Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-05-12 stars in Lowestoft

Lowestoft Calling! #TutuQueen Adventures, Blog Post #863

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to Lowestoft, and oh my, what an adventure it was! I'm just buzzing from all the glitz and glam and can't wait to share every single twirl and sparkle with you lovely lot.

Now, you all know I adore a good journey, and this one was a classic #TutuQueen affair. Firstly, I knew I just had to make this trip by train. The gentle sway of the carriage, the view flitting past the window - it's a feeling that just makes me want to bust out my best pirouette, even if it's just in my mind. Plus, a train journey allows for the ultimate glamour preparation. I was busy painting my face, perfecting my lashes, and, of course, whipping out my trusty pink tulle feather boa to create a dazzling trail of colour through the carriage. It was certainly a sight to behold, even if it did cause a bit of a stir amongst the commuters!

Lowestoft was a delightful change of pace. A little bit seaside charm, a touch of historic seaside grandeur, and, of course, enough fresh air to make you feel truly alive! My performance venue, the Grand Hall, was breathtaking. I absolutely adore venues with a touch of old world glamour, and this one really tickled my fancy. They even had a chandelier made of pink, pink I tell you! I almost swooned right then and there. But I had to hold back - a girl’s got to save her swooning for the stage.

Now, this particular show was special for a couple of reasons. One, I got to perform in my most dramatic, full-length, rose pink tutu, the one that makes me feel like a princess in a fairytale! (A fabulously sparkly, fabulous pink fairytale, obviously!). Second, I managed to convince the audience to participate in a mass pink tutu flash mob. And let me tell you, seeing the whole room erupting in a cloud of fluffy pink was pure joy! My mission to get the world wearing pink tutus is slowly but surely coming to fruition. And wouldn't that be just the most magnificent thing? Imagine everyone dancing in their pink tutus, embracing joy and happiness, all because of a little Derbyshire drag queen with a love for tutus! Now that's something I'm proud to be part of.

Oh, but I'm rambling on! I mustn't forget to mention the other highlights of my Lowestoft escapade:

  • The absolutely divine fish and chips I devoured on the pier. Honestly, those crunchy chips with fluffy cod dipped in the best vinegar and salt - absolute heaven! (Don't worry, darling, I shared with the cast!).

  • I managed to sneak in a visit to the local art deco theatre, a true architectural gem. The details were stunning - think intricate plasterwork, sweeping balconies, and the most fabulous ornate stained glass windows! Of course, I couldn't resist a quick photo shoot in the foyer - that grand staircase just had to be graced with a pink tutu moment! (My fabulous photoshoot backdrop for this blog post!).

  • Now, you can’t go to Lowestoft without a seaside walk, can you? The sea breeze, the sand between your toes, the joyous cries of the seagulls, it’s just magic. I must admit I did, however, almost lose my hat to a playful gust of wind, but, thankfully, a lovely lady helped me retrieve it. I wouldn’t want to be out without my dazzling feather adorned pink cowboy hat – never without!

I even got to meet the lovely Betty, the owner of a gorgeous vintage shop crammed full of the most beautiful pink dresses, ribbons, and even a pink sequin tablecloth! You’d never believe I walked out with two pink lace handkerchiefs - it was almost too good to be true, I’d have to return and buy a few more pink beauties!

All in all, Lowestoft was a truly lovely experience. The people were kind and warm, the air was fresh and invigorating, and the atmosphere just brimmed with the energy of happy times. It was like a mini vacation within a larger vacation, with the extra special twist of performing for a joyous and energetic crowd. I can’t wait to go back! And who knows, perhaps I'll find another pink tutu enthusiast to bring on board for my Pink Tutu Army?

Keep shining, darlings! Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles, #TutuQueen xx

*Don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for more updates, fashion tips, and Pink Tutu Sparkles blog posts!*

#TutuQueen on 2002-05-12 stars in Lowestoft