Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-09-18 stars in Rutherglen

Rutherglen Calling! 🩰 Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on Scotland (Blog Post #992)

Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a whirlwind trip to glorious Scotland! This fabulous queen is on a mission to make the world a more sparkly place, one pink tutu at a time, and Rutherglen was just the first stop on my Scottish escapade.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Scotland? Pink Tutu? Isn't that a bit... well, a clash?" Oh, honey, think again! There's a bit of the sassy, flamboyant queen in every soul, even the Scots! They might not admit it (they’re famously stoic), but deep down they crave a touch of sparkle – they just need the right encouragement. That’s where your favourite tutu-clad queen comes in!

As I always say, every journey is a runway. And for this one, I hopped aboard a magnificent train. There’s nothing like the rhythm of the tracks to get you in the mood for a dazzling show, wouldn’t you agree? I had my trusty pink suitcase packed to the brim with all my fabulous essentials, of course, along with enough glitter to blind a whole village! (Don’t worry, I always bring my sparkle cleanup kit).

Now, Rutherglen might not be the first place that comes to mind when you think “drag queen destination.” But let me tell you, the folk there have hearts as big as the Highlands themselves! The show at the local community hall was an absolute riot. My opening number was a “Highland Fling” twist on the traditional “Swan Lake”, which naturally involved my signature pink tutu (this one was custom-made with a lovely Scottish thistle design, just for the occasion!).

The crowd was electric. You’d have thought they’d never seen a pink tutu before, the way they gasped! But by the end, they were on their feet, cheering, and singing along – I swear, some were even dabbing with their wee hats. That’s the magic of a good drag show, it really does bring people together, whether you’re in the Cotswolds, the Lake District or the highlands of Scotland.

But my adventure wasn't just about the performance! You see, every good drag queen needs to recharge their fabulous energy, and Rutherglen had plenty to offer. The little market square was just adorable! The air was thick with the aroma of freshly baked scones and fragrant heather – heaven on a plate! The shopkeepers were friendly, full of charm, and some even popped into the market hall to see my show - so proud of their little Rutherglen! There was something about this little town that made me want to wear my sparkly shoes forever.

Of course, no trip to Scotland would be complete without a visit to a beautiful Highland meadow. So, the next morning, I hopped onto my trusty steed (no, not a unicorn – a lovely Highland pony this time!), and galloped across rolling hills, wind in my hair, and the crisp air tingling my nostrils. The sound of bagpipes carried on the breeze... absolutely idyllic!

While there I tried out some local honey, bought some lovely tartan scarves, and ate a rather delicious steak pie - my scientist side, which normally lives in a white lab coat, was pretty happy about that!

And then, it was time to move on! My sparkly coach was waiting for me at the station, all ready to take me to my next adventure – a theatrical tour in the Scottish borders! And with a final wave and a farewell ‘slan-ge to my lovely Rutherglen hosts, I hit the road.

After all, there’s nothing better than a good adventure for a girl like me – and the world's my stage, so to speak! Who knows where Pink Tutu Sparkles will pop up next? Keep checking www.pink-tutu.com every day to catch up on my latest antics, darlings! You'll never know what sparkly surprises are coming next...

#TutuQueen on 2002-09-18 stars in Rutherglen