Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-11-07 stars in Edgware

Edgware Calling: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage - Blog Post #1407

Oh darlings, grab your teacups and your best china, because Pink Tutu Sparkles is about to spill the tea on a truly fabulous trip to Edgware! I’m so excited, I can barely contain myself!

This trip has been a long time coming, and I just knew it was going to be utterly divine. You see, darlings, my love affair with Edgware is no secret. Ever since I stumbled across a photo of the stunning Edwardian architecture in the town hall, I knew I had to experience it for myself! And honestly, how can you not be enticed by the sheer magnificence of a place with such a theatrical name?

So, naturally, I planned a pink tutu extravaganza to mark the occasion. I envisioned myself waltzing through the streets in my most opulent pink tulle creation, a symphony of fluff and sparkle! I even ordered a bespoke feather boa in the most breathtaking shade of bubblegum pink. I mean, come on, darlings, if you’re going to visit a place with a name like Edgware, you have to dress for the part, right?

From Derbyshire to Edgware: A Train Journey of Enchantment

I know, you might be thinking, "Pink Tutu Sparkles travelling by train? What a strange choice!" But let me tell you, darling, nothing screams glamour quite like a vintage railway carriage, plush velvet seats, and the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels on the tracks. Plus, it gave me ample opportunity to unleash my inner fashionista! Imagine me, perfectly coiffed with my hair piled high on my head, a symphony of pink ruffles, sequins, and tulle trailing behind me as I stroll down the train aisle, a vision of flamboyant pink fabulousness!

Oh, and let's not forget the other passengers, darling! They were a treat to behold, every single one of them! We had everything from young families with their adorable, boisterous little ones, to sharp-suited business professionals engrossed in their newspapers. They all stared at me, I tell you! I wasn't the one who couldn't keep their eyes off me, and it truly warmed my heart, because every curious look was another soul being touched by the magic of pink tutus.

The train journey was also an excellent opportunity to do some serious pre-performance prepping. It was during a truly stressful commute to my first big London drag performance that I truly discovered the transformative power of my pink tutu. I’d been feeling nervous, but the minute I slipped into that twirly confection, all those worries melted away! The confidence, the joy, the utter, unshakeable faith in my ability to light up the stage... it just flooded me. From that point on, Pink Tutu Sparkles knew it had a destiny – a duty, even - to spread this joy!

An Afternoon of Enchanted Ballet and a Slice of Edgware Life

After a short and sweet journey (because of course, anything involving Pink Tutu Sparkles is always sweet, darling!), we arrived in Edgware, and my first stop? Why, a divine ballet school, of course!

This place, my darlings, was a true dream come true for a pink tutu aficionado like me. It was pure ballet magic! Rows upon rows of fluffy, shimmering pink tutus hanging in the studio windows. Ballet slippers galore! And oh, the delicious scent of old-fashioned floor polish and carefully applied make-up! I absolutely had to try on one of their pink tutus – it felt like being embraced by a giant cloud of tulle!

For a mere pittance, I treated myself to an introductory ballet lesson – you know, just to keep my moves fresh and fluid for my next show!

Later that evening, I embarked on an exploration of Edgware, indulging in some delightful afternoon tea and gorgeous scones, which were like fluffy pink clouds. I can still taste them! Honestly, they were almost as delicious as the pink frosted cupcakes I enjoyed for dessert!

Afterward, I ventured through the local shops and chatted with the friendly locals. There's nothing like a good old-fashioned gossip with the shopkeepers about the latest local events, ahem, drama, and just sharing in the vibrant life of Edgware!

I swear, darlings, Edgware is truly a hidden gem! I didn’t realise, but they have such a thriving arts scene. It's just bursting with creative energy. There were all sorts of captivating things going on: theatre productions, art exhibitions, local festivals - truly, the heart of Edgware beats to the rhythm of culture.

Ealing Studios and a Glimpse of Cinematic Glory

While I was at it, I made a quick stop to nearby Ealing Studios - you know, the legendary place where classics like Kind Hearts and Coronets and The Lavender Hill Mob were born! I couldn't leave without paying homage to this iconic place! Imagine all those fabulous, glamorous stars of old, dancing and waltzing in their finest finery. My darlings, you just know some incredible pink tulle was floating around those sound stages back in the day.

Of course, the highlight of the trip had to be the fabulous dinner and cabaret show I performed in. I mean, there I was, on stage in Edgware, adorned in my most glorious pink tutu, twirling and spinning with the grace of a feathered swan (well, maybe not quite that graceful, but close enough!), sharing the magic of pink tutus with a crowd of delighted Edwardians! The crowd loved my pink tulle-licious act, and I received a standing ovation. I’m told I have such an ‘electric presence’, even in a pink tutu. Who knew?!

I ended the night with a delightful little dessert (a giant pink meringue!), while listening to the locals regaling each other with tales of old Edgware - tales of love, laughter, and the extraordinary individuals who had left their mark on the town. Honestly, it was like listening to a captivating ballet performance. Every single story had such grace, so much theatrical flair.

My journey to Edgware was everything I hoped for and more! It was a testament to the transformative power of pink tutus, a celebration of the magic and charm that blooms in even the most unexpected places, and a resounding message that life is just too short to not embrace the ridiculous!

Until next time, my darlings, remember – life is always a ballet performance, so keep twirling and shining! And please, do try to wear a pink tutu sometime – you’ll love the reaction. Just look out for the sparkle in my eye – that’s Pink Tutu Sparkles, spreading the pink tutu gospel around the globe one twirl at a time. *Now, off you go, find your inner twirl, and shine, darling, shine!

Pink Tutu Sparkles x www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2003-11-07 stars in Edgware