
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-01-28 stars in Uxbridge

Uxbridge! Post #1124: Pink Tutu Sparkle-tastic Times in the Suburbs!

Oh my darlings! You wouldn't believe the whirlwind this Pink Tutu Queen has been having! After a swoon-worthy weekend spent at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival (oh, the glitter, the glamour, the fabulous outfits!), it was time for me to get back on the road and head for somewhere a bitā€¦lessā€¦ well, festival vibes. You see, my dear, the Queen of Pink Tutu isn't just about the big city sparkle and shimmer, no, no, no. I love a good village hall gig just as much!

And what better way to bring some sunshine and sparkle to a sleepy suburban town than with a pink tutu, a heap of dazzling costumes and, of course, a splash of the Pink Tutu magic!

So, it was off to Uxbridge we went, nestled in the heart of ā€¦well, you know how it is - it's never exactly the heart, but a little further out than Central London, if you get my drift. A very lovely and friendly place, with lovely old buildings, lots of parkland and, well, what better place for Pink Tutu Sparkle's pink tulle delights, eh?

As soon as the train pulled in, the conductor, a delightful lady in a uniform that seemed perfectly coordinated to my outfit (which, my dear, involved pink tulle, obviously), saw my enormous luggage. Ahem. My performance trunk, let's just say it contained a dazzling selection of headpieces, gowns, tutus (of course!) and the rest of the gear I need to give the Pink Tutu Queen a whole new meaning.

ā€œWell now,ā€ she smiled at me, ā€œlooks like you've got yourself a real performance going!ā€ And that, darlings, is when my day began. Iā€™m all about spreading that pink tutu joy to anyone and anywhere, whether it be a local fete or the stage at a West End theater!

But first, I needed to set myself up and make sure I looked every bit the Queen I am, right?

Itā€™s not all glamour and fairy lights in my world. The stage is where I am a dazzling and confident Pink Tutu Queen, but when you see me, in a little shop somewhere in Uxbridge buying a can of cola and a sandwich in the local bakery (the very best Victoria sponge!), you might just see a rather unassuming young chap called Alex in normal clothesā€¦ if youā€™re lucky!

The lovely folk at the Bluebell B&B have come to recognise me by now - and they know just how many boxes are filled with fluffy and flamboyant tulle. (Itā€™s important to have that perfect mix of the right colours, sizes, and sparkly bits). Oh! They just know where to find those amazing high heels that allow me to dance in a way only I can do! The Queen can only exist with that little bit of magic that helps her shine - even in the middle of a weekday afternoon, between deliveries, interviews, and meetings with suppliersā€¦ which is where I come in! Of course, I donā€™t tell you everything, darling! I could share that bit, but whereā€™s the fun in that? Its my Pink Tutu world! And Iā€™m the queen!

Oh, and did I mention that my room at the Bluebell is full of beautiful vintage objets d'art? (Okay, so they were all pretty bargain-bin, and the little Victorian hat with the feather could be from a fairground game. I love these things. Every one of them. They fit right in, with my colourful pink, blue and red boxes). A perfect place to chill and reflect before my show.

Oh, speaking of shows, this fabulous village fairā€¦ You would never believe the sheer joy I experienced! Everyone loves to laugh and they absolutely adore the Pink Tutu Queen, darlings. Itā€™s like they canā€™t get enough pink tutu!

I love my fans (especially my dear, lovely, and oh so loyal ā€œpinkiesā€). But, as you may already know, this little Pink Tutu Queen has a lot of important jobs to do! You think I am just here to shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, in my fluffy and delightful tutu, and to give people joy. Well, yes, I love that bit ā€“ my little secret wish, my biggest ambition is for everyone in the world to wear a pink tutu! Imagine that - absolute pink tutu bliss. But I have other important work too! As I was saying, there is more to life than dancing on stage in a pretty frock (and yes, this queen does love a gorgeous dress or two!) I actually have a bit of aā€¦ secret. A normal, mundane life outside the pink tulle, well, not exactly a secret. Justā€¦ not something that makes headline news (which is just as well since itā€™s kind of boring!).

For those of you who are not in the know, letā€™s just say I've got a degree in chemistry. And by day I have a fairly ordinary day job (I do a lot of testingā€¦ fabric testing, mind you - of course, it had to be fabrics, didnā€™t it?).

Oh! How silly of me ā€“ I can tell you are wondering what kind of science work makes a Pink Tutu Queen. Oh, darling, you must know my world is not boring ā€“ itā€™s full of colour, fluff and definitely doesnā€™t involve things like grey lab coats, chemicals, or complicated lab work! No, that partā€™s not boring at all because my job is all about making fabric as gorgeous as my tutus! Oh, I know, you are dying to hear about all the technical things I have to say ā€“ and yes, darling, it is fascinating, I assure you.

Right, back to my little story ā€“ the journey continuesā€¦ (Remember I always travel the scenic way!)

The little vintage coach I rode to Uxbridge was a bit cramped (just big enough for a Pink Tutu Queen and her baggage) but very, very cosy. It had to be vintage though ā€“ imagine me being squished in one of those boring, beige, modern coaches. I can hear you now, dear reader - ā€™A Queen would *never travel like that!"*

It was quite funny as my pink tutu practically filled the whole seat and my coach driver gave me that lookā€¦ the ā€˜youā€™ve had a big party didnā€™t you?ā€™ look... But, I smiled back with that ā€˜You just wait and see whatā€™s going to happen look. Itā€™s amazing how we just know, isn't it?

We rode down lovely country lanes. (And yes, we did have some traffic jams on the way - oh the horror!ā€¦ which gave me even more time to enjoy all the stunning scenery - especially when we drove past those fantastic, large, pink rhododendrons bursting into bloom at the entrance to that amazing estate on the edge of town) And those views ā€“ gorgeous. But honestly, they could only be enhanced even more with the right tutu. Well, it wouldnā€™t be right for me to show you any images of my travel experience here! You know, image copyright, itā€™s my business, you would have to come to a performance to see the outfitsā€¦ And maybe we might get a few photos with some happy folk in a pink tutu, perhaps even some nice countryside views from the train window tooā€¦ you just have to be patientā€¦.

This Pink Tutu Queen can hold her secret until the next time we have a little blog-style chat together ā€“ maybe a few sneak peeks too, I do like to be a little bit naughty now and then.

But back to the matter in hand ā€“ the fun was really just getting started in Uxbridge! I just had to do a bit of shopping - even before I went to the little tea room I mentioned before ( they do a mean scone! - I love to bake! My family says I should sell them. Can you imagine, a Pink Tutu Bakery! But I need to concentrate on getting the Pink Tutu movement off the ground first ā€“ more people have to know that a pink tutu can save the world! Right?)

And then, of course, I needed to start on my dress for the fairā€¦ it needed a bit more bling for this occasion and a few lovely new, fluffy pink accessories to compliment the new sparkle, but you didnā€™t hear that from me!

Well, you just canā€™t have a show without the right dress and of course I had to do some ballet practice.

Oh my darlings, itā€™s important that this Pink Tutu Queen is perfectly ready to shimmy and sway to the beat of the music. After all, the perfect ballet routine doesn't come from nowhere, you know. A Pink Tutu Queen can be a bit like a magical ballerinaā€¦ we just love to have fun. And the Pink Tutu Queen needs to work at this stuff to bring the best pink sparkle she possibly can! Iā€™ll leave the ā€˜pinkiesā€™ to do a little bit of thinking about what to ask this Pink Tutu Queen for next, my dear! And let me know where to go to give a great big pink tutu, sparkly, show in your neighbourhood.

I must be off, I am really rather excited!

It is time for this Pink Tutu Queen to bring a bit of pink tulle to the World and to start making it a sparkle with all my pink tutu heart! You can be a part of the ā€˜pinkieā€™ fun too, darlings ā€“ all it takes is a pink tutu. And a great big pink smile!

The Pink Tutu Queen (Queen of All Things Pink Tutu! Youā€™re very welcome to join in the Pink Tutu World).

*Come on, you can all join me in my Pink Tutu Journey ā€“ I *want to share the fun and all the amazing discoveries I am making. Join the Pink Tutu revolution!

I post my blog on www.pink-tutu.com - I look forward to hearing from you soon darlings, I am off to make my next adventure the most magical and wonderful thing I have ever done...**

#TutuQueen on 2003-01-28 stars in Uxbridge