
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-29 stars in Dewsbury

Dewsbury Delights! ✨ #TutuQueen #PinkTutuSparkles

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I'm buzzing after a fantastic performance in Dewsbury. This is blog post #1398 - whew, time really does fly when you're living your best, pinkest life!

First things first: I gotta say, travelling to Dewsbury by train was an experience. I squeezed onto a packed carriage with a giant, glittery pink suitcase (can you even imagine a normal suitcase? Ugh, so boring!), my tutu peeking out just enough to bring a little sparkle to the day. One dear old chap just couldn't help himself - he had to ask if I was heading for a fancy dress party. "This is my everyday wear, darling," I told him, "Just being a bit extra, you know!" He seemed baffled but delighted, so I definitely brightened up his day, even before I hit the stage!

The venue was a quaint little theatre, all red velvet and twinkling lights - the perfect setting for a dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles performance. It felt like a real old-time theatre - the kind that whispers secrets of dazzling acts and captivating stories. I love these intimate venues, the energy of the crowd feels so close, you can really see the reactions, the gasps, the laughter - it feeds the performance in a way that's truly magical.

Speaking of magical, let me tell you about my new dance number: a shimmering concoction of ballet, tap, and just a touch of salsa to keep things lively. Think tutus twirling, sequins sparkling, and those amazing kicks that would make Ginger Rogers blush! I was inspired by a recent trip to the Royal Ballet - just so much beauty and precision. And with a touch of sassy spice (my salsa skills are seriously on point!) the whole thing is simply unforgettable. Of course, I'm keeping the details under wraps, but let me tell you, it’s a head-spinner.

The crowd in Dewsbury absolutely loved it! The cheers, the whistles, even the shy little claps from the kiddies in the front row - it filled me up with joy. It's what I love most about this job - bringing happiness to people. Even those grumpy-faced fellas in the corner ended up smiling. I may not have won them over with pink, but a dazzling dance number will win anyone's heart.

After the show, the biggest crowd pleaser? Why, me of course, wearing my signature, bright pink, ruffled tutu. Kids (and their mums!) were clamouring for photos. I'm all about sharing the magic, so of course I obliged - more pictures of me and my sparkly fabulousness? Bring it on!

So, there you have it, another successful night under my belt. But Dewsbury, darling, you were just the beginning. I’m feeling more inspired than ever, ready to take the pink tutu world by storm. I've already got plans for a trip to York, I've heard they've got a real cool theatre there. And you know what I say? I might even bring a few extra pink tutus for anyone who wants to join in!

That’s it for now, darlings, gotta go, but don't forget, you can keep up with my daily adventures at www.pink-tutu.com Follow my sparkly trail, keep it fabulously pink and remember - every day's an opportunity to twirl and shine!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles βœ¨πŸ’•

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-29 stars in Dewsbury