Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-15 stars in Welling

Welling Wonderland: Tutu Travels Take Me to Kent! (Post #1201)

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink tutu-clad diva is back, ready to whisk you away to the enchanting county of Kent! Today, I’m taking you on a whirlwind journey to the delightful town of Welling, a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

You see, my little lovelies, I have this thing about travelling – I'm absolutely besotted with it, especially if it involves trains! There’s just something magical about chugging along through the countryside, watching the scenery fly by. Oh, and if a friendly, fluffy steed is waiting for me at the station to carry me the rest of the way, then it’s practically a fairy-tale come true!

This time, I packed my pink suitcase full of sparkling, glamorous goodies (because even a tutu queen has to look fab on the go), grabbed my trusty tote bag, and headed down to the station. With a kiss to my dearest horse, Sparkles (yes, named after me, of course!), I embarked on my latest adventure.

Now, I'm not going to lie – my journey started a little bumpy. Turns out, a flock of pigeons decided to take up residence on my darling train carriage, and I’m not sure who was more startled – them when I arrived or me when they flew into my tulle! Let’s just say a good old-fashioned sprinkle of glitter worked wonders. My sparkle magic really shines through, even with a few unexpected feather friends along for the ride!

Once in Welling, the delightful aroma of freshly baked treats and the cheerful chirps of birds greeted me. I felt like a princess stepping into a storybook town – oh, the magic! You wouldn't believe it, darling, I even found a little pink teacup tucked away in a charming antique shop. How’s that for serendipity, my little glitter-bugs?

The locals of Welling were incredibly friendly – and when I whipped out my signature pink tutu (a show-stopper, naturally!) they absolutely loved it. They’d giggle and wave and shout “Oh, you're fab!” That, my darlings, is what it’s all about. Spreading the joy of pink and tutus, one sparkly step at a time!

I can't talk about Welling without mentioning the fantastic arts scene, oh darling! I saw the most wonderful ballet performance – the dancers were just breath-taking, twirling and leaping like little ballerinas from a dream! Even more fabulous, darling, I found the most incredible little ballet shop brimming with shimmering tutus. Naturally, I had to try one on, even if I had to beg for a minute on the dance floor! You wouldn’t believe the smiles I received!

I am convinced that life is more fun with a tutu on. And why shouldn’t we all have a little bit of sparkle in our lives? Why not wear a pink tutu today? Dare to dream, darling. It’s the most wonderful thing.

This fabulous experience wouldn’t have been the same without my loyal supporters – thank you to the darling staff at the Station Cafe for the best cuppa in Kent! Oh, and let’s not forget the wonderful audience at my Welling performance. It wouldn't be the same without you all!

I’m off to conquer new cities next, my loves. Follow me on www.pink-tutu.com for all the latest tutu tales and travel tips. But don’t forget to put on your brightest smile and a fabulous outfit. Life’s too short to be anything but joyful!

And as always, stay sparkling, my darlings!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

Pink Tutu Diaries: A peek behind the scenes…

Ah, Welling! My visit brought back memories – remember how it all started? That fateful day in the university ballet club, trying on that pink tutu for a charity fundraiser? It changed everything. From that moment, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born, and life’s been a dazzling dance of pink tulle ever since!

Even though my life is a whirlwind of tutus, travels and sparkling performances, don't forget, beneath the sequins and tulle is Alex, a real-life scientist. I actually spend my days working in a laboratory, testing fabrics for strength and durability – kind of ironic when I wear my own tulle concoctions, wouldn't you say? But there's a beauty to that, darling! It helps me understand the artistry and science behind creating the perfect tutu.

So yes, you could say I'm a walking paradox – a scientist who embraces magic! But that's me, my loves! I’m a lover of life, a believer in sparkle, and most of all, I am passionate about inspiring everyone to wear their hearts on their sleeves (or, should I say, a pink tutu).

Join me on this journey – every day is a new adventure, and I promise it’s a sparkly one.



#TutuQueen on 2003-04-15 stars in Welling