Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-12 stars in Paris

Paris, Je T'aime! (Blog Post #802)

Bonjour mes amours! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another Parisian adventure, and oh my darlings, it’s been a whirlwind! Buckle up, grab your favourite pink tutu (mine is, of course, the one with the fluffy pink pom-poms!), and let’s dive into my Parisian escapade.

This is my eighth time visiting the City of Lights, and each visit feels more magical than the last. Paris holds a special place in my heart, partly because my love affair with ballet started with a visit to the magnificent Opéra Garnier. Remember those early days when I was still Alex, the budding scientist from Derbyshire? The sheer grandeur of that building – the swirling staircases, the intricate gilded detailing, and the air thick with the history of countless performances – took my breath away. I knew right then that I wanted to be a part of the world of theatre and performance.

The seed of that desire, my darlings, blossomed when I stumbled across a pink tutu while volunteering at a university charity event. The moment I slipped it on, something shifted. I felt… well… like a princess, a queen, a whimsical spark of joy, ready to enchant the world! That very same day, I stumbled into the university’s ballet club, my heart beating faster with every step. I can’t even tell you how nervous I was, but as soon as I heard the graceful thrum of music and saw those talented dancers flitting about like butterflies, I was hooked! It was love at first prance, I tell you!

And thus began my journey to becoming Pink Tutu Sparkles.

But enough about the past – let's talk Paris! This trip, I decided to arrive in style. What’s more glamorous than arriving in Paris by train? I was whisked through the countryside in a sleek carriage, the rhythmic chugging a lullaby as I sipped my afternoon tea. When the Eiffel Tower poked its pointy head through the clouds, my heart soared! You see, darlings, travel for me isn’t just about getting from point A to point B. It’s a performance!

My first stop? The Champs-Élysées. I may be known for my flamboyant love of all things pink and tulle, but Paris is all about haute couture! It’s a catwalk of couture, darling, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. From the high-end boutiques on Avenue Montaigne to the independent shops showcasing Parisian creativity, every corner bursts with artistic brilliance and flamboyant designs. The only thing missing? Pink tutus! Maybe I can persuade some of these fashion icons to get a bit more… sparkly.

Next, of course, was a ballet performance at the Palais Garnier! As always, I felt an exhilarating jolt of electricity as I stepped into that beautiful, historic venue. There’s just something magical about seeing dancers transform before your very eyes, bringing tales to life through the art of movement.

Of course, a trip to Paris isn't complete without a trip to the Louvre. Did you know it holds an impressive collection of ballet shoes? Not actual shoes, but a vast library of 18th and 19th century ballet documentation. As a tutu queen, I found it fascinating! Imagine, all those tales, all that grace and beauty captured on paper.

On a whim, I stumbled into a tiny vintage clothing shop on a cobblestone side street and discovered the most wonderful vintage tutu. You wouldn't believe it, it was lavender, with a scattering of iridescent sequins! It instantly became my Parisian treasure and my new muse for a performance. The possibilities felt limitless, and I couldn't wait to create something whimsical, playful, and oh-so-Parisian.

Evenings were a flurry of delights. Whether it was sipping a glass of wine in a romantic bistro, getting lost in the charm of the Latin Quarter, or experiencing the exhilarating atmosphere of the Montmartre, every moment in Paris whispered of elegance, romance, and a love for life.

One of my favourite Parisian activities? Going for long walks along the Seine, taking in the majestic sights – the Seine River glittering like liquid diamonds, the majestic Notre Dame cathedral, the enchanting Pont Neuf bridge. It’s a truly picturesque scene that always reminds me to live in the moment and to appreciate life’s simple beauties.

But let’s be honest, darlings. The real joy of Paris comes from the little things – discovering hidden bakeries that offer divine pastries, finding independent shops that carry unique and quirky pieces, striking up conversations with charming Parisian locals in broken French. These moments are what weave the magic of a Parisian experience!

One delightful evening, while savoring a traditional French onion soup (oh, how I love that sweet, tangy flavour!), a delightful Parisian woman at the table next to me complimented my pink tutu. Turns out she was a former dancer and reminisced about her younger days! I regaled her with tales of my own ballet adventures, and before I knew it, we were exchanging anecdotes and laughter. And that's the magic of Paris, my darlings! It brings people together, fosters connection, and ignites a spark of joy in all those lucky enough to wander its streets.

Paris has been the ultimate inspiration for my newest performance! Imagine, my darlings, a medley of elegant dance moves infused with my signature sassy twist! The costumes will be divine, the music a delightful symphony of romance and playful energy, and the entire performance, well, let’s just say, you’ll be needing more than just pink tutus to catch all the glitter.

And let’s not forget the secret reason for my trip! As you know, I am on a lifelong mission to make pink tutus mainstream! So I did what any respectable pink-tutu queen would do – I visited a charming vintage tutu shop tucked away on a tiny street, overflowing with colourful, quirky, and elegant pieces. Oh, the treasures I found! A plethora of pink tutus just begging for a new home – and, with a little bit of persuasive sparkle, they might just be gracing the streets of Paris! Imagine the delight, the sparkle, the sheer magic it would unleash upon this elegant city! I even picked up a vintage black-and-pink tutu – a real Parisian masterpiece, perfect for my upcoming performance.

You can find pictures of all these amazing Parisian adventures – from my new tutus to my ballet performance outfits, my delicious food discoveries, and even some stunning views from my hotel window, on my Instagram @pinktutuspirkles. And as always, if you want to get involved, drop me a comment on my latest post or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let's sprinkle a bit of pink tutu magic into the world!

A bientôt, mes amours! Stay sparkling!

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-12 stars in Paris