Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-09 stars in Barnet

Barnet Bound! 🩰 Pink Tutu Sparkles' #921 Adventures

Oh darlings, did you know that July the 9th is National Pink Day?! I was just a teeny, tiny twinkle in my father's eye when that wonderful day came about, but I certainly wouldn't miss celebrating it with you lovely lot! So what better way to commemorate than by heading to Barnet, darling! I'm off on a whirlwind tour of all things tutu-licious and it's a real right royal treat!

It’s always a joyous occasion to be on the road with my fabulous self. Packing the trolleycase (or should I say, Pink-tutu-sized Suitcase) is an adventure in itself, darling. Finding those absolutely divine, twirly skirts (that just so happen to be the most perfect shade of pink, of course!) to make my tutu look ever so magnificent is always a highlight. This time, I’ve gone all out with a tulle-tastic creation in the prettiest blush pink, accessorized with a rainbow-hued feather boa that practically sings 'flamboyant' – can you believe the glorious sunshine, perfect for this sparkling colour combo?

Of course, my travel companion is always a trusty steed! The horsebox is packed with sparkly supplies, enough makeup for the whole of Barnet, and a spare pink tutu, just in case! (You never know when an unexpected spin on the dance floor might come along, you see!)

Speaking of dance, darlings, what I really am in a frothy, twirling tizzy for is my ballet class later today. I simply love my time with those wonderful dancers, feeling the music and the joy of movement. Sometimes, I feel like my true self is realised when I'm flying through the air with the grace of a pink feather - maybe it’s because I'm surrounded by such divine beings in their leotards and pointe shoes, but I truly do believe a dash of fabulous is what this world needs! And it's certainly something I always aim to bring.

Now, onto the excitement! I’m whisking myself into a delightful lunch of freshly baked cakes with some darling girls, and a cup of tea to be enjoyed in a place with the most enchanting floral wallpaper - I'm absolutely positively over the moon. You know, I think a sprinkle of magic truly can happen in the most unexpected of places, darling. You only need to open your heart and let it happen, embrace the beauty, and oh darling, wear a pink tutu, just for good measure, you know.

Then, I'm venturing to the wonderful Barnet Theatre! Imagine my absolute delight to find out that the most wonderful, glittery show, full of costumes and laughter, will be showing! It seems to be all about dreams and laughter and a bit of magical drama, and guess who'll be in the front row? Why, yours truly, of course! A dash of glitter here and there will only add to the fabulous fun, darling!

But it's not all glitter and tutus, you know. There are those moments in between where I can’t wait to discover more of Barnet. The old town with its lovely brick houses, all those little independent shops, just brimming with things I must try...oh, and the quaint pubs with their beer gardens and the lovely, delicious pies...a true taste of traditional charm! And if I have any time to spare, there’s always an inspiring walk in a park! That little touch of green certainly brings out the inner nature-lover in us all.

Now, onto the really special bit. Tonight, darling, I'm taking the stage at the local fair. A few jigs, a sprinkle of glamour and I promise you won't be disappointed! Maybe it's a bit out of the ordinary, a tutu at a local fair, but why can't something beautiful be found in the most unexpected of places, right? It's about those little moments, the unexpected sparkles in life. Just remember that I'm sharing my journey for all of you darlings, and hopefully, you'll join me in bringing a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles wherever you go!

I'll be keeping you updated every step of the way with some dazzling photos and of course, a touch of my own little sparkle. So until next time, darlings!

Love and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-09 stars in Barnet