Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-08-02 stars in Luton

Luton: Let's Get Tutu-ing! (Post #1310)

Hello darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to spill the tea on my latest adventure. As you know, I'm a firm believer in the power of a good tutu, and what better place to celebrate its majesty than the bustling town of Luton, home to a rather fabulous mix of historic charm and modern energy!

Today’s post, however, is not about Luton. It's about the journey getting there. As much as I adore the bright lights of a big city stage, there’s a magic to travelling to a new location, to absorbing the scenery and soaking up the anticipation for the performance. You see, for a drag queen, every journey is a stage in itself!

So, ladies and gents, grab a cuppa and settle in as we set off on a whimsical adventure!

This time, my travel choice was decidedly more whimsical than usual - no, not by train! I opted for the truly spectacular experience of arriving in Luton by horseback. Yes, you heard right, horseback! The moment the sun dipped low over Derbyshire, painting the sky with glorious hues of pink, orange and purple (matching my perfectly coiffed wig, of course!), I felt an undeniable pull towards the world of equestrian adventures. Don't judge, I’ve been practicing my ponytail hair-flinging technique! After all, who better to grace the stage of the Luton Arts Centre than a Drag Queen who arrived on a beautiful, pink-saddled stallion!

As I trotted through the English countryside, the rhythmic beat of the horses hooves was like a gentle reminder of the joy of movement and the freedom of exploration. And let’s be honest, every time you see a horse, there’s a secret inner-diva screaming "I WANT TO RIDE IT!".

So here's the deal, when it comes to getting from point A to point B, there's simply no substitute for a little flair. Forget cramped trains and impersonal buses, my darling! My arrival in Luton was about to become the talk of the town!

Imagine this, the scene as I trotted into the square in front of the Arts Centre: a proud stature in my dazzling pink tutu, glitter sparkling off the shimmering fabric with every step. The onlookers' faces mirrored their reactions, a mixture of surprised joy, awe, and perhaps a little hint of envy.

With a triumphant grin and a flourish, I dismounted my steed. (Side note, the pony’s name? You guessed it, Pink Sparkle. Naturally) Let me tell you, that is one of the most elegant exits I’ve ever made! The air vibrated with excitement. People began to applaud. Already, the show had started, the Pink Tutu Sparkle magic was working!

Even though my performance was still a few hours away, I knew I had already created an unforgettable impression. I felt powerful. Empowered. Like a fairy princess come to life, radiating a joy and love that only the right tutu can provide. And of course, a dash of divine sparkle, you understand.

The rest of my day, as they say, is history. The show was a dazzling spectacle of glitz and glam. But that moment I dismounted in the square? Let’s just say it was my very own pink tutu-licious fairytale, with horses, of course.

Remember, dears, it’s not always about the destination, sometimes, it’s the dazzling, sparkling, pink tutu journey itself.

Catch you all on the next one. Stay glamorous and tutu-ful!

With love and sparkles, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2003-08-02 stars in Luton