Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-27 stars in Sutton

Sutton Sparkle: Post #939: The Tutu Queen conquers the South!

Hello, my darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today's blog is all about my fabulous adventures in Sutton! Buckle up, babes, it's gonna be a glitter bomb of fun.

Right, so picture this: a beautiful Saturday morning, a symphony of birdsong echoing through the air, and a steaming cuppa in my hands. A day like this calls for a delightful outfit, doesn't it? So I slipped into my most sparkly pink tutu (a classic, obviously) and a shimmering fuchsia top, finished off with a generous amount of pink glitter. Ready for anything!

Now, I might have mentioned that I have a thing for tutus, but have I told you how much I adore trains? Something about the chugging, the speed, the views, just makes my heart sing. This day, the call of the railway beckoned, so I packed my little tutu bag with a few essentials (lip gloss, hairspray, and a portable glitter cannon, of course!) and off I went!

The journey itself was an adventure. My seatmate was an elderly gentleman with a twinkle in his eye. He couldn't get enough of my tutu! "It reminds me of my granddaughter!" he declared, grinning ear to ear. "She loves to twirl around in her own little pink tutu." Aw, isn't that sweet?

Soon enough, I arrived in Sutton! The sun was shining, and the streets buzzed with a cheerful energy. As I stepped out of the station, a gaggle of giggling teenagers pointed at me and whispered, "Oh my god, it's her!" Honestly, I can't even imagine why! Maybe they liked my vibrant outfit? Perhaps it was my infectious energy? Whatever it was, I felt a wave of warm, fluffy feelings as I strolled towards the market square, my pink tutu catching the sunshine like a dazzling beacon.

Now, Sutton's got this gorgeous old market square, you see? The buildings are all brick and beams and cobblestones, and it’s lined with these cute little shops. I couldn’t resist poking around, of course. Found a delightful vintage clothing store brimming with lace, sequins, and fabulous hats. I snagged a sparkly pink feather boa, perfect for a special occasion, don't you think?

Next up, the biggest thrill of the day: a proper afternoon tea! Nothing like a cuppa, scones with clotted cream, and dainty sandwiches, right? Oh, and I’ve just got to mention this, they had this fantastic selection of pink finger sandwiches! The bread was lightly toasted, the filling had a delightful hint of strawberry and a delicate swirl of pink buttercream. Absolutely heavenly!

Now, you might be thinking, what about the show, Pink Tutu? What show, you ask? Oh honey, Sutton wouldn’t be Sutton without a fabulous show! See, every weekend, they have these delightful open-air performances right in the middle of the market square. It's like a free little festival, only even more sparkly and fun.

I'm always on the lookout for a good ballet show, and today was no different. Luckily for me, there was a lovely little troupe of dancers from the local ballet school showcasing their skills! They were phenomenal! Every leap, every pirouette, every graceful gesture just left me speechless. I'm pretty sure I actually teared up at one point, it was that moving!

Then came the time for me to get into character, the moment I live for - my performance! I found myself a nice, sturdy, old apple crate that became my makeshift stage. Then, I grabbed my mic and burst into a song. I mean, you have to be ready for anything, right? Luckily, my repertoire consists mostly of lively show tunes, and the crowd seemed to really dig it! You could tell the energy was electric as I bounced and twirled, the sun glinting off my pink tutu. Even the pigeon on the apple crate joined in!

You know what else happened that day? After my little show, some children, bless their hearts, came running up to me, all wide-eyed and giggling. “We love your tutu, miss!” one of them said. And another one, “Can we have a photo with you?” Of course I obliged! This is the real magic of performing – to see the light in someone's eyes, to bring a smile to their faces. It makes all the glitter and effort worth it.

You know, being Pink Tutu Sparkles has been a whirlwind. It's taught me so much about myself, about confidence, and about making the most of life. This whole journey, from that fateful day when I first tried on a pink tutu for charity to becoming the Pink Tutu Queen of Derbyshire (don't get me started on the crowning ceremony!), has been extraordinary.

The end of my Sutton adventure? You guessed it, a magical journey back on the train, a twinkling night sky overhead, and me in my favourite pink tutu, feeling content, fulfilled, and, most importantly, oh so incredibly sparkly. It truly is a joy to share these adventures with all of you! Stay fabulous, my darlings, and don't forget: put on a pink tutu, live your best life, and sparkle!

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

PS: Don't forget to check out my website www.pink-tutu.com for daily blog posts, glitter-filled tutorials, and a whole lot of pink tutus! And don't hesitate to drop a comment on today's post! Let me know your thoughts, darling! xx

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-27 stars in Sutton