Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-09-01 stars in Basingstoke

Basingstoke, Darling! It's Time to Sparkle! 💖🩰

Post #1340 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink-tutu-wearing queen is back with another dazzling travel tale! Today we’re in the charming town of Basingstoke, where the air hums with excitement. You see, my darlings, this is where I finally fulfilled a life-long dream... to perform in front of a live audience of children at the Basingstoke Little Theatre!

Before we get into the shimmering details of the show, let me tell you about my journey to this magical place. I must admit, the train ride from Derbyshire was absolutely delightful! The carriage was full of people going about their day, completely oblivious to the Pink Tutu Sparkles who was ready to dazzle them. I took it upon myself to bring some joy to the commuters, you see. After a couple of flamboyant bursts of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", they all started to smile and even a few shy little ones gave me a thumbs-up!

Arriving in Basingstoke, the first thing I saw was the absolutely magnificent town square! I mean, darling, it had statues! And a fountain! You could feel the history pulsating from the cobblestone streets, truly a charming and inviting place.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that while in the station, I was fortunate enough to find a vintage shop with the most adorable selection of clothes! You just couldn’t drag me away from the lace and feathers and…well, did I mention lace? I ended up leaving with a fabulous new sequined scarf, a feather boa to die for, and some magnificent sparkly shoes! You simply cannot tell a fabulous tale about my travels without mentioning the exquisite clothes! You know me darling!

Now, let’s get back to the highlight of my day – the performance at the Basingstoke Little Theatre! My darling dears, it was a dream come true. Children giggling and their eyes sparkling, their parents entranced with the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles. Oh, you know me, darling. My act is always a whirlwind of glitter and feathers! My show is based around a classic fairy tale – the tale of Cinderella, but with a Pink Tutu Sparkles twist, of course. You have to see my version, you will adore it! I did my signature performance with a dash of added silliness – "A Princess Has Got to Twirl", with all those glittery ballerina moves you've come to adore.

Let me tell you, my darling, my heart was simply bursting with joy. I was touched by the enthusiasm and pure unbridled happiness radiating from the children! They loved every minute of the performance and afterwards, you won't believe this, there was an adorable little boy in a tutu and a tiny pair of pink shoes waiting for me to give him a hug! The purest delight and joy just filled the air. This is what makes it all worthwhile, my darling.

After the show, the lovely theatre staff offered me the most delightful afternoon tea with cucumber sandwiches and a beautiful, homemade strawberry cake, fit for a queen, of course. All that delightful tea had me feeling so good I thought "you know what? A trip to the park to relax is in order" - I’m not kidding, you’re not getting old, you're getting fabulous and after the thrill of performing, a moment of peace is certainly called for. So off I trotted to a delightful park with a huge green space and lots of colourful flowers, so dreamy!

Now, the journey back is what truly took my breath away! I was on the 11pm train, heading back to Derbyshire. We had a delay of over an hour – which usually would drive me bonkers - but darling, it just happened to be a beautiful night. The stars were out in all their glory and we were slowly creeping through the countryside. The moon was high, full and shining on the green fields - oh my darling, you couldn’t script a better moment if you tried! The silence was simply perfect and the lights from the small towns twinkling, made my journey truly a moment I shall never forget! There I was in my gorgeous pink tulle skirt and feather boa enjoying the peaceful darkness with a warm drink in hand.

What’s next, my darling? You’ll have to wait and see. Keep checking my blog for the next instalment of “Pink Tutu Travels"! It’s time to make some magic and get everyone in a pink tutu. Until next time, darlings! Stay fabulous, stay kind, and spread sparkle wherever you go. 💖

P.S. Do let me know your thoughts on this amazing little town - it’s got charm and spirit!

#TutuQueen on 2003-09-01 stars in Basingstoke