Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-11 stars in Maidstone

Maidstone, Here I Come! (Blog Post #801)

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu wearing, glitter-obsessed, drag queen extraordinaire, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! Buckle up your diamante slippers, because today we're hopping on a train (or perhaps a magnificent, neigh-ing steed!) to Maidstone! Oh, I’ve just been so excited about this trip, I could practically do a pirouette all the way there!

As you all know, I live for those glorious, tulle-tastic travel adventures. The anticipation is so delicious! And this week’s escapade promises to be one of my most fabulous yet. I’ve been invited to perform at a delightful community festival – imagine, twirling and twirling and spreading the pink-tutu love to a whole new audience!

A Journey Back to the Days of Tutu-Love

This Maidstone adventure, you see, is actually a little nostalgic for me. Before I even dared to dream of shimmering on a stage in my iconic pink tutu, I was just a plain-Jane (not that I’ve ever really been plain, darling) student at the University of Derbyshire, studying Science. (It’s a long story, but trust me, it was an awesome course, all lab coats and beakers and…ballet?)

Yup! Turns out, beneath my scientific brain was a yearning for twirling and pliés! The uni had a fantastic ballet club and one day they were having a fundraiser – charity auction, fancy dress – the whole shebang. Being the impulsive, fun-loving soul I am, I jumped right into the action and donned the first pink tutu I ever laid eyes on.

Honestly, darlings, it was like magic. I was absolutely transfixed by the way the layers of tulle floated and danced around me. Suddenly, my whole being was tingling with excitement – this, I knew, was my destiny. It was like a flash of neon pink light shone right into my soul.

From Science Lab to Sparkling Stage

Now, while I love those days back in the science lab, I think it’s safe to say, darling, that I wasn’t meant for the everyday humdrum of testing textiles, no matter how shiny and glamorous they may have been. I had to do what made my soul sing! And as it happens, that was shimmying across a stage in a perfectly crafted, tulle-tastic masterpiece of a pink tutu!

The transition from lab-coated scientist to a shimmering stage queen wasn’t always easy. There were long nights of rehearsals, perfecting my dazzling makeup and finding the right dance moves to make my pink tutus flow in just the right way. But trust me, I’d walk a hundred miles in these little glitter-covered shoes to create just a little bit of sparkling magic for the world.

The Call of the Stage and the Enchantment of Pink

But, like I was saying, darling, this trip to Maidstone has a special significance for me. This beautiful, historical town, with its charming streets and delightful cobblestone squares, is about to be overtaken by my pink-tutu army! You can be sure I'll be sharing all the adventures with you, every detail of the preparations, and every single shimmery step on stage.

This journey promises to be filled with laughter, love, and more sequins than you can imagine! Because, darling, there’s nothing quite like the joy of spreading a little glitter, a whole lot of pink, and some seriously sensational twirling to make the world a better place.

Stay tuned, darlings!

Xoxo, Pink Tutu Sparkles (That’s Alex, if you must.)

P.S. Remember, darlings, life’s too short to not be wearing a pink tutu! Even if you only dare to wear it in the privacy of your own home, just slip it on and let yourself feel the magic. It’s more than just a piece of clothing, darling – it's an attitude, a confidence booster, a reminder that you are fabulously, gorgeously, you.

P.P.S You can follow along on this adventure on www.pink-tutu.com, on Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok - find me! I’m the one in the pink tutu (duh!). And, if you ever see me on the street, feel free to say hello. You can bet I’ll be smiling!

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-11 stars in Maidstone