Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-15 stars in Northampton

Northampton! A Whirlwind of Pink and Glitter! (Post #1050)

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Queen here, fresh from a fabulous whirlwind adventure in Northampton! I'm practically still buzzing with excitement, so grab a cuppa, get comfy, and let me tell you all about it.

You know how much I love travelling, right? And when it's a chance to spread the Pink Tutu gospel, it's even more magical! Northampton was calling my name, and how could a queen resist? Now, I know what you're thinking: Northampton? It's a bit of a change from the glamorous stage lights of London, right? But honey, trust me, there's sparkle hidden in the most unexpected places!

This time, I ditched the usual car journey. It's such a lovely break from the norm, so instead of flying (too many uncomfortable, smelly men!) or driving (my lovely, pink-painted vintage Mini isn't quite built for long hauls yet), I travelled by…train! There’s something so romantic about sitting by the window, watching the scenery go by. Plus, with a little bit of luck, you can even grab a seat with someone interesting. I happened to meet a lovely lady on my way up, she had a delightful pink feather boa in her bag - we've got to connect on Instagram, I can feel it!

I had my eye on a lovely little town theatre in Northampton, a charming, vintage place full of character. It’s so important to support those independent venues, they really are the backbone of the arts. So I landed myself a performance slot, which was practically guaranteed to be fabulous with an audience hungry for some glitter and tutus!

Now, as you all know, I don't just go places and perform, I really dive in. You might say I make the place my place! So this time, before the show, I snuck off for a cheeky afternoon at the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery. You'd be surprised how much a little cultural injection can do for a drag queen's spirit!

Of course, any trip to a new city isn't complete without some retail therapy. After all, a queen's wardrobe needs to be constantly refreshed, especially with the ever-changing trends in the fabulous world of ballet street. My favourite spot was this adorable little boutique, just bursting with personality. I walked out with the most exquisite floral print dress, a hat so dramatic it could only be described as a "tutu for the head," and, of course, a pair of those glorious glittery pumps I always have to have!

After my shopping spree, I was feeling extremely confident, but hey, why not take it to the next level? I indulged in a truly divine manicure, complete with glitter and of course, my signature pink design. What can I say, a queen always takes pride in her details, and good nails can elevate your look tenfold!

The show was, of course, incredible. We're talking full-blown glitter! I brought the house down with a mix of my signature playful tunes, a brand new, secret ballerina number (shh!), and a sprinkle of sassy banter. I even managed to get a couple of audience members to try on a pink tutu, spreading the message far and wide, of course! You see, you don't need a stage or a crowd to embrace the Pink Tutu way of life. A bit of pink magic can happen anywhere, even in the smallest of towns.

And then came the best part: meeting the local dancers! I had been dying to meet the amazing ballerinas and boys at Northampton School of Dance for ages, and they didn't disappoint. I did a little workshop with them, and you could just feel the passion in the room! I showed them a few of my favourite ballet moves with a little drag twist, and I even persuaded some of them to give those Pink Tutus a try. We all know, ballet is all about the power of expression, and that's something Pink Tutu Sparkles is here for!

My trip to Northampton ended just as swiftly as it began, but the memories (and pink glitter!) will stay with me for a long, long time. And honestly, how can they not? Every adventure is a story waiting to be told, and it's so rewarding to share that magic with all of you, my dear Tutu Squad!

Until next time, remember, a bit of pink can go a long way!

Stay glamorous,

Your Pink Tutu Queen, Alex xx

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-15 stars in Northampton