Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-09-03 stars in Spalding

Spalding: Whizzing Through the Fens on Tutu Power! (Post #977)

Hello my darling darlings, and welcome to another installment of Pink-Tutu.com! It’s your favourite pink-loving, tutu-toting, all-things-sparkly blogger, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! Today’s blog post is a little special - it's from my fabulous travels to the glorious, glorious fens!

Oh my darlings, you know how I adore train journeys, so when I snagged a show in the beautiful, beautiful county of Lincolnshire, I knew the train would be my chariot of choice! Imagine this - me, in my sparkly hot pink travelling ensemble, all ruffles and sequins, my trusty Pink Tutu trolley in tow, with all the fixings for a dazzling performance - my pink, pink, PINK Tutu, the feather boas, the sparkling face makeup, and oh, darling, so many glitter gels!

We journeyed through the English countryside, passing rolling fields and charming little villages, my big ol’ window showing off the most stunning views - like, wow, mother nature's a fabulous fashion designer herself, you know? As the train chugged along, I got my usual train ritual started - face masks, a little pampering with pink hand cream, a hot cup of tea, and of course, plenty of time to flick through all my fashion magazines, because darling, let’s face it, when it comes to fabulous, no outfit is too extravagant, right?

My fellow train travellers were, as always, completely delightful. An adorable young lady with a fluffy white puppy stole my heart (puppy paws need a pink tutu, just saying!). And, as always, so many folks looking longingly at my sparkly ensemble, and so many "Oohs!" and "Ahhhs!" Oh, the joy, darling, of seeing joy sparked by just the sight of my pink tutu - a joy I get to bring to so many!

Once in Spalding, I couldn't resist a little wander. This town is totally lovely - all cobblestone streets, charming brick buildings and hidden gardens just waiting to be explored. It was like stepping back in time, but with a fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles flair!

But first things first: darling, a Pink Tutu Sparkle is always hungry before a big show, and that hunger calls for pink sustenance! Luckily, I found myself a cute little tea room in a hidden courtyard. The place had all sorts of gorgeous little floral touches - delicate, pastel pink tablecloths, oh-so-lovely cream teas, and the sweetest staff ever!

I chose the most decadent "pink delight" afternoon tea - strawberry scones, pink-iced cupcakes, and dainty rose petal jam, all presented beautifully on a pastel pink tea stand! Oh darling, it felt like something straight out of a fairy tale. (Plus, major fuel for the tutu power, right?)

And as for my show, darling? Oh my darling! Spalding welcomed me with open arms and such love and excitement! My usual stage set up? Well, you just know I'm a bit of a pink perfectionist - my usual backdrop was, you guessed it, the most gorgeous pink silk material. I'd had the boys in my "Pink Tutu Posse" back in Derbyshire spend weeks hand-making little fairy lights to wrap around the pink backdrop, for a totally twinkling effect. The whole space was glowing!

Speaking of twinkling, let's just say my opening number was a masterpiece of sparkles and pink power. A sassy dance to Tutu Town by Kylie (I know, a classic!), followed by some incredible feats of pink-powered fashion changes - it truly was performance art, you know? I finished the evening with my "Pink Tutu Paradise" ballet number. I think my spinning on pointe was truly angelic. You could almost see the little fairies around me!

Of course, after my performance, my little fan club surrounded me (I call them The Tutu Troop, just to be totally cheeky!). They wanted me to sign Pink Tutu Sparkles programmes, chat with me over some sparkling lemonade, and even join in on a group photo! It was so touching. They were such lovely folk.

So what can I say about my tutu marvellous time in Spalding, darling? It truly was a dream. Remember, love yourself, dress up like you’ve got everything to celebrate, always wear a pink tutu, and remember a Pink Tutu Sparkles always has a good time!

Love you loads and lots,

Your one and only Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2002-09-03 stars in Spalding