Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-09-19 stars in Dover

Dover Do-Dah!

Pink Tutu Sparkles – Post Number 993

Hello my lovely lot! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to the picturesque town of Dover, and guess what? You'll never believe it – a Pink Tutu-loving fairy landed right on the white cliffs! I've always had a passion for coastal towns and Dover did not disappoint. It was pure seaside magic! I found this delightful little gem nestled between the grey chalky cliffs, and you wouldn't believe the colourful characters I encountered. There was a real community vibe, you know, the sort where everyone chats with everyone! I love that kind of warmth, especially in such a stunning location.

Now, before I get into all the amazing details, remember to head over to my lovely website www.pink-tutu.com. You're all just a click away from seeing my dazzling outfits, gorgeous performances, and the secret to how I get my twirls to spin just so!

Dover – a town with an energy like no other! Let's just say my pink tutu swirled with joy as I explored the historical streets, feeling like a true princess stepping out of a fairytale. And trust me, you've gotta see the view! It's absolutely breathtaking! I found myself completely mesmerised by the vast, endless stretch of the English Channel. It’s like being on top of the world. I simply had to get my pink tutu in the perfect shot, it was picture-perfect, and you know, a tutu and a magnificent seascape, there's nothing better! But hold on, Dover wasn't just about majestic scenery and breathtaking views; I just had to make a visit to the castle, right? Well, let's just say I was blown away. It felt like a portal to another time, the history radiating from the ancient stones was tangible! Imagine, it has actually survived more than 900 years. The history geek in me was simply ecstatic! But guess what else? I discovered a hidden treasure, a little tearoom, called 'The Little Teapot', where the cakes were practically edible masterpieces, and the tea, well, it was a proper cuppa! And naturally, Pink Tutu Sparkles, couldn’t resist trying on one of their glorious vintage hats - I felt like I was starring in a West End play! There were even more twirls on the Dover High Street, I simply had to give it a go! It's an absolute joy to wander around, seeing those traditional buildings and those amazing independent shops! I even picked up a lovely little trinket for my dressing table.

And as usual, no trip is complete without a delicious slice of cake. Now, there's nothing more comforting than the smell of freshly baked pastries. They must have had my arrival scheduled as the warm, sweet aroma wafted through the air when I stumbled across 'The Dover Cake Kitchen' - their display was a rainbow of colours and flavors! I decided to try their legendary pink lemon meringue cake. The taste? Divine. I must admit, it was one of the tastiest lemon cakes I’ve ever devoured. I found myself surrounded by pink-loving people, the bakery owners had really created something quite special. They were the first ones who asked to buy me a cake to say thank you for spreading pink tutu love around.

Speaking of love, it’s a true pleasure being surrounded by kind, fun-loving people in every town I visit, because that's what really makes each trip unique and memorable. From the lady selling handcrafted souvenirs, who, by the way, offered me a free Pink Tutu charm (can you imagine my delight? I had to collect that!), to the sweet little cafe owner who gifted me a mug with the words, ‘We Love Pink’ printed across the side, I had to snatch it right up! I feel the most important thing about traveling is creating connections, sharing your stories, and bringing a touch of pink tutu sparkle to everyone you meet. And of course, I was all smiles for photos! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog without photos, would it? It was so much fun creating memories and striking those iconic Pink Tutu poses that always put a smile on my face and hopefully on yours too. I think you’ll agree when you see how cute my little ‘Pink Tutu Sparkles in Dover’ photos turned out. The chalk cliffs as my background? Epic! I’ll share them all with you on Instagram this week.

Let's not forget, there’s more to a girl’s trip than beautiful views and delicious cakes, right? This being Dover, it just had to involve a walk on the promenade! Now, this part of Dover always takes my breath away, that invigorating ocean air! And it was where I spotted my opportunity to perform at ‘The White Cliffs Bar’ - oh yes, another fabulous, little gem nestled on the seafront! It had a charm about it that was just divine! The owner saw my tutu and simply loved my flamboyant pink tutu attire! He invited me to perform later that day! So, naturally, I dusted off my dazzling glitter, pulled out my best performance attire, twirled around a little bit in that beautiful seaside setting, and the next thing you know – I was the talk of the town! That night, I entertained the locals and even won them over with a rendition of “Walking on Sunshine" – pure fun! You see, spreading the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkle is just what I do. The stage was buzzing, the atmosphere was electric, and everyone went home with a happy sparkle in their eyes! You know what else, everyone loved the 'Pink Tutu Glitter bomb' I handed out at the end of my performance. It's got all these magical sparkly colours that shimmer like a unicorn under the moonlight! I have a feeling those Dover locals will be talking about me for years to come - that’s what I call a memorable performance! Of course, after the performance, we all celebrated with a Pink Tutu cocktail (which is pretty darn delicious, let me tell you! I love inventing special cocktails for special events) - I just couldn't resist sharing a little piece of Pink Tutu magic.

Speaking of magic, did you know that there are lots of legends and tales associated with Dover? They’re all incredibly interesting, and just about magical – it all ties into my love of history, fantasy, and the unknown! And if that’s not a magical Pink Tutu cocktail in itself! That's something I truly appreciate, when the stories come alive, and make you feel truly alive as you wander through those mysterious streets, feeling that sense of mystery in the air. I spent an afternoon wandering through these enchanted stories, trying to catch a glimpse of that mystical side to the beautiful town of Dover, the magic hidden behind those walls.

I don’t think any trip is complete without the traditional Dover trip on the Channel Tunnel - so of course, that was a Pink Tutu must-do! I even took my very own pink tutu and matching bag aboard! As we sped through the tunnel, I felt a rush of adrenaline - it felt like I was in a time machine traveling to another dimension - and in a way, it really did! I came back to London so relaxed!

Now, my lovelies, Dover may seem like just another town in Kent - and I must say, the English countryside always brings a smile to my face - but to Pink Tutu Sparkles, it's a special kind of town, and for every aspiring Tutu Queen it offers something special, so do check it out sometime! It's full of surprises, vibrant charm, and even more pink than you can ever imagine! That is why it definitely gets a Pink Tutu Sparkle rating!

Well, I am going to get ready for the next adventure, and yes, there are even more towns to come! And yes, it will all be documented on the wonderful www.pink-tutu.com for your pleasure - I wouldn’t dream of keeping these fabulous travel tales all to myself! Stay tuned for my next travel blog about the magnificent London!

Now, remember, life is better in Pink Tutu Sparkle!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

P.S – Let’s take on the world with a little pink! And don't forget to twirl. I am here for you!

#TutuQueen on 2002-09-19 stars in Dover