swept up in the magical allure of Kendal’s food and drink festival, too.

Don't forget, darling, every single day I’ll be blogging my heart out about my travel adventures at www.pink-tutu.com, sharing all the sparkly gossip and fashionable inspiration from the places I go.

And before I head off to a delicious slice of birthday cake, a reminder for you all to follow my lead! Be bold! Be bold! Be fabulous! Be yourself! Because that's what really matters in life. And don't forget to rock that pink tutu! Until next time!

Pink Tutu Sparkles kisses you and throws glitter confetti in your direction.


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. This queen's already planning her next trip. But where will my tutu adventures take me next, darling? You'll just have to wait and see!

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-13 stars in Kendal