
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-11-22 stars in Crosby

Crosby Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Coast

#1422: www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away on a whirlwind tour of my latest adventure - a fabulous jaunt to Crosby, a coastal gem nestled on the edge of the glorious Merseyside! I must say, my dear readers, the journey was a real treat, especially for a tutu-loving queen like myself. I opted for a rather romantic mode of transportation, swapping my usual zipping around in my little hatchback for the more leisurely and decidedly glamorous route - a trip by train! I simply couldn't resist the allure of the chugging carriages, the gentle swaying of the landscape, and the chance to indulge in a spot of tea and a slice of Victoria sponge. (Did I mention the cream was heavenly?)

Speaking of journeys, have you ever pondered what brings a scientific mind like mine to the dazzling world of drag? You see, it all started with a tutu - a pink tutu, of course! It was during my university days, while pursuing a rather dry degree in the field of materials science (it’s much more exciting than it sounds!), that I stumbled upon the local ballet club. They were holding a fundraising event, and one of the members, bless her soul, talked me into trying on a tutu for charity. I was captivated! The moment I slipped it on, I felt a surge of joy and a powerful urge to spread the tutu-tastic love. My pink destiny, I realized, was beckoning!

Now, back to the seaside! Crosby, you see, has a special place in my heart. I'm not only a queen of pink tutus, I'm also a rather enthusiastic ballet enthusiast - an absolute aficionado, if you will! And Crosby's most famous resident is, of course, the legendary Antony Gormley's 'Another Place', a series of monumental sculptures that line the coastline, creating a breathtaking, contemporary art landscape. Imagine, if you will, an army of 100 life-sized cast-iron figures staring out to sea, mirroring our own human journey. You can easily see why this coastal stretch became such a favoured location for me to stage my grand promenade.

I'll tell you, those sculptures provided the perfect backdrop for a truly fabulous fashion extravaganza! It was all about bright pink and fluffy tutus, cascading ruffles, sparkling tiaras, and feather boas galore! A dazzling pink ensemble of mine – an absolutely exquisite concoction of shimmering taffeta, layers of tulle, and my signature rhinestone trim - fluttered with every gust of wind. Just the sheer force of the air and the sight of those sculptures practically transformed my stage presence into a thrilling ballet in the wind. I felt like a majestic swan, gliding effortlessly along the sands, embracing the vast expanse of the North Sea with a dramatic flourish.

The day was simply radiant! My fabulous makeup looked breathtaking against the crisp backdrop of the seaside – and even my sparkly nails, covered in little seahorse designs to compliment the scene, managed to hold their shimmer despite the ocean breezes. All eyes were drawn to me - and to my darling, beloved pink tutus. My troupe of backup dancers (yes, I'm still working on getting my fabulous dancers together for the road, but until then I'll be improvising) – all adorned with our pink signature, of course! – performed alongside the figures with incredible finesse and a touch of sass. It felt like our tutus were literally taking flight. I don’t know who had more fun: my dancing friends or the awestruck faces of the public!

Oh, and you can't forget about my favourite local shops! While I was there, I absolutely had to explore the charming boutiques, filled with all the quirky and fabulous trinkets, garments, and treasures one could desire. Now, I'm not shy about admitting a penchant for a bit of a shopping spree! (It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it!). But of course, every purchase was a strategic investment for a fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles performance. Trust me, my lovelies, there's no greater joy than finding a spectacular pink accessory in a small, local gem! I practically stumbled upon a hidden gem tucked away down a cobblestone alley, bursting with the most breathtaking array of pink silk scarves! They'll be featured in my next show – I'm just figuring out how I'll attach them to my signature tutus...

And speaking of my next show, my lovelies, I've already got my eye on a most delightful theatre nestled in the charming seaside town of Lytham St Annes. They’ve got a fabulously opulent performance space and I just know that it's going to be a phenomenal show! And don't even get me started on their ice cream – apparently they have an award-winning ice cream shop right down the road from the theatre... pink sprinkles for the win!

My advice to you all? Remember, darling, whether you're waltzing through a seaside town or just enjoying a lazy day at home, there's no reason why you can't add a little touch of pink and tutus to your own personal style. Don't be afraid to embrace your inner queen - let your true colours shine! Now, don't you agree, my dears? Until my next blog post, keep shining bright, and always remember that the world needs more pink tutus.

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

x x x

P.S. Have I told you about the time I decided to embrace my inner child and took a delightful horseback ride along the Crosby beach? My steed, a majestic chestnut named Buttercup, wore a vibrant pink saddle – simply breathtaking! It was like a scene out of a ballet in the sun.

P.P.S. I simply can’t forget to mention the fabulously grand ballroom in the local hotel! The ballroom felt just the right size for my Tutu-tastic Dream Ball event (a future post to come!), which included a dance floor glittering with pink lights and an incredibly life-sized pink tutu chandelier, you have to believe me – this one was all pink from tip to toe! I even invited a local professional ballet troupe to give me some tips for a performance – we got a photo in the hall with me wearing a sparkly tutu! I think it will end up on my next calendar, after this amazing year of touring.

P.P.P.S. Do you have any great ballet shows planned? I need more ideas for my future posts, especially if they are pink tutu related, so do tell! Just leave a comment on the www.pink-tutu.com website or drop me a line – it would be just lovely to hear from you!

#TutuQueen on 2003-11-22 stars in Crosby