Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-19 stars in Manchester

Manchester, Manchester, It's Magic! (Post 781)

Oh, darling, you wouldn't BELIEVE what happened to me last night! Manchester, my loves, you truly are the shining star of the North! From the moment I stepped off that beautiful, sleek train (and let me tell you, nothing beats a first-class carriage with a little bubbly, does it?) I knew this city was going to be pure magic!

I’m Pink Tutu Sparkles, by the way, but you can call me Pink. You can also call me a dreamer, but who isn’t in this crazy life, right? I'm a scientist by day, and a glittery, twirly, pink tutu-wearing drag artist by night. And it's all thanks to my favourite little pink tutu, the one I first wore way back in uni at the charity event. You see, I was a science student – think lab coats, goggles, beakers, and… tutus? Okay, maybe that last bit was a bit of a stretch back then. But something clicked in that little tutu, a spark of pink magic ignited in my heart! My pink tutu and I, we're now a pair that's set out to sprinkle a bit of shimmery joy across the world.

So, where were we? Oh yes! My adventures in Manchester. As soon as I reached my hotel, I practically did a pirouette onto the bed, I was so excited! And after a quick freshen-up and a change into the MOST fabulous pink tutu ensemble (I couldn't resist, darling! My outfit was just calling to me, in a "Wear me to the Grand Canal Theatre, Pink!" kind of way.), I sashayed my way to the iconic Grand Canal Theatre.

Now, don’t judge my fashion sense, you lovely lot! There was definitely a good bit of tulle involved, paired with some exquisite crystal-embellished shoes – gotta be comfortable in this life! The perfect pink shoes for the most fantastic, theatrical evening of my life!

I had the pleasure of seeing the most divine production of Swan Lake – the grace of the ballerinas, the majesty of the music, it was sheer, breathtaking magic. All I could think of was how I'd absolutely LOVE to do my own ballet-themed act! It’d be just fabulous, like something right out of a fairy tale, with a dash of sparkles and lots and lots of tulle!

Oh, and the best part? Manchester really knows how to do food, you lot! I indulged in a rather delectable roast chicken and all the trimmings (you simply must try the mashed potatoes!) followed by the most decadent chocolate brownie and a generous glass of pink champagne, just for a little extra sparkle!

But the best part of this trip was meeting all of YOU lovely souls. Honestly, Manchester, you are a city full of kind hearts, warm smiles, and boundless love. Each and every one of you who came to see my show, you truly filled me with so much joy, I nearly burst with pink glitter!

My act in Manchester was nothing short of magical. Picture it: The stage, bathed in a wash of pink light, me in my most glorious pink tutu, shimmering with all my fabulousness, spinning, twirling, performing for a room of joyful faces – I’ll never forget it, my darlings! You know, after all my performances, the best part is the cheering. Every last bit of energy I’ve got in me just gets amplified tenfold by the people who've come to see the show. It’s simply magical, that feeling. The connection, the sharing, the smiles!

This entire experience has been like a beautifully spun dream – I could hardly believe that I'd actually been able to afford the journey from my home in Derbyshire by horse. Yes, you read right! Horse! It was quite a magical adventure – it took longer than the train, of course, but the beautiful views of the Derbyshire countryside were well worth it, I promise!

Manchester, you have a special place in my heart, you know. You were a shining pink star that ignited even more sparkly inspiration within me. I truly hope to return soon and bring all my glittery love back to your lovely city!

Now, if you'll excuse me, my dears, I’ve got to start dreaming up my next fantastic pink tutu ensemble for the next exciting adventure. Who knows where this pink journey will lead next? One thing's for sure though – no matter where I go, there’s always going to be a touch of sparkle, a twirl of a tutu, and a whole lot of pink love wherever I go!

*Keep shining, my lovelies! *

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles P.S. Remember, it's never too late to wear a pink tutu, darlings! The world needs more sparkle, a bit more whimsy, and a whole lot more love!

(And make sure to keep checking www.pink-tutu.com for more sparkly adventures from your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen!)

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-19 stars in Manchester