
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-16 stars in Norwich

Norwich! Oh, My Tutu-ful City! πŸ’•πŸ©°πŸš‚

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! πŸ‘‹ This is post number 1051, and it's time for another delightful adventure - Norwich!

I've always been a fan of exploring new places, and this time, it was time to hit the cobblestone streets of this charming city. Did you know, Norwich is the most Eastern city in England? Isn't that fabulous? It's a city steeped in history and tradition, with a truly lovely vibe. It's so different from my home county of Derbyshire! And you know how much I adore getting out of my comfort zone, exploring, and spreading the love of the pink tutu everywhere I go!

My journey started in the usual fashion - a morning of perfecting my makeup at the lab! Yes, my darlings, by day I'm Alex, a scientist working on the fascinating world of fabrics. It's a very important job, because you know how much I love lovely fabrics, especially for those fabulous tutu creations. It was on a university day in the lab that I tried on my first tutu – a lovely vintage number I spotted on our university charity sale. It's been a whirlwind of sparkly pink fun ever since!

But I digress! I must tell you about my adventure in Norwich. Now, I always love travelling by train, it gives me time to sit and plan my shows! It's a chance to enjoy a good book (I've been on a Jane Austen spree, it's the perfect literary style for a proper lady!), a cuppa and some fluffy scones with clotted cream, of course. I must say, the train journey was delightful - just as pink as I could dream!

After my arrival in Norwich, my trusty companion, (let's call him Freddie, shall we?) and I, booked ourselves into a truly lovely boutique hotel - all plush, velvet chairs, floral wallpaper, and enough twinkling lights to make a drag queen happy! Now, Norwich is well-known for its gorgeous markets, and Freddie was practically bouncing with excitement for the city's famous street food! So, a delicious meal it was!

But, let's talk tutus! Now, you see, Norwich, is blessed with an extraordinary theatre scene! Not only did I catch the most glorious ballet performance, but it was an entire show inspired by Pink! * *Isn't that divine? * They even had a special pink-themed cocktail available! Now, who wouldn't want that?! Honestly, it was truly one of the most fabulous nights I've ever spent! And of course, I was there with my lovely, sparkling pink tutu! It even got its own standing ovation! I don't think those lucky audience members will forget it in a hurry. It really did tie the whole evening together, and honestly, who needs to wear a dress with a pink tutu over it? It's practically all you need, darling! I got a wave and a *β€œThat's a fantastic Tutu, girl!” * from the leading ballerina after the show - who knew ballet stars are just as excited about pink tutus as we are?

My visit wouldn't have been complete without a stop at the lovely Norwich Cathedral - that gorgeous building really was breathtaking! So much grandeur and so much history. Did you know it was one of the largest and finest Norman Cathedrals in the country? The detail of those Norman arches is stunning! Plus, the city itself has a fantastic historical collection and museums I would recommend anyone going to visit!

But of course, every great travel journey needs a fab shopping trip, right? So, of course, Freddie and I spent an entire afternoon trying on frocks, shoes, and - yes! – even more tutus! I did tell you, I’m a bit of a tutu connoisseur, and my darling Norwich, did not disappoint! The quality of the fabric! The stunning sequins! It was a true gift to the senses.

Now, let's be real. A drag queen can't visit Norwich and NOT take in some of its world-famous pubs! I've heard the pub scene here is just phenomenal, so naturally, we booked ourselves a spot on a pub crawl. It was amazing! So many friendly folks and absolutely delicious beer! Freddie even won a karaoke competition! He wasn't even nervous! He even wore a pink tutu! Now, you know what they say, β€œWhen in Rome...” Right?! And so I ended up with another tutu in my suitcase! A fantastic, colourful number, very theatrical. Very fitting!

The next day, I had to go out on a mission - every great adventurer knows a well-timed horse ride is just what is needed for relaxation! It turns out, Norwich boasts a wonderful trail through beautiful countryside. So I got to enjoy a bit of horse riding and then took advantage of the delightful Norwich countryside!

Of course, no visit is complete without some stunning selfies. My beautiful pink tutu was, as always, my fabulous co-star! I got some truly fabulous shots in front of Norwich's city landmarks! My followers on www.pink-tutu.com were so excited for all the posts I put up! But now you can all have a glimpse too. πŸ˜‰

Honestly, darling, Norwich is just wonderful! It's such a vibrant and lively city - truly a hidden gem in the English crown. My whole trip was a fantastic explosion of colours, energy, and love. But that's not all. I managed to sneak in a little performance at a local theatre festival, even doing a tiny little β€œSpread the Tutu!” message. You never know where a pink tutu could take you! I managed to recruit some locals to wear tutus of all sorts - even a policeman with a bright pink tutu. I may be working my way towards world domination. πŸ‘‘

So, my darlings, you've got to visit Norwich!

You can check it out on my website – www.pink-tutu.com and check out some more of my adventures! But always remember – embrace the pink tutu! The world needs more sparkly pink! πŸ’•

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ’– ✨

**(PS, you can also find me on social media – follow me on all the pinkest social platforms! πŸ˜‰)

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-16 stars in Norwich