Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-06-06 stars in Deal

Deal, Darling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles Blog Post Number 1253

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle some glitter and a whole lotta pink on your Thursday morning! It's me, your favourite (and only?) tutu-wearing, train-travelling, sparkle-loving, ballet-obsessed queen, ready to whisk you off on a fabulous adventure to the delightful seaside town of Deal!

It's true, my darlings. The train ride down was so romantic, I could almost hear a vintage waltz playing in my head! As always, I couldn't resist packing a travel tutu – it's lilac, naturally! And it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles journey without my signature pink-feather boa and sparkly lavender pumps. Honestly, I was like a walking rainbow, just aching to dance my way down the carriage!

Now, Deal is charming, darling, just like the folks who reside here. You know me, I adore a bit of quaint charm! The town's architecture is so captivating. It felt like I was stepping right into a fairytale, the houses were painted in gorgeous pastel shades and their pretty window boxes were bursting with vibrant flowers! The air was crisp, carrying a hint of the salty sea and the sun was shining like a spotlight on a fabulous queen! It was just perfect!

Before I even made it to my lodgings, darling, I stumbled upon a darling little shop filled with the most enchanting tutu-tastic delights! It was positively divine, just what I needed after a long train ride. Naturally, I couldn't resist snagging a pink sparkly headband to adorn my head. It just screamed "pink tutu power!" to everyone passing by! The shop lady even told me it was "a touch of fabulousness".

I have to confess, my dear, this trip to Deal was actually a little more… personal, than most of my jaunts around the British isles. You see, as much as I adore my sparkling costumes, sequins and glitz, a little bit of quiet reflection is always good for the soul, darling! I needed to tap into my inner Pink Tutu Sparkle and remember what makes me tick, you know? Why I put on that sparkling costume and perform in the most outlandish and extravagant fashion possible.

Honestly, I feel my best in a pink tutu! I never thought a simple little garment could have such an empowering effect. It truly embodies that sassy and feminine confidence I want to share with the world.

You might think, "Oh, Alex, she's lost it. A tutu?" But the truth is, I'm all about celebrating a life full of sparkle! In a tutu, darling, you are anything you want to be.

There I was, on the sandy shores of Deal, bathed in the golden rays of a setting sun, swirling a pink tutu under the clear blue sky. A strange but beautiful scene of serenity that only Deal and my trusty tutu could conjure up. For a moment, it was just me, myself and the wind whispering a tale of acceptance and love. I knew at that moment I was exactly where I was meant to be.

Don’t get me wrong, darling, it wasn't all about soul-searching! My trusty notepad, filled with fabulous notes on how to spread my pink-tutu gospel around Deal, was never far from hand! I’m determined, my dears, that one day every woman will embrace their inner diva and shimmy in their very own pink tutu. You all have a spark waiting to be ignited, you just need a little pink persuasion!

You'll be thrilled to know that the local dance school was happy to offer a "Pink Tutu Power" ballet class to all you glamorous go-getters! A bunch of local dancers, who already looked fabulous in their tutus, helped to convince some less enthusiastic individuals. You should have seen their faces transform once they got their tutus on. I almost thought the room might explode with a glorious supernova of sparkle and tulle! But don’t you worry, darlings, everything ended well. Just the way it always should. And it wasn't just about ballet. My trusty "Pink Tutu Sparkles" makeup stall was the biggest attraction at the Deal town fair! I managed to turn all the gloomy faces on the day into shimmering happy ones! It was truly heartwarming!

I'll admit, my darling, I have this secret little dream. Perhaps not just for the dancers in my life to don pink tutus, but for every girl in Deal. Imagine, every child with their very own tutu! Pink, lilac, every shade imaginable! And when they dance? Well, then my work is done!

It wasn't all rainbows and glitter though! As you know, my darling, my mission as a tutu-wearing, ballet-loving queen isn’t just about spreading sparkle and sass! I need to get this pink tutu love flowing like a flowing gown! You’d be surprised, darlings, how difficult it is to convince the odd grump that a tutu, in fact, could be a wonderful and joyous experience! One old chap actually called my tutu "unbecoming" – imagine, the audacity! I told him "Darling, if you think a pink tutu is unbecoming, you just haven't found the right shade!". It’s true, you know?

But what was so heartening, my lovelies, was how so many were so positive about it all. Some said, “Pink Tutu, you are a shining light in our dreary town!”. You see, it isn't always easy being the lone sparkle in a grey world! But, my darlings, I promise you, I will keep trying to make the world a little brighter, a little more fabulous, a little more … pink. You have to start somewhere, and where else can you sparkle like a queen than Deal, my dears!

As the last pink hues of sunset bled into the sky, I had a moment of realization. I wasn't just in Deal, darling, I was finally truly embracing the Pink Tutu Sparkles I knew I always was! A queen in her natural element. Now, on to my next destination. It is time to dance and to share!

And you know, my loves, you should too. Go forth! Spread that sparkle and sass. It’s all in a good pink tutu, darling!

Catch you all next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2003-06-06 stars in Deal