Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-03-11 stars in Stratford

Stratford Upon Avon - A Pink Tutu Dream!

Post #1166

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you all the fabulous goss from Stratford Upon Avon. Buckle up, loves, this one's going to be a hoot!

Remember that vintage charm, that quaint British loveliness that whispers of Shakespearean sonnets and cobblestone streets? Well, that's Stratford in a nutshell! My pink tutu positively twirled with joy at the thought of a trip here, a chance to combine a love of the stage with all the beauty Stratford holds.

A Blast From The Past:

Imagine, if you will, me stepping off the train in my favourite sparkly pink tutu, my hair cascading down my shoulders like a cloud of candy floss. I looked straight out of a fairy tale! The air was thick with the smell of fresh flowers, the houses painted in pastel shades of pink and blue. And the cobblestone streets, oh my, they were positively enchanting!

First stop, the Shakespeare's Birthplace. The building, with its wood-beamed ceilings and worn stone floors, felt almost alive with history. As I imagined the Bard himself pacing the rooms, my heart skipped a beat. What a truly awe-inspiring experience, and the perfect setting for a photoshoot. Imagine me, poised against the timber beams of Shakespeare's birthplace, my pink tutu flowing out behind me like a vibrant beacon of joy! Just divine!

Taking Flight On The Stage

My real mission, however, was to watch "Romeo & Juliet" at the Royal Shakespeare Company Theatre. The auditorium, with its red velvet seats and elegant chandeliers, felt like stepping back in time. As the actors brought the play to life, their voices soaring over the crowd, I felt a shiver of excitement go through me. They were incredible, simply incredible!

The staging was so clever, using minimalist sets and lighting to evoke different emotions, and of course, it had that quintessential Shakespearean touch, a perfect blend of passion and wit. It was inspiring, not just to watch such masterful performances but also because it gave me ideas for my own future shows, wink, wink.

A Dash of Ballet Beauty

I can’t go to Stratford without seeing a ballet show! The Royal Ballet Theatre's production of "Swan Lake" at the Stratford-Upon-Avon Royal Shakespeare Theatre is a must-see! You have to admit there's something magical about the Swan Lake story. So I popped on my most graceful tutu (it’s an absolute dream, layered in pink satin with feathered wings) and joined the audience, prepared to be swept away.

Every performance I saw was captivating. I watched, transfixed, as the dancers glided across the stage with the grace and fluidity of swans. And let's not forget the costumes, magnificent! So elegant and feminine, they were just a beautiful thing to watch!

And speaking of dancing, I couldn't resist a visit to the Royal Ballet School. Watching these young students perfecting their pirouettes and leaps, reminded me why I love dance so much! Every twirl, every graceful extension, and each delicate arabesque is just pure artistry. These girls, they had their eyes on their prize and their dedication and passion reminded me to never lose my spark.

Tutus In The Street!

It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a bit of sparkle and a lot of pink! Of course, I went on a pinky rampage throughout Stratford! Think pink cakes and tea at the Stratford Tea Rooms (oh, how divine! Especially the rose tea), visiting the antique shops in my tutu, trying on fabulous hats in the Millinery shop, and buying the most amazing pink-sequined clutch bag! Honestly, it just set my outfit off perfectly!

Of course, the pink parade wasn't confined to my adventures in shops! We took a horse and carriage ride around town, and me? I just radiated in the pink spotlight. Let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like a horse-drawn carriage to set a scene. And to complete the whole fairy tale setting, we took a relaxing walk down the Avon river, admiring the beautiful scenery of Stratford-upon-Avon. And wouldn't you know it, a little boy came up to me, "Your tutu is awesome!" he exclaimed. "It reminds me of a rainbow," he continued, eyes full of wonder. My heart swooned! I truly believe spreading that joy and seeing the wonder in other people’s eyes is the most fantastic thing about this entire gig.

More than Just Tutus:

Of course, a trip to Stratford wouldn't be complete without indulging in some of the local delicacies! And trust me, this town knows how to treat a foodie right. I absolutely loved the delicious afternoon tea with freshly baked cakes at the quaint Stratford Tea Room! My personal favourite was a divine pink macaron – utterly divine!

It's times like these that make me grateful for this whole drag journey, the travel, the performances, the friendships. Stratford's a place I'll always treasure. The history, the vibrant atmosphere, and the kindness of the people have truly made me feel welcome and seen. It's the kind of place where magic lives and you can almost see the fairy tales walking around you, especially if you’re in a pink tutu.

Until next time, darling! Stay fabulous!

Don’t forget to visit my website, www.pink-tutu.com, to catch up with the daily gossip, more fashion tips and see where I’m off to next!

Remember, there's a little pink tutu waiting to shine inside everyone!

Love and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2003-03-11 stars in Stratford