Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-08 stars in Barking

Barking, Calling! - Post #890

Ooh, hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a delightful journey to the wonderful, bustling town of Barking! You know I'm a firm believer in travelling to new places, and even a little detour from my usual ballet-focused excursions can be a grand adventure. Plus, it’s a great way to spread the pink tutu gospel – you never know where the next tutu enthusiast might be hiding!

Now, my journey to Barking was, shall we say, quite theatrical. I couldn’t resist taking a delightful trip by train, arriving at Barking Station looking perfectly chic in my most recent, pink sequinned tutu. After all, darling, it's all about the dramatic entrance!

The train journey was a true joy – not just because I got to put on my most fabulous "travelling queen" face (a flick of mascara and a touch of glitter always makes me feel like a film star), but because it gave me a chance to observe the delightful tapestry of humanity. You wouldn’t believe some of the amazing fashion choices – like that woman who looked absolutely radiant in a bright purple power suit, or that man sporting a tweed jacket with a fabulous paisley pattern!

And darling, the scenery was utterly charming, all rolling fields and colourful gardens – the perfect backdrop for my own personal photoshoot with my trusty travel camera (don't worry, my darlings, you'll be seeing plenty of photos of me posing against that idyllic countryside soon! - all for my followers, of course!)

Anyway, back to Barking! This charming town had an air of history, which always excites my artistic sensibilities! I couldn't wait to see what cultural treats were in store, from grand buildings to quaint little boutiques, it just felt like a town that would hold some fabulous secrets. And of course, I needed to find a few spots to strike my signature Pink Tutu poses.

First up was a delightful vintage shop on a street filled with charming old brick buildings. You know I just adore vintage! Not only was I instantly drawn in by its alluring, antique-y charm, it’s like a giant, well-stocked treasure chest of fantastic finds. After finding a pair of stunning vintage earrings that would look divine with my "Barking Belle" look, I felt a surge of inspiration to put on a show for the local residents! But I don’t think they’ve seen anything quite like the dramatic flourishes I like to bring to my routines.

The next morning, it was off to Barking’s famous market. The stalls were piled high with everything from freshly-baked bread to exotic spices and, of course, there were some stunning flowers (who could resist a fresh bouquet of lilies, perfect for that “ballet ballerina” vibe!). It felt so energetic and alive. The energy was palpable – perfect fuel for a creative spark! Plus, everyone seemed to be having such a good time – which is absolutely essential for a day out!

As afternoon melted into evening, my inner ballet goddess began to crave some classical dance. You know how I am! I’m completely smitten with ballet! Every now and then, I like to visit places that hold a strong connection with ballet’s history or maybe even just a stunning venue. In Barking, that turned out to be the Barking Town Hall, which once housed a thriving ballroom - now a grand old building with a glorious history. You could just imagine all those elegant waltzes and spirited quadrilles taking place there!

It made me reflect on the powerful ways dance and theatre can connect us, bridging generations, languages and cultures.

Speaking of bridging the gap, don't forget to check out my blog tomorrow. We're going to explore the delights of my new favourite bakery, "The Flourish!" with its absolutely delightful pink-iced cupcakes, which inspired my own ballet-themed confectionary creations (stay tuned – I'm thinking pink icing piped into the shape of miniature tutus – divine!)

That's all for now darlings, but until next time, keep those tutu dreams alive and don't be afraid to spread a little pink sparkle!

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-08 stars in Barking