Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-16 stars in Kingswood

Kingswood: Tutu Adventures in the West Country!

Post Number 1202

Darling Divas, my dearest Tutus and all you lovely Pink Fans,

This is it! Your Tutu Queen is hitting the road again and this time we're venturing out West - to the stunningly beautiful county of Kingswood, where my latest adventure took me right to the heart of the English countryside!

Oh my sweet darlings, you know me and my obsession with all things pink, glamorous, and twirly. I can't leave the house without at least a little touch of glitter and something fluffy. Well, in this case, a very fluffy, very pink, very glamorous tutu!

This trip wasn't just about dazzling my fabulous fans. This time, I had a specific mission: to share the joy of the tutu with every single person I met in Kingswood! Why? Because you know me, my dearest Divas - the world needs a little more pink and a lot more twirling!

As I stepped off the train (yes, darling, train travel is my absolute fave - especially with a glorious big tulle ball gown to wear), I was greeted by a vista of rolling green hills, the air was filled with the sweet smell of blooming fields, and oh darling, the light - the glorious light! Just like in one of those sweet little fairytale villages, everything felt magically, beautifully pink!

Kingswood, I realised, was the perfect place to start my grand tutu adventure.

From Field to Stage:

My day in Kingswood began in the most glorious of ways: at a local farm. This wasn't any old farm, darling! We're talking horses, cute little fluffy lambs, chicks and even a sassy rooster with a real flair for the dramatic. I swear, he gave me some major stage-presence envy.

But it wasn't the animals that had me mesmerised (although, don't get me wrong, they were absolutely adorable) it was the fields. Lush green, dotted with wildflowers - a total dream for my Instagram feed. And my trusty tutu, it just looked utterly sensational against this perfect pastoral backdrop! It’s my belief that tutus should not be confined to the stage or ballet classes, so I just had to have my photoshoot right there in the field.

My love for a fabulous, twirling, pink, and oh-so-very-elegant tutu really is unmatched! And that’s exactly why, when I visited the local school to teach some dance moves, those delightful children all loved seeing it in action. We practiced leaps and twirls and even managed a couple of ballet pirouettes with a very sweet, enthusiastic group of six and seven-year-olds. And they loved learning a little Pink Tutu Sparkles routine, of course!

Speaking of, after a yummy lunch of fresh-baked pastries (oh my, darling, Kingswood knows how to bake!), I headed straight for a local park and decided to give my audience a little something special: a impromptu tutu flashmob! With a few dance moves from my trusty pink tutu and a lot of sunshine, I managed to inspire a whole lot of giggles, some happy cheers and even a few "awwwws". It truly is contagious, this passion for pink tutus!

By evening, the sun had dipped behind the horizon, and the village had settled down for the night. But not me. Not yet. This was Kingswood, darling, and the energy was calling me! I was destined to hit the stage - even if I had to make it myself!

The Kingswood village hall was a hive of activity with its vibrant community events and I found myself completely overwhelmed with how warm and welcoming everyone was! They welcomed me and my pink tulle, as well as the little bit of extra "sparkle" I brought.

My heart, my darlings, melted for these fabulous folks. As I danced under the glittery ball in the village hall (that ball wasn’t pink but they could have made me cry with how much I adore glitter balls, especially in that perfect shade of disco gold that would look wonderful on my website) - oh my darling - I could see everyone dancing and loving life! I’ve never had so much fun as that!

Pink Tutu Sparkles: From fields to schoolyards to the stage - it's clear that the tutu is a universal symbol of joy!

My message, my darlings? Wear your tutus with confidence and never let anyone tell you that a pink tutu isn't fabulous, because my dear, a little twirl of magic can go a very long way. Don't you dare forget it, darling.

As I say goodnight from the gorgeous little village of Kingswood - where everyone is a fan of fabulous frocks, dazzling gowns, and a lot of glitter - and I know that all of you will feel just as twirly and fantastic.

Sending you lots of hugs, kisses, and a shower of pink sparkles -

Pink Tutu Sparkles, out!

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-16 stars in Kingswood