
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-16 stars in Watford

Watford Calling! A Pink Tutu Paradise

Hello my gorgeous glitterati! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, sparkly-loving, fabulous queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live fromā€¦ well, not actually live, obviously. This is blog post number 837 (did you know I started this whole pink tutu revolution on my 21st birthday?) and we're headed to the wonderful, wacky, wonderfully Watford!

For those of you who arenā€™t familiar with my backstory, hello! Iā€™m Alex, the brains (and occasional brawn) behind the shimmering spectacle of Pink Tutu Sparkles. Youā€™ll often find me frolicking about in my pink tutus (Iā€™ve got over 100, and still counting!), strutting my stuff on stage or just generally embracing the life of a fabulous drag artist. Now, how did this all begin? Well, picture a Derbyshire lad, studying for a science degree and yearning for somethingā€¦ pink! Cue dramatic music! Our Alex got swept up in the ballet club and then bam, the universe nudged me towards a charity tutu try-on, and the rest, as they say, is fabulous history!

I've been a self-proclaimed advocate for the pink tutu lifestyle since that fateful moment and you bet I make it my mission to sprinkle pink-tutu joy wherever I go! You see, for me, the tutu is more than just a garment - it's a symbol of expression, creativity, and unadulterated fun. I always get a kick out of seeing people light up when they see me. Sometimes itā€™s children pointing and giggling, sometimes itā€™s a hardened city bloke giving a hesitant thumbs-up. Itā€™s pure joy!

Now, onto this weekā€™s journey to Watford! Letā€™s face it, this town has got everything: beautiful parks, amazing shops (including a few very fine fabric shops - Iā€™m always on the lookout for the perfect pink!), bustling markets, and the perfect backdrop for a flamboyant drag artist!

My Watford adventure started, of course, with a dash of style. Thereā€™s no other way to do it. I always opt for train travel ā€“ it gives me a chance to relax and let my creativity flow. I find that travelling in the day helps with avoiding those unfortunate late-night train mishaps (ahemā€¦ story for another time) and makes for more photo-worthy journeys, too! This time, I dressed to the nines. Picture a shocking pink maxi dress adorned with sparkly sequins, a massive fuchsia-pink bow in my hair, and, naturally, the piĆØce de rĆ©sistance - a tutu as vibrant as a blooming cherry blossom, topped off with some adorable pink cat-eye glasses.

I settled into my first-class compartment, and instantly, the conversation turned toā€¦ me. No surprise, right? I love talking to people - they're just fascinated by my sparkly existence. I answered questions, dispensed advice (you'd be surprised how many folks want tips on what kind of pink to choose for a wedding!), and shared my vision of a world awash in the colour pink. "Letā€™s create a world of rainbows and glitz!" I proclaim, often to confused glances. The good kind of confused, Iā€™d like to believe!

Reaching Watford was a magical moment! The stationā€™s vibrant, charming, and totally in my wheelhouse, so much so I spent about an hour taking pictures for my #PinkTutuTraveller social media! And my goodness, the shops! Thereā€™s everything imaginable, all of them beckoning me with their sparkly displays. I couldn't resist picking up a pink sequined beret ā€“ it's absolutely divine, paired with my fabulous fuchsia velvet bag, itā€™ll make a stunning entrance! And oh, the fabrics, I have found a new bolt of light pink tulle. Oh yes, the pink-tutu dress for the upcoming charity gala just arrived, all thanks to Watfordā€™s wonders!

No trip to Watford would be complete without an excursion to their bustling markets! There were so many delights, delicious treats and handmade treasures to discover. As you all know, my fashion sense thrives on thrift and second-hand treasures - why buy something new when you can give a preloved garment a second chance to shine, with a sprinkle of pink, of course! Itā€™s the ultimate eco-friendly style! I came across a stall with vintage clothes ā€“ perfect, I found a vintage rose-printed blouse and an outrageous pink sequined jacket that would look spectacular with my signature pink tutu, especially in a night performance!

The market was bustling with so many fabulous faces! From little ones in cute tutus to some groovy senior citizens, my pink-tutu vision was definitely gaining traction in Watford. They even had a pink-tutu-wearing baker! I think my heart just did a double pirouette.

And letā€™s not forget the fabulous food! Nothing beats a juicy Cornish pastry, dipped in a pink strawberry milkshake (with whipped cream and glitter of course). My taste buds had a literal sugar rush.

This week, I was fortunate to have my own dance-worthy performances ā€“ from a lively open-air stage show, captivating hearts and inspiring a couple of hesitant young fellas to don their own pink tutus (never underestimate a well-timed, "Youā€™ve got this! Just do it!ā€ from the queen of pink!), to a heart-warming gig in a local pub that just so happens to be celebrating 30 years of pink decor. I really outdid myself with a dynamic dance routine - my "Glitter and Glam" choreography. I really think this might be my signature. And by signature, I mean the one with my most glorious pink sequined outfit. The stage was vibrant with energy, and the entire pub erupted in cheers for the queen! They even got my pink flamingo headpiece swaying to the rhythm!

To top it all off, I spent a magical afternoon exploring Watfordā€™s enchanting park! This spot, tucked away between the busy streets, became the inspiration for my new pink-tutu routine. Think a symphony of dance, sparkling lights, and a little bit of magic. Iā€™ve already started crafting the choreography ā€“ a tribute to Watfordā€™s beauty! And of course, a couple of dance classes are always essential to hone my ballet skills, and because letā€™s face it, my motto is always ā€œalways practice, always performā€ (yes, I have a motto).

The journey is coming to an end, but the pink-tutu spirit stays with me, tucked safely in my heart and ready for its next adventure! And guess what? This time, the next one is going to be extra special! Because itā€™s one of my favorite towns, Brighton ā€“ think vibrant beach scenes, beautiful beach sunsets andā€¦ well, I can't say yet, but my upcoming blog post might reveal some of my top secret plans!

Until then, stay fabulous, stay sparkly, and embrace the world of pink. Iā€™ll see you all on the fabulous pink-tutu road.

Remember, donā€™t be shy! Tell your friends! Share my story! Get involved! Letā€™s create a pink-tutu-filled world!

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-16 stars in Watford