Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-17 stars in Hanwell

Hanwell Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles’ 748th Adventure (and a Fashion Emergency!)

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink-loving, tutu-toting drag queen is back, this time bringing you the glitz and glamour of Hanwell! This week, darling, we’re talking pink tutus, the thrill of travel, and a dash of... well, a very serious fashion crisis!

Remember that amazing pink tulle confection I just had to buy at that fancy London department store? The one that took about 12 spins to fully unpack? Sadly, dear readers, it seems fate, or perhaps the shipping company, had other plans for this perfect princess outfit.

Let’s backtrack a bit. You see, I woke up yesterday with the most divine feeling: I'm off to Hanwell! The call of the railway line, the chance to see the beauty of suburban life… and, of course, the potential for an amazing new stage in my Tutu Queen adventure! The excitement was real! I’ve always been partial to a good train journey, there’s something magical about watching the world flash past as you whizz by, and frankly, who doesn’t love the luxurious feel of a first-class carriage? (The extra leg room, the complimentary champagne... it’s practically a moving salon!)

This time, darling, I’d be venturing beyond London's famous tube network, stepping into the heart of Hanwell, which I heard boasts a charming village atmosphere, charming pubs, and a plethora of amazing bakeries – my perfect combination of town and country! I was ready to let my Pink Tutu Sparkles flag fly, from the platforms of Paddington Station to the cobblestone streets of this exciting new locale!

But before we dive into the drama (it's a dramatic affair, trust me), let’s get to the root of the Tutu Queen’s quest. Why, you might ask, am I dragging myself (quite literally, sometimes!), across the country, armed with glitter and a desire to fill every venue with twirling, shimmering, pink glory? Because, dear reader, my mission is simple, yet oh-so-divine: to bring joy to the world, one pink tutu at a time!

From the first moment I slipped on a tutu in uni, during that fundraising event for the drama society (I actually wore it on top of my jeans, bless my daring!), I was captivated. My journey as Pink Tutu Sparkles, and as the self-proclaimed Tutu Queen, is a love letter to the beauty, elegance, and playful spirit of these fluffy little beauties. My goal is not just to spread awareness of tutus, darling, but to inspire confidence and to encourage people to embrace their inner sparkle!

So, back to Hanwell… my fashion nightmare was starting to feel a little real as the train journey sped along. Remember that beautiful, full pink tutu, with its layers and layers of the most amazing tulle? You know the one I’m talking about, the one I saw in a window, my eyes filled with glitter and my heart with desire? I knew it was destined to grace a Hanwell stage, even if it meant traveling the whole damn distance in a hot and stuffy carriage, because dear readers, that’s just what Tutu Queen does! But… where was it?! I’d unpacked every single thing in my case, but the dream tutu was nowhere to be found. And don’t even get me started on the frantic search, which led to an unholy mess of fabric, and feathers... oh dear… feathers.

The closer I got to Hanwell, the worse it became, darling. My stage-wear disaster! Not a single pink tutu for the entire trip, which of course made the panic start to escalate. It’s true, this journey had been a dream come true… until this!

Luckily, a bright light came my way! A sign for a vintage shop caught my eye. 'Vintage, Unique and Quirky', it declared, followed by an array of fabulous colours and interesting objects displayed in the window. This, darling, felt like fate! It seemed this journey was testing me – but my inner Tutu Queen wouldn’t be defeated so easily!

And wouldn't you know it? It turned out to be a glorious little treasure trove, with dusty delights piled high, promising a fashion adventure of a lifetime! But… the vintage store had absolutely nothing resembling a pink tutu. So… that meant a sprint to the Hanwell market, right before my performance. It wasn't exactly what I'd planned but... it added to the fun of the whole event.

And, you know, sometimes the unexpected things make the best adventures! Even if, in this case, they do involve rushing around a market with 2 minutes to spare, frantically looking for a pink tutu amongst stalls of vintage postcards and handmade candles. But that’s life, darlings – unpredictable, wonderful, and a little bit bonkers! I always tell people, when you wear a pink tutu, anything can happen!

Now, back to the heart of my Hanwell adventures. With the perfect (slightly wrinkled but still pretty) vintage tutu finally in my possession, it was time for the main event! My show was about to start, and Hanwell was ready to see the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles! I stepped on stage, surrounded by laughter, joy and cheers, and even though the panic was still buzzing in my brain, it didn't matter. This is the beauty of a pink tutu, darlings: it can carry you through anything, making even the wildest moments just a little bit sparkly.

After my show, it was time for the ultimate Hanwell treat! I joined a local ballet class – that's right, darling, even Tutu Queen needs to stay in practice! This is not just about pirouette and arabesque, but also a chance to mingle with lovely souls and learn something new. Of course, being the most pink-tutu-clad person in the room felt quite fabulous! I was in my element! The gentle instructor was a gem, giving me some good advice, even as my pointe work required a fair bit of... adjustment. I managed a few perfect poses – at least until the other dancers noticed, and I had to take a very pink and glittery, fall! It happened to be in a moment of deep reflection – right in front of the wall mirrors, of course, with a dozen onlookers staring in silent amusement – what else could you expect?! I didn’t let a little accident get me down.

From there, we made our way to one of the famous bakeries that everyone was talking about! And, let me tell you, darlings, the pastries and cakes were worthy of a queen’s attention – which is exactly how they were served – on a plate with beautiful little rose petals and sparkling jewels. Oh! And of course I had a hot chocolate with a huge dollop of whipped cream (because what else could you ask for on a trip like this!)

I’d have stayed there forever, but my time in Hanwell was coming to an end. After my glorious dessert and a trip to the pub (it was lovely! a real Hanwell gem!), I hopped back on the train, knowing I had already found a new favourite town. This wasn’t just another trip. This was my mission! Tutu Queen's message of fun, laughter, and spreading sparkle has reached the charming streets of Hanwell. And, let’s face it, it doesn’t get much more satisfying than that!

So, there you have it! My journey to Hanwell, complete with the most unexpected of wardrobe crises and an explosion of colour. If there’s anything I’ve learned on this journey, it's that every new destination, every new adventure brings something beautiful, even when things feel a little chaotic. Don’t be afraid of the unplanned detour, darlings! Embrace it. Go ahead, get a little glittery, dance through your challenges and, most importantly, let your Tutu Queen spirit shine!

Stay sparkly, Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex)


#TutuQueen on 2002-01-17 stars in Hanwell