Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-17 stars in Stevenage

Stevenage Sparkles: Pink Tutu Takes on the Town!

Post #838

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Sparkles! Your favourite, flamboyant, pink-obsessed, tutu-toting queen is back with another blog post, this time straight from the wonderful, bustling town of Stevenage!

Let me tell you, this town knows how to have fun! My train journey was a whirlwind of laughter, bright colours and a rather fabulous gentleman in a leopard print coat who kept mistaking me for a pop star. "Do you mind if I take a photo, love? You're absolutely fabulous!" he declared. It was all very "This is your life", if you know what I mean. Honestly, you can't move without a bit of fabulousness erupting!

Speaking of fabulousness, today’s performance is a grand one! A beautiful outdoor theatre stage, right smack bang in the heart of town. I am living for this! It’s surrounded by quaint cobbled streets and stunning medieval architecture, and it’s just screaming "Tutu Time!". I'm planning on bringing the house down with my newest routine, "A Tutu For Every Occasion". It features an eye-popping collection of tutus, from a fiery red one with swirling gold sequins that will be perfect for the finale of a medieval jousting competition to a breathtaking lavender number with iridescent flowers for a garden party, and I'm excited to share them all with you.

Getting here on the train was half the fun. I love those big comfy carriages, with the sunshine streaming through the windows and people watching. Plus, the conductor was incredibly charming, and asked for my autograph! Don’t get me wrong, darling, I’m not a diva (okay, maybe a tiny bit), but that sort of thing makes my day. He had a proper good laugh at my “Do not remove” sticker on my handbag – it’s the latest trend! (Okay, maybe I’m not totally not a diva…)

Onward, I dashed, arriving in Stevenage ready to conquer the stage. You’d never believe this but – guess what? – my dressing room was next to a magnificent vintage tea room. Divine, don’t you think? All pastel shades, dainty floral patterns, and the most delicious smells of freshly brewed Earl Grey and crumpets. Now, you know I was having myself a little afternoon tea! What else are queens like me meant to do in between rehearsals, darling? I had a delicate Earl Grey with some scrumptious sandwiches – cucumber and cream cheese of course – followed by some perfectly toasted, fluffy crumpets, smeared in honey. Absolute heaven!

Before long, it was time for showtime. I could already feel the audience’s excitement building up in the air as the light crew checked the stage and I felt my stomach flipping with excitement.

The Show Must Go On!

I was the first act, and let me tell you, it felt amazing. From the moment I walked out on stage, I felt an immediate wave of connection. The crowd were all so happy to be there and, most importantly, happy to see a pink-clad drag queen! Their cheers filled the air and I knew right away it was going to be a memorable night.

It was then, standing under those bright lights and looking out at the faces in the crowd, that I truly realised the incredible power of a pink tutu. It's not just about looking fabulous – although, let's be honest, that's a big part of it – but it's about feeling free, confident, and happy.

The set list? Let's just say there wasn't a dry eye in the house (and by dry I mean we had actual tears – my tears and my makeup). But it's these kind of special, magical nights, that remind me why I do this. It’s about bringing a little joy to people's lives and spreading the love of all things pink. And as the final notes of my song echoed into the air, I looked out at the smiling faces, some even rocking tutus of their own, and realised that my mission of making the world a more fabulous place, one tutu at a time, was taking shape.

Speaking of tutus, one particularly amazing lady approached me after my performance. She said her name was Lucy and, after she’d watched my performance, decided that she absolutely needed to buy a pink tutu, even if she wasn’t a queen. Now, if that doesn't scream “Mission Accomplished!”, I don't know what does!

But you see, this is exactly what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about – creating those special moments. Making someone laugh, helping someone find their own inner queen, or even just making their day a little bit more magical.

After my set, it was back to the vintage tea room to recharge. More delicious Earl Grey, followed by some homemade cakes. They had a wonderful carrot cake, covered in the most delicate icing. The lady running the shop – sweet as pie herself, darling! - said it was her great-grandmother's recipe and, oh my god, it was exquisite! And that’s exactly how I feel every time I visit a new place. It’s like an adventure in itself and the wonderful people and shops and things you encounter truly make each journey a whole other world.

This journey to Stevenage had me experiencing something extraordinary. And honestly? I can’t wait to see what adventure I find myself on next!

*Stay tuned for next week’s post on a secret horse riding trip and… a royal carriage… (eek!). Don't forget to keep following Pink Tutu Sparkles – after all, darling, life's too short to not embrace a bit of fabulousness! *

And remember: You are beautiful. You are brave. And you deserve a pink tutu. 😉

See you next time, my dears!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-17 stars in Stevenage