
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-11 stars in Derby

Derby Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Spot!

Blog Post Number: 1046

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink tutu-clad, sparkle-loving blogger is back, and this time, it's Derby calling! I just couldn't resist a jaunt to the historic heart of Derbyshire. As you all know, I have a penchant for anything quintessentially British - quaint villages, cobblestone streets, and of course, a good cuppa. Derby ticked all the boxes, and to top it all off, the town embraced my love for pink tutus with open arms!

Now, let me tell you, arriving in Derby was a pure delight. The train journey was delightful, filled with the soothing rhythmic clickety-clack of the rails, reminding me of the elegance of ballet itself. I, of course, couldn't resist a quick change into my fabulous pink tutu in the train carriage - let's just say I drew a few amused glances and some eager selfies! The people of Derby seemed to be a very "pink-tutu-friendly" bunch, giving me lots of smiles and waves! It felt so welcoming!

Before diving into the whirl of Derby's vibrant culture, I couldn't resist a spot of retail therapy. Derby is brimming with cute shops! Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a charming vintage boutique brimming with frills, sequins, and enough pink to make even the most cynical fashionista blush! I snagged myself a gloriously flamboyant feathered boa and a vintage pink fascinator with a giant, magnificent bow โ€“ oh, darling, it was perfect!

Of course, I simply couldn't go to Derby without experiencing its cultural heritage. You all know I love me some ballet, so I eagerly grabbed a ticket for a performance at the Derby Theatre. The stage was simply exquisite, and the dancers performed with such elegance and passion that it had me swaying in my seat - much to the amusement of the folks around me! I was reminded just why ballet is my absolute passion! It's not just about graceful steps, it's about the stories the dancers tell, the emotions they evoke - it truly is a captivating art form! My darling friends, there's simply no place on earth that quite captures my heart like a theatre!

But my Derby adventure wasn't just about high culture! The streets were simply bursting with energy and a real 'community feel'. From traditional markets brimming with fresh, delicious treats to buzzing pubs overflowing with laughter and friendly banter, I was immediately drawn to the warmth and heart of Derby!

Speaking of markets, you just have to see the fabulous craftsmanship at the Derby Market Hall! So many wonderful items, some quirky, some classic, each telling a unique story. My purse was feeling very lonely - that is until I stumbled upon a gorgeous hand-painted pink enamel brooch in the shape of a ballerina! Naturally, it came home with me! After a quick trip to the local tea shop, which reminded me so much of the lovely tea houses in Bath (I'll share all about that trip in another post!), I couldn't wait to do what I do best: spread my love of the pink tutu!

I had heard of a local community dance group, Derby Ballet Belles, who perform their interpretations of ballet classic and popular contemporary work for charitable causes, at a number of venues throughout Derbyshire. You see, dear friends, this is what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about - giving back, and inspiring! So, armed with my signature pink tutu and a suitcase full of glitter, I strutted down to the rehearsal space, a bustling old building tucked away behind the Market Place. It felt as if every corner had a story to tell! The moment I burst into the studio in my full regalia, I was met with smiles and shouts of joy from the ladies who immediately got ready to try my Tutu Challenge - they were so keen to 'Embrace the Tutu'!

It was pure joy, seeing those ladies wearing pink tutus. We had a bit of a giggle and took some hilarious photos. Some had never worn a tutu before! One shy girl even confessed it had been on her bucket list! It filled me with such joy - these little gestures of embracing something out of your comfort zone can be so empowering!

It's been a busy, but magical trip to Derby. As always, my biggest wish is that Iโ€™ve inspired you, my lovely readers, to try something new, to be brave enough to wear pink and to get yourself a Tutu! Don't be afraid to embrace your inner Sparkle! Now, off I go! Tomorrow I am heading to the coast to share my pink tutu love with a beautiful seaside town!

And to all my fabulous readers - stay sparkly!

Lots of love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

*Follow my journey at www.pink-tutu.com! *

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-11 stars in Derby