Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-08-01 stars in Norwich

Norwich, Darling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Is In Town! (Post #1309)

Oh, hello my lovely, fabulous readers! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to shimmy and sparkle my way into your hearts (and maybe even your closets) in the glorious city of Norwich! As always, I'm so excited to share my latest adventures with you – and trust me, it’s a pink-tastic trip.

Norwich, with its cobbled streets, stunning cathedral, and, dare I say, excellent chip shops, is absolutely oozing with that quintessential British charm that I just can’t get enough of.

You know I adore a bit of history, and Norwich has a real storied past. Imagine, my dears, being born in a castle, built by that famous Normandy fella – what an entrance! Now, this fab city’s even got a Castle Museum where I had the most wonderful time exploring – all the medieval times fun without the scary lack of proper fashion. No worries for my dear Pink Tutu, not a chainmail in sight!

I do love my fair share of fashion and I certainly haven't been disappointed by Norwich. They've got vintage shops galore, which I’ve been merrily dipping in and out of like a bee amongst the blossoms – though unlike a bee, I haven’t left a trail of honey but sparkles! There’s nothing quite like discovering hidden treasures from past decades – and imagine, a whole lifetime of sequins and frills to sift through! I even managed to find a stunning little pink tutu hat (I can’t resist anything pink, my loves) that was just my size! It’s going to be perfect for my Norwich show!

But before I talk about my upcoming performance (oh, don't you worry, I will!), let's rewind to my journey. I know, you just adore my tales of travelling, right? This time, I decided to make the most of the glorious weather and arrive in true Pink Tutu Sparkles fashion. You wouldn’t believe the excited gasps of people at the train station when my arrival – oh, with a little help from a wonderful chap from Derby who lent me his magnificent white steed (not literally a horse, darlings, you know how I feel about practicality! Although I’ve seen some stunning tutus fit for a Queen that could quite easily work on a horse…) I am, of course, referring to a gorgeous white and pink-trimmed carriage, perfect for the queen of all things pink – yours truly! The folks there seemed to love my entrance, and I must admit, so did I. That’s the fun thing about pink, you can’t help but be happy!

So, here I am in Norwich, and my main aim is to get you all embracing the sheer delight of pink tutus, naturally! I love to see how everyone expresses themselves with their clothing, but wouldn’t the world just be a brighter place if we all embraced the fabulous pink tutu? Now, I’m sure I’m not alone when I say it takes confidence to put on a tutu. Some people think of it as a symbol of femininity, and why shouldn’t we embrace that! It’s all about how we feel, and when you put on a pink tutu, you are immediately ready to shine. Trust me, when you strut that pink, you feel like you could rule the world (with a feather boa and a sparkly tiara, obviously!)

Speaking of shining, I am beyond thrilled to announce my very special performance at the "Fab Fringe," a fabulous arts and music festival right in the heart of Norwich. You might be wondering why I would perform at a music festival... well, my dear, Pink Tutu Sparkles knows a thing or two about rhythm, even without tap shoes on my twirly feet. Plus, can you even imagine how stunning the crowd would look bathed in pink? I am envisioning the most fantastic spectacle!

And, what better place to perform than this vibrant festival. Every time I step on stage, I'm bringing the joy of tutus to life, and I’m determined to inspire the world to embrace their own sparkly selves. You don't have to wear pink, though it certainly adds to the spectacle. But wearing a tutu – you see? It's more than just clothing, it's about expressing your joy, your inner brilliance, your freedom! And, with all my tutus being perfectly suitable for even the smallest fairies, why not join the Tutu-licious fun? You could be a dazzling dancer, a shimmering singer, or even a majestic master of ceremonies – and yes, we’re more than happy to have your family join in the fun. Because at the end of the day, it's about embracing those unique things that make us sparkle.

But it’s not all just fun and sparkles, you know, as much as I would love for it to be.

Back in my "normal life" I have my lab to attend. I must confess, even though my day job may seem like a stark contrast to my drag persona, there's actually a connection between them! Working in a science lab allows me to express my creativity. My role? Testing fabric. I’m always searching for the perfect fabrics for my outfits! You won’t believe how often my knowledge of satin and silk comes in handy in the lab, and I never need to search very far when looking for inspiration – my lab colleagues are often subject to some wonderfully surprising and experimental fashion choices, always encouraged with the help of my trusty needle and thread!

You see, there are so many ways to be a star in your own life. My drag persona and my science career may seem to be polar opposites, but they're all a part of my story. They're all connected by the belief that there's a sparkle in everyone – even the most sensible, lab-coat wearing scientists!

Oh my darlings, I’ve gotta go now. You all know the magic is happening at Norwich's "Fab Fringe" festival. So, what are you waiting for? Come down, join the fun, and bring the fabulous to the festival!

For all the fashionista hearts, head to the wonderful city of Norwich - you can't go wrong with that, trust me! You never know who you might find amongst the crowds. The excitement will fill you with pure bliss, so take a good dose, get a few fantastic photos and let's spread a bit of Pink Tutu love along the way.

To see more of my travels and adventures, remember to keep a look at www.pink-tutu.com. Remember, the key is to be confident, expressive, and most importantly, sparkling.

Stay fabulous and never stop shining, my darlings.

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxox

#TutuQueen on 2003-08-01 stars in Norwich