
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-06 stars in Hampstead

Hampstead: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Blog Post #918)

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and guess what? I'm back with another fabulous blog post, this time straight from the charming streets of Hampstead! Oh, how I love this city! The cobbled streets, the quaint little shops, the feeling of history and whimsy... it's simply magical.

And it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a grand, pink tutu, of course! This one is a real showstopper, a fluffy masterpiece of pink tulle that shimmers like a thousand tiny rainbows. I got it from a delightful vintage boutique on Camden Passage, you know, just off the High Street, tucked away in a hidden corner of London. The shopkeeper, a darling man named Mr. Finch, was absolutely smitten with my love for tutus! He even gifted me a tiny pink top hat with a feather on top, to complete the look!

Speaking of looks, darling, you wouldn't believe what I saw on my journey to Hampstead! A horse-drawn carriage, gliding down the road like a vision from a fairytale! Now, I've always loved horses, their graceful elegance, their pure power... It reminds me so much of ballet, wouldn't you say? So, naturally, I had to try to flag it down for a ride. Unfortunately, the driver, a lovely gentleman with a twinkle in his eye, seemed to think I was mad for wanting to wear a pink tutu on such a grand outing! Oh, well, sometimes, you just have to embrace the absurdity, don't you?

Now, I wouldn't be Pink Tutu Sparkles without indulging in some delectable delights. And what could be more quintessentially British than a spot of afternoon tea in a gorgeous old tea shop? My choice was the Hampstead Tea Room, a delightful spot on Haverstock Hill, bursting with charm. Think delicate sandwiches, scones with clotted cream, and a pot of freshly brewed Earl Grey - simply divine! Oh, and of course, I had to wear my tiny pink top hat with my tea, just for a touch of added flair!

After a sumptuous afternoon tea, I decided to take a stroll around the Hampstead Heath. Imagine this, darlings: a vast green space right in the heart of the city! You can lose yourself in its winding pathways and hidden nooks. I even caught sight of some gorgeous peacocks, strutting their stuff, resplendent in their majestic plumage! And you know, their colours reminded me so much of my pink tutu, don't you? Such a divine, feather-tastic colour combo, wouldn't you agree?

No trip to Hampstead would be complete without a visit to the Kenwood House! It's an elegant manor house perched on top of a hill, surrounded by sprawling parkland. You could spend hours wandering its gardens, gazing at its elegant facade, or exploring its captivating history.

I'm afraid, my lovelies, I'll have to stop here. I have a very exciting ballet performance in a tiny village in Oxfordshire, a whole day trip on the train for just a one-hour performance. You know me, I'd travel the whole world to bring the magic of pink tutus to others, even if it's just one person! Itโ€™s like my mission in life, isnโ€™t it, spreading the love for the pinkest of all things and the graceful art of ballet! I have an audience of 14 people in a village hall, the performance is all for charity. And I canโ€™t wait! Oh, don't forget to visit my website, www.pink-tutu.com, and follow my daily adventures!

Until next time, darlings, stay sparkly, and remember, everyone looks fabulous in a pink tutu!

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-06 stars in Hampstead