
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-01 stars in Chatham

Chatham, Darling!

Post #1370 - 1st October 2003

Oh my darlings, the sun is shining in this lovely corner of Kent! Can you believe itā€™s October already? Time really does fly when youā€™re having fun! And fun Iā€™ve been having! Itā€™s been such a whirlwind of a few weeks; performing at that gorgeous Tudor market in Winchester, taking my new feather boa on a lovely walk through the New Forest, then getting whisked off to the Royal Albert Hall to see a stunning ballet performanceā€¦ My darling, it was a dream come true! I do love a good ballet show, don't you?

And talking of dreams, you won't believe what happened to me! On my way down to Chatham ā€“ my carriage ā€“ I mean my train, wasnā€™t it lovely? I was right by the window and we were steaming along, it felt so magical, like a carriage pulled by a team of magnificent pink ponies! I know, darling, absolutely fabulous, don't you think? But letā€™s be honest, we don't actually get to ride pink ponies very often, do we? Maybe thatā€™s a new dream for our list of dreamsā€¦ And what's on this magical dream list? It has the pinkest of pink tutus, every feather boa you can dream of, a trip to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, and... let's add 'riding a pink pony' on the list, right after the ballet classes. Because, darling, even princesses need to take care of their lovely bodies, so you have to keep in shape, right?

You wouldn't believe who I bumped into on the trainā€¦ the gorgeous Miss Bubbles! Now, Iā€™ve been following Miss Bubbles' work for years. The woman is an absolute icon, a true diva. I practically fainted with excitement, I nearly said, ā€œOh my heavens Miss Bubbles! What a joy to meet you,ā€ but then I thought better of it. I couldn't be 'too' obviously starstruck! We ended up having a fabulous chinwag, you see she's actually on her way to Chatham to perform too. Can you imagine, Miss Bubbles, and me, all in the same place. It was quite magical! I mean, she wore a divine floral dress with a very interesting matching hat. You know me, I couldn't resist a little ā€œthatā€™s lovely darling, very vintage!ā€ commentā€¦ We talked for hoursā€¦ ok, well, about ten minutesā€¦ But it felt like hours!

Miss Bubbles also asked about my new project, that little side ventureā€¦ You see, Iā€™ve been working on a secret project in my lab! My lovely, lovely lab! It's top secret, darlings. I am so excited. You know me, my creative juices are always flowing. What am I cooking up, you ask? I can't give too much away yet, darling. It wouldnā€™t be so exciting if I did, now would it? It involves my passion for all things sparkly, sequins, tulle and glitterā€¦ But weā€™ll save that for a later blog post, yeah? It wouldnā€™t be much of a surprise then, would it, darling? Iā€™m bursting at the seams with this exciting projectā€¦ my heart beats for the art of fabulous, darlings! I need to go and get myself a nice calming cup of tea! Iā€™m a bit flustered after my excitement-filled tripā€¦ and then of course it was straight to rehearsals for tonight's show.

Speaking of shows! The crowd was going wild for me, darlings! Can you believe it? The whole of Chatham, dressed in their most glamorous finest. It was a sight to behold, the absolute BEST of what Chatham has to offer. There was something so electric about the air, you just know itā€™s going to be a night youā€™ll never forget. I am, after all, a master at making it happen! And how was my outfit? Why, it was pink, darling! You can never go wrong with pink. What other colour would be fit for a Tutu Queen like myself? Iā€™m absolutely loving it!

We had such fun. My darlings came dressed in all the right colours. It really brightened up my night. The pinkest tutu, with silver sparkly wings - absolutely divine! The silver glittered on my skin and I had the most fabulous sparkly pink make-up, with eyelashes that were miles long.

We laughed and giggledā€¦ Well, I laughed, and my audience giggled... and I twirledā€¦ you really have to see this, my darlingā€¦ but it really is something! So fabulous, so dramatic! It's not the usual twirl, no darling, that's all too boring for this fabulous pink tutu wearing queen, I go bigger, strongerā€¦ fasterā€¦ My pink tutu, it just gets in the way when I perform, well, not exactly... let's just say I was twirling, with all the grace and elegance of a majestic swan!

Did I tell you what we sang? "Happy," was the main hit, the crowd absolutely loved it! We also sang "Rainbow" because wellā€¦ what's life without a beautiful rainbow, huh? And of course "The pink princessā€, one of my favourites! Do you know the one Iā€™m talking about?

I even tried to teach them to twirl a pink tutu on stage with me! That was truly an unforgettable experience!

Well darling, off I trot! Back to the hotel for a much-needed napā€¦ Chatham really does take it out of me, you know! I think tomorrow I will do some serious shopping... I know exactly what to look for! It must be the right colour and sparklyā€¦ My darling, donā€™t worry, you will be the first to hear about it in my next post, I promise!

And do remember darlingsā€¦ spread the word and get those tutus onā€¦ Every single day can be filled with glitter and colour!

Ciao, darling, until next timeā€¦ Pink Tutu Sparkles x


#TutuQueen on 2003-10-01 stars in Chatham