Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-07 stars in Worcester

Worcester Wonderfulness: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the Midlands! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen, bringing you another dazzling blog post straight from the heart of my travels. It's a sunny Saturday morning, and I'm sipping a delightful pink lemonade (with a dash of glitter, naturally) as I type this from my very own little pink-tinted hotel room, in the wonderful city of Worcester! This is post number 828 on the www.pink-tutu.com website, so do pop over and have a browse at some of my previous fabulous escapades!

I must confess, my dear readers, that I haven't had a proper weekend off in ages! My whirlwind of a life is truly a joy, and performing all around the country, from glittering theatres to local village fetes, fills my soul with such delight. This trip to Worcester, though, is extra special. You see, I've always been a bit of a romantic at heart, and the city of Worcester has an almost fairytale quality. Just picture it: quaint cobblestone streets, charming tea rooms with dainty finger sandwiches, and the magnificent Worcester Cathedral casting a long shadow across the River Severn. I mean, come on! It's like a scene straight out of my dream ballet! 🩰

Speaking of ballets, you know I couldn't possibly resist popping down to the city's lovely theatre, The Swan Theatre. It's a charming little gem of a building with such a welcoming, friendly atmosphere, you know the sort where you feel instantly at home! It just so happened they were putting on a production of Tchaikovsky's 'The Nutcracker', and how could I resist a good dose of classic ballet, especially after travelling for all that time? Now, I may be biased, but my beloved tutus took centre stage, and I just knew they’d be the perfect costume choice for a lovely fairy! It really got my tutu-loving heart thumping.

After that wonderful ballet performance, my dear, I needed a treat! So, of course, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to indulge in a spot of afternoon tea at a charming local establishment. Picture a quintessential British scene: the aroma of freshly brewed tea swirling through the air, delectable finger sandwiches with crusty bread and the freshest of fillings, and, of course, a delicious array of pastries and scones with lashings of clotted cream. The afternoon sun streamed through the large windows, bathing the room in a golden glow. Just thinking about it makes my stomach rumble! You can't beat a traditional afternoon tea, my dears, it’s so delightfully elegant and refined, not to mention the perfect way to unwind after a busy day.

But my trip to Worcester wasn’t all about theatre and tea, you see! Oh no, I had a surprise for you all - a little pop-up performance at a bustling local market. It’s always so exciting to take my drag act to different places. The energy at a market is simply electric, and the crowds are always enthusiastic, ready to welcome a burst of pink tutu magic into their day!

Oh, I do love performing in front of new faces, those curious glances, that initial wave of apprehension as I step onto the stage, and then, the wave of cheering, clapping and whooping as I strike my opening pose! You see, I can't get enough of sharing that moment, that spark of joy and amazement, the feeling of togetherness through music and dance. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy and joyful, especially when we’re surrounded by a vibrant, curious crowd eager for a spectacle of colour and wonder!

This time, though, something extra special happened. A young girl, not more than seven, came up to me with the brightest smile and the sweetest voice, clutching her pink tutu with all her might! You see, dear readers, this was the moment I had been waiting for - my little tutu angel! Her eyes lit up, and in a tiny, shy voice she asked if I would teach her how to dance like a real pink tutu queen! You know how I felt, don't you? I was bursting with pride! The joy that came over me was palpable - the feeling that my little spark of pink tutu magic had ignited something beautiful in this sweet little soul!

Oh my dears, if there is anything that makes my heart sing more than being on stage, it's watching that magical twinkle light up in someone’s eyes when they catch a glimpse of a pink tutu. The moment you feel like you're making someone else's day, and helping them discover that magic within themselves is truly something special. And, I must admit, it really fuelled my fire and re-inspired me with that much-needed spark!

The rest of the weekend was filled with delightful discoveries - I explored the city's quaint shops and found the most fabulous vintage brooch, all decked out in sparkling crystals, naturally. I had the best time indulging in a delicious pink strawberry gelato on a warm evening, watching the sun setting over the city from a peaceful riverbank. It was all so picture perfect! It's truly incredible how even in the most ordinary of places you can find the most wonderful surprises, even a perfectly placed pink tutu!

This weekend has truly reinforced why I love doing what I do. I want everyone, absolutely everyone, to discover the magical, freeing and joyous world of the pink tutu. Whether it's a playful accessory for a summer party or a symbol of individual expression, the pink tutu is, I firmly believe, a passport to pure unadulterated happiness. So go on, join the pink tutu revolution! Show off your colourful individuality, embrace the joy, and don’t be afraid to dance!

Until next time, stay fabulous and sparkle with your own unique style! 💖✨ Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS. If you’re interested in joining me on my adventures, head over to www.pink-tutu.com for updates on where I'll be performing next. We’ll have some tea and glitter together!

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-07 stars in Worcester