Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-12 stars in Plymouth

Plymouth: The City that Got Tutu-fied! (Blog Post #1047)

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the glitter and glamour straight from the cobbled streets of Plymouth! Oh, it's been a whirlwind of a journey, full of pink tulle and enough sparkle to blind a disco ball. I’m so glad you've all hopped on board with me, and thank you for joining me on my adventures in pink tutus.

Let me tell you, darling, this past week has been one for the ages. You know I love my travels – by train or even on horseback if the occasion calls for it – but I’ll admit, there's a certain magic about venturing into new territory, spreading my love of the tutu and dazzling new crowds with my Pink Tutu Sparkles act! Plymouth was no exception, and as usual, my heart is brimming with the memories of another beautiful journey.

The Pinkest City? Plymouth's my new favourite!

Plymouth, what a stunning place! Honestly, the sea air felt like a delicious kiss to my cheeks. It reminded me of being a kid, frolicking on the seaside in the summertime, and you all know how much I love those good, old-fashioned memories.

As usual, before any journey, there's always a good dose of preparation, a shopping spree in the capital. I love those glamorous designer shops and browsing the rails for the perfect tulle. Now, you know how important a well-chosen tutu is! It has to have that “je ne sais quoi” you know – and this trip was no exception. I'm sure the ladies in Selfridges weren't quite used to my vibrant pink tutu, but they couldn't help but grin when I bought enough material for a whole dance floor!

Once that's settled, you need to have the right gear, my darlings. That’s right – it's not just about the tutus and feathers. You've got to be well equipped with good lipstick – I mean, it has to last for the entire performance! Then you have all your trusty make-up – I never travel without my full set of eyelashes!

After all that prepping, I found myself on the platform at Euston station, eagerly awaiting the train to Plymouth. The excitement bubbled over! I've always been a huge fan of the romance of train journeys, watching the world go by and sipping a steaming cuppa, the rhythm of the tracks - it all just sets the perfect mood!

* Plymouth - a city alive with dance*

Of course, I just couldn’t visit Plymouth without finding myself some ballet! Luckily for me, there was a glorious production of Swan Lake on the program at The Theatre Royal. My dear, the ballerinas were simply sensational! And it was such a good excuse to whip out a magnificent new tutu, made specifically for the occasion, featuring stunning, hand-sewn diamante decorations! Let me tell you, the audiences absolutely loved it - I received such generous applause and it even prompted one little girl in the front row to say, "Mum! Can I wear a pink tutu, too?” It makes my heart melt, really. It’s these moments that remind me why I do what I do!

After that beautiful ballet, I was brimming with creative ideas and decided to host a free Tutu workshop at The Octagon on the Hoe! I figured, "Why not take my message to the people?" and wow! It was such a good time. Everyone was buzzing! The women in the local knitting group absolutely adored the idea and some of them even managed to make their first tutus, complete with all their creative flourishes. It warmed my soul seeing their glee and seeing my own message inspire a little bit of joy in those around me.

Pink Tutu Sparkles: Performing in the City of Culture

For a big grand finale, I was lucky enough to land a gig at a vibrant fair by the waterfront, so naturally I brought all my fancy gear – glitter bombs and everything! You just know I can't perform without glitter! I mean, who doesn’t like to have a little sparkle in their life?

It was such a gorgeous night, too. The warm, summery breeze was just delightful and my outfit - let’s just say it stole the show! A gorgeous pink, feather-trimmed tutu, perfect for twirling beneath the twinkling stars! This particular set had my favorite element: it shimmered like the ocean in the sunlight. It really brought a touch of my signature sparkle to the whole show. There was just something so satisfying about twirling and shimmying while my pink tulle practically shimmered with a life of its own!

I am utterly in love with Plymouth! You know, I really believe everyone should visit this beautiful place, at least once. Even without my colourful performance and fancy tutus!

Oh, and a special shoutout to all my loyal readers! Thanks for making this little dream come true. I get so much joy from sharing my adventures with all of you and I’m excited to see where my pink tutu takes me next! Keep following along! You can check out all of my Pink Tutu Sparkles adventures at www.pink-tutu.com!

Stay glamorous, and remember, you never have to wait for a special occasion to wear a pink tutu. Every day’s a new adventure, and it's always a good time to feel extra! Until next time, darlings, and as always - Keep Sparkling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xo

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-12 stars in Plymouth