Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-27 stars in Folkestone

Folkestone: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes Coastal!

Hello darlings, it’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from Folkestone! Today’s post marks blog entry number 909, and it’s all about a wonderful weekend by the sea in this charming Kent town. Now, if you're reading this, then you probably know I adore the colour pink and have a serious, unwavering devotion to all things tutu. So you can imagine my excitement when a little birdy told me about the Folkestone Festival of Performing Arts! It sounded like my kind of jam – ballet, theatre, music… it was practically designed for a pink-tutu-loving gal like myself.

Taking the Train (in Style, Of Course)

As a lover of all things whimsical, I naturally chose to travel to Folkestone via the most elegant mode of transport - the train! It’s such a beautiful way to journey, especially when you dress for the occasion, right? So, picture this: a bright, sunny morning. Me, in a gorgeous fuchsia pink outfit complete with a fluffy tulle tutu, riding in style aboard a quaint steam train. There’s something truly special about the rumble and chug of an old steam engine. You feel like you're stepping into a classic film, wouldn’t you agree?

Folkestone, Oh Folkestone!

Arriving in Folkestone felt like stepping into a vintage seaside postcard. The pastel-coloured buildings, the smell of salty air, the gentle sounds of seagulls, all blended together to create this wonderful sense of nostalgia. I felt utterly charmed by the quaint atmosphere.

Folkestone Festival: Ballet and Bling

Now, the Folkestone Festival is an absolute delight! It brought together artists, dancers, and performers of all kinds, with the most beautiful performances across the weekend. I was particularly taken by the local ballet group – their costumes were absolutely divine, featuring all shades of pink, of course! It's so heartwarming to see local communities embracing the arts, isn't it?

Pink Tutu Sparkles takes the Stage

Naturally, I couldn’t resist taking the stage myself! Folkestone was such a friendly town, welcoming me with open arms (and even open stages)! I performed my usual act – a dazzling mix of glitz, glam, and graceful ballet moves (in the pinkest tutu you ever did see). The crowd loved it! They even gave me a standing ovation, which made this Pink Tutu Sparkles' heart flutter with joy.

More Than Just Tutus

Even when I’m not performing, Folkestone provided ample opportunity for a girly getaway. The quaint boutiques with their darling vintage clothing made my inner shopaholic shriek with delight. Oh, the outfits I found! A sweet floral print dress for tea at the most adorable tea room, and a vintage beaded purse to complete the look, of course. I bought so many gorgeous trinkets and gifts, not to mention an entire shelf of pink-themed candles to add a splash of colour to my humble abode back in Derbyshire.

A Delicious Foodie Adventure

Every day was a culinary adventure, especially with the lovely street food vendors at the festival. I had some delightful fish and chips while enjoying the sea view, followed by an indulgent ice cream cone from a charming little ice cream shop (I picked the raspberry sorbet, just my style!) . It’s all about finding those local gems and soaking up the vibrant atmosphere, right?

Sharing the Tutu Love

This trip was not only about my own enjoyment, but also about spreading the love of all things tutu! I took the opportunity to share my passion with the locals, handing out pink tulle ribbons to everyone I met. It was lovely to see children giggling at my silliness and grown-ups grinning as they accepted the tokens of tutu-love. Honestly, even a tiny pink ribbon can bring a smile to someone’s face, wouldn’t you agree?

The Pink Tutu Sparkles Farewell

As I hopped aboard the steam train for my return to Derbyshire, I looked back at the quaint seaside town, filled with so many lovely memories. Folkestone will forever hold a special place in my pink tutu-wearing heart! I was lucky enough to discover its charms, from the lovely seaside scenery to the fantastic art scene and the welcoming locals.

This trip was just what I needed – a chance to dance, create, inspire, and, most importantly, embrace the joy of being a flamboyant, pink-loving drag queen! Now, I’m off to pack for my next adventure! Don’t forget to stay tuned for more colourful journeys with Pink Tutu Sparkles, because you never know where a pink tutu might lead!

See you next time!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Visit my website for more daily adventures, fashion finds, and tutu inspiration at www.pink-tutu.com ! And don’t forget to wear your pink tutu with pride! Every little bit helps!

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-27 stars in Folkestone