Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-09-22 stars in Bicester

Bicester Bound!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! This is your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you a whole new world of twirling, sequins, and of course, pink tutus! This is post number 996, and I'm feeling the fizz! I just finished up a wonderful weekend at the Bicester Vintage Fair, and let me tell you, it was a dazzling spectacle!

A Little Journey by Train

This week's adventures began with a thrilling train ride, a fab way to travel, don't you think? With my trusty suitcase overflowing with glitter, feathered boas, and a handful of sparkling pink tutus (you never know what the occasion calls for, babes!), I set off towards the picturesque town of Bicester.

The Vintage Fair Delights

The Vintage Fair was everything I imagined and more! A real cornucopia of delightful vintage treasures and charming stalls, brimming with antique finds. I picked up the most darling pair of pearl earrings, and a vintage book on ballet costumes that had a special place in my heart - my heart's a sucker for all things tutu!

My Tutu at the Fair

It's only fitting that I adorned myself with my most fabulous pink tutu for the fair! You know me, always a champion for a dash of pink in any setting. As I sashayed through the crowds, sparkling like a disco ball in the afternoon sunshine, I couldn't help but feel a pang of joy as I watched people's faces light up with a smile. There was a real air of excitement, a feeling that we were all part of something special.

Making New Friends

I met the most delightful lady at the fair, Mrs. Blossom. She's a vintage fashion expert with a penchant for 1950s-style poodle skirts and a heartwarming tale to tell. Turns out, she has a small vintage shop in the town, overflowing with frilly frocks and gorgeous accessories. It's called "Bloom's Bonnets & Bows", and I just know you'll adore it. We had a grand old time reminiscing about our shared love for vintage fashions and sharing stories.

Dinner in Bicester

After an afternoon of browsing, we found a charming little café for a lovely lunch. The most delightful tomato soup I've ever tasted! It really warmed my soul (and my pink tutu-covered derrière!). We dined on delectable, freshly baked pastries, a perfect way to end a day filled with magic and vintage wonders.

More Travel by Train

Back on the train home, my head swirling with memories of the day's adventures, I couldn't help but think how perfectly this trip embodied the true spirit of Pink-Tutu.com. Every day, my aim is to spread a little joy, a little sparkle, a little sprinkle of that fab pink tutu energy, and inspire people to embrace the fabulous. I think we succeeded in doing just that at the Vintage Fair.

A Derbyshire Tale

Speaking of inspiration, my little tutu-loving adventure began years ago in the quaint countryside of Derbyshire. I grew up with a deep appreciation for art and a knack for crafting, always a fan of expressing myself with creative flair. During my university days, a science degree (yes, darling, a science degree!), I discovered the vibrant world of ballet and fell in love. The graceful twirling, the fluidity of movement, and the sheer beauty of the costumes captivated my heart.

Pink Tutu Sparkles: A Dream in the Making

I remember trying on my first tutu, a pink one of course, for a charity fundraising event, a big, pouffy, wonderful thing, it was like something out of a fairy tale. And just like that, the Pink Tutu Sparkles dream was born! I was no longer simply Alex, the science student. I was now Pink Tutu Sparkles, the dancing dream, the fabulously flamboyant drag queen with a heart set on sharing her passion with the world.

Everyday Adventures in the Lab

I never knew that studying science would lead me to the world of pink tutus and fabulous drag performances. But then again, isn't that the wonderful thing about life? There are always surprising twists and turns, unexpected pathways that lead us to our truest selves. By day, I test fabrics and research materials in the lab, but come night, I transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles, the captivating, glamorous, and, well, decidedly non-sciencey queen of your dreams!

Stay Tuned!

This is just the beginning of another fabulous week of travels, my darlings! Stay tuned for more dazzling adventures, as I travel from theatre performances to charming tea parties, spreading a bit of glitter and joy wherever I go.

Remember, no matter what your passion, what you believe in, let it sparkle, darling!

Till next time, keep twirling, keep shining, and most importantly, keep wearing your pink tutu!

Love and sparkly wishes,

Your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2002-09-22 stars in Bicester