Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-09-12 stars in Hove

Hove, Hove, Hove - Oh How I Love Hove! (Post #1351)

Hello my lovely darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to take you on a whirlwind trip to the glorious seaside town of Hove. And don’t even get me started on the divine hues of pink I encountered there!

Let’s be honest, darlings, I live for a bit of a getaway, especially when it involves hopping on a train (though a jaunt on a sturdy steed wouldn’t go amiss, mind you). But the journey was only part of the magic. I had a performance lined up at the fabulous Hove Theatre, and the excitement had my tulle bouncing in anticipation.

The ride to Hove was pure bliss. I popped on my latest pink, lace-trimmed hat and donned my shimmering rose-gold cat-eye sunglasses, just the thing to attract attention as I sashayed down the platform, and naturally, everyone stopped to stare. You simply cannot help but admire a queen rocking a good hat! I caught a glimpse of myself reflected in the window and giggled, “Hello gorgeous,” I murmured to my reflection. I felt fabulous, like a sugar plum fairy princess taking her well-deserved day off from ballet class.

My little escapade started as a whim, honestly. I saw a poster advertising a “Drag on the Beach” event on the official Hove Tourist Board website. This sparked a sudden urge to don my brightest pink tulle tutu and perform by the salty sea, but it also meant a quick outfit change. This was going to be my most challenging yet chic outfit choice, as it had to be breezy enough for the outdoors and simultaneously have some “fabulous drag” about it. Let's just say I wasn't about to sacrifice any glitter!

Reaching Hove, my eyes went wide. The vibrant architecture was simply delectable – you’d swear it had been dipped in sherbet, and the soft pink hues of the buildings really put me in a great mood. But first things first, tea, scones, and a spot of sunshine on Hove beach, because darling, a queen must recharge before she shines!

While basking in the gorgeous summer sunshine on Hove beach, I noticed something truly fantastic – the "Hove in Bloom" flower festival! The sight of delicate blooms arranged with precision and grace truly captured my eye – each design like a little pink tutu, delicate yet so visually impactful. Oh, the inspiration!

A day filled with sunshine, sea breeze, and beautiful flowers made the prospect of the night’s performance even sweeter. It’s amazing how the simple things can have such a magical effect, wouldn't you agree, darling? I felt truly inspired.

The Hove Theatre itself was a sight for sore eyes! It's an old, charming building with intricate carvings, elegant décor, and of course, plenty of shimmering, pastel-coloured lights. It was like a dream straight out of a fairy tale! As a child, I had envisioned myself twirling across a stage, surrounded by bright colours and enthusiastic crowds. All those childhood dreams came rushing back when I saw the warm lights of the stage and the empty, plush, velvet-covered seating ready to be filled by a glamorous, sparkly, excited audience.

I headed backstage for a little wardrobe adjustment - it was finally time to reveal my "Hove on a Budget" costume – an extravagant, ruffled, two-tiered, sparkling hot pink tulle tutu and matching butterfly-shaped wings, paired with a vibrant cherry red corset and glimmering hot pink and purple boots. The look was a bit of a fusion between the beauty of ballet and the flamboyant spirit of drag!

After a few warm-up stretches (you know, keep those leg muscles ready to work) and a couple of impromptu lip syncs to my favourite pop tracks, it was time for me to grace the stage and grace those eyes with a vision of beauty that even the great Princess Aurora would admire. As I danced to a lively selection of bubblegum pop hits, my glittery feather boas twirled and swirled, catching the light like stars against the black backdrop. I knew I had the whole room enchanted with my grace, glamour and my signature pink!

Of course, my set wasn’t complete without my iconic routine: the “Pink Tutu Spin” where I spin, twirl, and twirl some more – it’s quite the sight to behold and the audience loved it! They shrieked with delight at each “woo-hoo!” as I posed proudly. They even asked for an encore – oh, they simply adored the whole spectacle, and frankly, who could blame them?

At the end of my performance, a sweet elderly woman, looking quite dapper in her lilac scarf, approached me. "You really were absolutely phenomenal, dear,” she said, her voice soft as silk. "My granddaughter absolutely loved you!"

“You’re simply a beacon of colour in our rather beige town, darling, don't you think?”, she winked. "I was wondering,” she went on, her voice almost a whisper. “Do you sell any tutus?"

Well, of course, I have my “Pink Tutu Boutique” (visit the website! You know I love an opportunity to make a sale). She selected a delightful cherry pink number. “We are just getting into ballet dancing you see, so this is absolutely perfect for our first lessons,” she explained. “My granddaughter is just like you - completely mesmerized by pink tutus!”

Honestly, she absolutely melted my heart. The whole exchange brought tears to my eyes, it felt so touching and rewarding. I always felt a strange satisfaction watching someone discover the simple beauty of wearing a tutu. Perhaps it’s the sense of transformation, or maybe the pure fun of dancing like nobody is watching (except the entire auditorium, but you get the idea), but it brings a little sparkle into everyday life, you know?

So, if you happen to find yourself in Hove, do visit the beach, the theatre, and if you can't get your hands on one of those delightful pink tutus, you know where to find me - I’m always ready to encourage your own unique form of expression! But before you leave, let me ask you something
are you ready to let your inner tutu out? Until next time, darlings!


Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2003-09-12 stars in Hove