Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-09 stars in Edgware

Edgware: Where Dreams are Pink and Twirling! #891

Hello darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, ready to paint the web pink with tales of sparkle, tutus, and a whole lot of whimsy!

Today, I'm going to whisk you off to Edgware, a lovely little corner of North London. As always, the Pink Tutu Express (AKA the train, but let's be real, my train tickets have glitter on them) brought me straight to the heart of the action. I’ve gotta tell you, folks, the energy in Edgware was positively electric.

It was one of those lovely sunny days, and everyone seemed to be buzzing. It's amazing what a bit of sunshine can do for a person's mood, isn’t it? You'd think people in a big city would be jaded and grumpy but no, everyone had smiles and friendly nods to share.

Oh! Did I tell you about my outfit? Cue dramatic gasp! This is going to be my absolute go-to ensemble for all my upcoming appearances. A beautiful vintage baby pink silk satin ball gown that just screams "ballerina dreams" and a brand new pink tutu custom-made for me by the fantastic Sylvia from the Tutu Boutique. Let's just say, a certain Derbyshire scientist could barely contain herself from twirling! laughs I just love the feeling of being in a big, swishy, dreamy pink gown. I swear, it makes the whole world sparkle a bit more.

But you know, sometimes my Pink Tutu persona can get a little carried away. While strolling through the high street of Edgware, I was completely entranced by a shop window display with rows upon rows of shoes. I swear, those stilettos winked at me and it was just one big pink, glitter-filled fantasy. As you can imagine, it took every ounce of self-control to resist picking up each pair and twirling through the streets, pretending to be Audrey Hepburn, but alas, duty calls and my pink-tutu-clad heart went into full scientist mode (no time for that!).

So, what was the purpose of this little trip? Well, let’s just say it involved a delightful collaboration with some incredibly talented artists for a community arts festival! They asked me to do a bit of "Pink Tutu Magic" in front of their wonderful street audience and my answer was an enthusiastic, “Absolutely, darlings! What's the worst that could happen?". So, for the first time ever, the Queen herself, performed an impromptu little "pinkification" session in a park.

The crowd, bless their souls, took to it like ducks to water! We had little ones giggling with delight and mothers tapping their feet to the music while sipping lattes. Honestly, you couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of supporters. I had so much fun watching their faces light up!

Of course, the true test of my Pink Tutu prowess was whether or not I could convince them to twirl. And to my utter joy, I did! Now, don't get me wrong, the twirls started with the little ones first - the shy looks, the timid steps and the eventual "aha" moment when the whole park was swept up in the joyous frenzy. We were all whirling in a magical vortex of pink and glitter!

Now, if only I could convince the Mayor of Edgware to commission a life-size pink tutu statue for the town square. Wouldn’t that be glorious? Imagine all those Instagram-worthy photos!

And to cap off a fantastic day, a lovely couple even requested a little Pink Tutu performance for their wedding celebrations! Imagine this, lovebirds declaring their vows, while a certain, fabulously pink-dressed scientist did a few whimsical turns. Just darling!

The good news is, Edgware truly lived up to its name. It was a whirlwind of delightful and joyous happenings. There's no doubt in my mind: Edgware is a place where dreams are pink and twirling.

Until next time darlings, keep those tutus at the ready and remember, a pink tutu is all you need to spark some joy.

And don't forget, keep spreading the sparkle!

Yours eternally in pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-09 stars in Edgware