Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-28 stars in Caerphilly

Caerphilly Calling: Tutu-ing My Way to a Pink Paradise! 🩰💖

Hello, darling darlings! It's your fabulous friend, Pink Tutu Sparkles, coming to you live from the enchanting town of Caerphilly! Today marks a truly special moment – blog post number 940! Can you believe it? 940 posts dedicated to all things pink, tutus, and sparkling, glittery joy. I'm so incredibly grateful to have this little corner of the internet to share my passion for all things fabulous with you!

Today, however, we're taking a break from the usual online chat, and venturing into the wonderful world of travel. As a drag queen with a heart of tulle and a passion for adventure, there's nothing I love more than discovering new places and sharing my sparkle with the world. This time, it's the medieval marvel of Caerphilly Castle that's caught my eye! I can practically feel the history swirling around me as I type this.

But before I delve into the details of this whimsical journey, let me paint a little picture of my fabulous self – Alex by day, Pink Tutu Sparkles by night. You see, I have a secret life. While I'm whipping up a symphony of colours in my lab coat, analyzing fabric fibres by day, I’m also secretly dreaming of twirling on stage, adorned in my beloved pink tutus. My life is a magical tapestry of science and sparkles, a truly delightful juxtaposition!

It all started, funnily enough, while I was studying for my science degree at a rather stuffy university. But even the most academic of minds crave a touch of fun, right? That’s where the university ballet club came in. One day, I had this crazy idea to try on a tutu for charity. The feeling, the magic, it was immediate. It was a kind of sparkly revelation! A revelation that led me to my true calling – to become Pink Tutu Sparkles, the shimmering, fabulous queen I always knew I was!

And what a queen I've become! I travel the country (mostly by train, but let's be honest, a horse-drawn carriage is always a welcome sight!) spreading the joy of pink tutus and glitter, making the world a more whimsical place one twirl at a time! But honestly, don't let my fancy attire fool you. My heart belongs to Derbyshire. That's where my roots are, that’s where I get my dose of earthy charm and down-to-earth kindness.

Back to Caerphilly though! As you can probably imagine, a medieval castle like this was simply begging for a visit. With its majestic towers, drawbridge, and sprawling grounds, it’s truly a fairytale setting! I couldn't resist the urge to grab a tutu from my suitcase and take some photos, and let me tell you, these are going straight to the gram! (Follow me @PinkTutuSparkles if you haven't already!😉).

Today, however, I wanted to experience something truly unique. So I decided to attend a local ballet class! Yes, darling, you heard that right! Now, I’ve never been afraid to embrace a bit of elegance and poise, and what better way to do so than by mastering the graceful moves of a ballerina? My dance skills might not quite be as elegant as a swan, but my enthusiasm more than made up for it.

Speaking of elegance, I couldn’t possibly resist browsing the local boutiques and vintage shops! They have such lovely clothes, especially the one with those beautiful handmade lace hats. The one with the floral brooches! You wouldn't believe the gorgeous shades of pink and blush they had in there! Honestly, it's practically impossible to find anything this fabulous at home! It was just bursting with unique finds.

Oh, and the local market! So full of delightful treats! It’s hard not to feel a sense of excitement when you’re surrounded by vibrant colours, laughter, and delicious scents, right? There was this one vendor selling hand-painted pink tutus, which I couldn’t resist. You can never have too many tutus, right?

Later, after a delightful meal at a local pub (complete with a delicious pink cocktail – let’s just say the colour coordinated flawlessly with my outfit!), I stumbled upon the most magical performance. A group of local dancers, clad in their beautiful pink tutus (you really can't escape the tutus in Caerphilly, which honestly, I'm absolutely here for!), put on a truly breathtaking ballet show. Their moves were fluid, their costumes captivating, and the entire atmosphere was magical.

I don't think I’ve ever been so enthralled by a performance! I know it's a little cliche, but there truly was magic in the air. It was as though time stopped, and I was transported to another world where the only things that mattered were music, beauty, and the sheer joy of movement.

It’s times like this, that make me grateful for the life I’ve chosen to lead. To be able to travel, explore, and share my love for everything pink and glittery, and, of course, to see the joy on people’s faces when I twirl, dance, and shimmer. It's simply pure magic!

But now, my dears, I must bid you adieu. Caerphilly is calling, and there’s a vintage dress shop nearby that's just waiting to be explored! But before I go, I leave you with this: Embrace your individuality. Be bold, be fabulous, and never, ever be afraid to wear a pink tutu!

Remember, darlings, life is a stage, and you, my dear you, are the star!

See you on the gram, and in our next blog post!

Pinkly yours,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-28 stars in Caerphilly