Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-18 stars in Frome

Frome Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the West Country!

Post #749

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu wearing princess, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another sparkly blog post, this time fresh from the cobbled streets and quaint charm of Frome!

It's always exciting setting off on a new adventure, and this trip had me buzzing like a bee in a blooming rose garden! You know me, I love a bit of train travel, and the journey down to Frome was no exception. It felt so quintessentially British with the rolling hills whizzing by and the sunshine streaming through the windows. Perfect for whipping out my knitting and catching up on a little novel. Yes, I’m a very classy traveller, unlike some… (whispers)… cough, coughahem… those who get on the train with a huge handbag stuffed with random, suspiciously sticky objects… (shifty eyes). But, hey, we’ll leave that for another day… tuts, adjusts sparkling tiara.

Oh, my goodness! Frome! What a delight! Everything was just so pretty! The gorgeous stone buildings, the quirky shops overflowing with hidden treasures, and the sweet scent of fresh-baked bread filling the air - it truly was a sensory feast.

You know I’ve got a weakness for pretty things, so imagine my absolute joy at discovering a vintage shop filled to the brim with fabulous fashion finds! My eyes practically popped out of my head! I practically waltzed through the aisles, humming to myself and swooning over every velvet jacket and silky dress. Now, I just need a reason to buy it all!

That evening, my little heart was fluttering with excitement. It was performance night! I was performing at a small, intimate venue, tucked away in the heart of town. It’s always a joy performing for smaller crowds because you can really connect with everyone! The energy was so electrifying, and I felt a surge of joy as the audience was swept away by my Sparkles energy.

The applause afterwards was heavenly, and it reminded me why I do this: To bring a bit of sparkle and joy into everyone’s lives!

The next morning, after a rather decadent breakfast at a café with the cutest pastel-pink awning you’ve ever seen, I headed over to a local market. There was something about Frome that felt so authentic, and the market just exuded that wholesome vibe. Fresh produce, handcrafted jewellery, and quirky, independent businesses – it was like stepping into a vintage postcard!

And naturally, I couldn't leave Frome without popping into a ballet studio. It's a must-do for me wherever I go. You see, darling, tutus aren’t just for performances – they’re for life! Ballet classes, you know, keep my legs nice and long for those fabulous moves on stage. Plus, I can never say no to an opportunity to twirl in a gorgeous tutu. Who knew a scientist like me could be so addicted to pink tulle?!

Speaking of tutus, remember my little dream to get everyone wearing a pink tutu? Well, it turns out a couple of locals took my message to heart! While browsing the vintage shop, I spied a little girl wearing a pink tutu, which sparked such pure, genuine joy! This just confirms my mission - I just need to keep on sparkling and spreading that joy, one pink tutu at a time.

Oh, and another Frome delight - a quaint, hidden little alleyway decorated with beautiful street art. It felt like stepping into a fairy tale! The vibrant colours, whimsical characters, and playful patterns – I was completely captivated.

And as my Frome adventures came to a close, I found myself thinking how much I loved this charming, friendly town. I mean, it just sparkles like a gemstone. Frome is the kind of place that lingers in your memory long after you leave. It’s got that undeniable magic that reminds you to embrace the little joys and beautiful moments that make life so grand!

But enough about me and my latest trip, darlings. I’m off to the salon to get my roots done, as my pink is looking a little faded… You see, my dear friends, staying sparkly means staying well-maintained!

But before I go, I have a question for you. What’s your favourite town to visit and why? Share your thoughts and travel tales in the comments below!

Until next time, my lovely lot! Stay pink, stay fabulous, and don’t forget to twirl!

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

P.S. If you want to see more pics of my travels (and me in my pink tutus, of course!), be sure to check out my Instagram @PinkTutuSparkles!

P.P.S Have you taken the pink tutu challenge? What are you waiting for, darlings? Share a photo of yourself wearing a pink tutu (however ridiculous it might seem) on social media with the hashtag #PinkTutuRevolution and tag me, @PinkTutuSparkles. Let's create a kaleidoscope of pink joy across the globe!

The Sparkly Scientist’s Backstory:

Here's a little glimpse into the real person behind the pink tulle, the extraordinary Alex:

I’m Alex. It may sound mundane, but Alex is my real name, not Pink Tutu Sparkles which, you may or may not have guessed, is my alter-ego as a drag artist. During the day, I work in a lab, a world far from shimmering lights and sequinned costumes. I analyze fabrics for durability, using complex techniques and intricate machinery - far from a sparkly tutu world. Alex is a serious, analytical person. I analyse fabrics, chemical properties and complex graphs and tables for a living. I even use spreadsheets - that's how hardcore I am! Yet, there's a certain charm to it, like discovering a secret, sparkling truth.

But when the evening rolls around, Alex morphs into Pink Tutu Sparkles, a fabulous and utterly outrageous persona. The science brain takes a back seat to an overflowing desire to sparkle, bring joy to those around me and, yes, make every day just a little bit extra!

My love affair with tutus, I confess, started quite unexpectedly. While studying science at the University of Derby (go, Rams!), I was involved in the university’s ballet club - you know, just for the social element! I was never much of a dancer myself - more like a gazelle in a china shop - but that didn't stop me from embracing the opportunity to be a part of it all. And then it happened… I was involved in a fundraising event where I donned a fluffy, vibrant pink tutu for the first time. And it was love at first sight.

At that moment, a spark ignited within me – the pink spark that started the fire which now, I realize, is Pink Tutu Sparkles. And so began the most spectacular, fabulous, and most pink journey I could have ever imagined.

There’s nothing quite like the sheer delight of slipping into a sparkling, pink tutu! It's like wearing a magical shield, an aura that transforms even the most everyday moments into something extraordinary. But beyond the glitter and the fabulousness, my journey as Pink Tutu Sparkles has brought a new meaning to the word 'performance'. It's not just about costumes, make-up, and elaborate dance routines; It’s about expression, confidence, and the powerful ability to connect with people through music, movement, and a healthy dose of pink!

My life, dear friends, is a magical tapestry of science, sparkly tutus, and a relentless pursuit of joy.

What's yours like? Share with me in the comments, I’m all ears… er, sequins.

Until next time, keep twirling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Pink Tutu Sparkles: Behind the Curtain

Why did I choose to become Pink Tutu Sparkles? It was a combination of wanting to express my flamboyant personality, a desire to entertain others, and the desire to live out a love for tutus! It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, though - being a drag artist also allows me to connect with a diverse group of people and make a difference. I feel it's crucial to champion inclusion and love for individuality - especially for those who haven’t had the opportunity to embrace their own uniqueness!

*Do you ever face any challenges being a drag artist? *

Of course! One of the biggest ones is juggling the day job and my nightly escapades. It’s tough keeping two separate worlds balanced, but it’s all part of the magic! Another challenge is accepting criticism with grace and humor. You have to remember, not everyone understands or accepts the art form.

How did you make the move from science lab to stage?

It was a gradual process, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Starting off small in pubs and local bars was incredibly liberating and helped me find my unique voice as a drag artist. But remember, I'm still Alex, just with some more glitz and glamour. My scientific mind helps me analyze performance trends, refine my stage presence, and find those special "wow" factors in every act.

*Do you have a message for anyone aspiring to be a drag artist? *

Go for it! If you’re passionate and ready to embrace a world of sparkly surprises, then let your inner queen shine. Take inspiration from those who have paved the way, practice hard, and above all, always wear your pink tutu with confidence and a generous sprinkling of love!

#TutuQueen on 2002-01-18 stars in Frome