Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-11-24 stars in Stratford

Stratford Upon Avon: Post #1424: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On Shakespeare

Darling darlings,

Well, hello there! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, live and direct from Stratford Upon Avon! Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Pink Tutu Sparkles in Shakespeare? How’s that gonna work, hen?”

Let me tell you, darling, it's working beautifully! Just picture it: the quaint, cobbled streets, the old world charm, the Elizabethan vibes, and me, dazzling in my most fabulous pink tulle creation, spreading a bit of pink tutu joy to all!

It was all thanks to a lovely commission from a little theater group, “The Bard’s Ballerinas.” Turns out, these theatre buffs also have a penchant for ballet, and who better to add a little sparkle to their "Twelfth Night" performance than yours truly? I'll be making a special guest appearance in a spectacular, pink tulle costume I’ve been dreaming about for ages! Just imagine the sequins!

And of course, darling, when in Stratford, I had to visit the home of our beloved Bard himself, William Shakespeare! Let me tell you, it was a proper whirlwind! I took so many selfies, my phone is practically overloaded. I mean, a pink tutu amongst the Tudor walls? Just pure visual perfection!

But hold onto your sequins, darling, because that’s not all! It wouldn’t be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a bit of train travel, would it? This time I had to ride in a sleeper carriage! Yes, a proper old-fashioned sleeping compartment! It felt like I was traveling in the time of Shakespeare himself!

Before you think I was all glitz and glamour, though, there was a slight mishap. It's a long story, involving an unfortunate encounter with a very enthusiastic cup of tea, a stained pink tutu, and a whole lotta crying, followed by a whole lotta laughing at my own silliness. I mean, who knew that a splash of tea on a pink tulle skirt could have such dramatic flair? Luckily, my friend at the hotel managed to work a miracle, and the tutu, though a touch damp, is still shimmering beautifully! You know me, darlings! I’m all about turning lemons into lemonade...or should I say, turning tea into tutus? 😉

Anyway, speaking of sequins, my latest online collection of “Tutu Couture” is hitting the internet today! Think of it as my tribute to Stratford. A dash of Shakespeare, a sprinkle of ballet, and a whole lotta pink tulle – that's the essence of Pink Tutu Sparkles' “Stratford Style!” You’ll have to catch it online!

I am so thrilled to share my adventures in this charming little town! It’s got so much beauty, and oh my god, those gardens at Shakespeare’s house, heaven! Now, darling, I have to dash off – I’m supposed to be rehearsing for tonight's big performance. But before I go, I want to leave you with a little piece of pink tutu wisdom: "Life is a stage, and you, dear ones, are the stars!" So, dare to twirl, dare to sparkle, and always remember to dare to wear your own pink tutu!

Until next time, darlings!

Love and tutus,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


A little bit about Pink Tutu Sparkles…

Hey! It's me, Pink Tutu Sparkles! It’s hard to believe that just a few years ago, I was a timid Derbyshire girl in a science lab, wearing a lab coat and a white, not-so-pink-tutu-friendly uniform! But then, in a life-changing moment during my university days, I was helping to organize a charity fundraiser at the ballet club, and...snap! The moment I put on that pink tulle skirt, I knew that was it!

And look at me now! This pink tutu queen is living the dream! By day, I’m analyzing fabrics, working for the same science lab where I found my destiny. By night, it's sequins, smiles, and spectacular performances all the way!

It wasn't always easy. There were times when I really doubted myself. You know, "Who's going to wear pink tutus and sequins to work?". “You're way too small to be a drag queen!". "Pink tutus just won't be understood"!

But then I remembered the passion that burned in my heart – that desire to spread the power of positivity, one pink tulle skirt at a time! It’s more than just dressing up, it’s a whole feeling, a sense of freedom! A little like a pink tutu-wearing, drag queen butterfly bursting from its chrysalis!

My drag world opened a new chapter in my life! Suddenly, there was music to move to, sparkly costumes to design, new audiences to connect with. My scientific world became part of my stage act. It gave me a voice, an opportunity to experiment, and to let my creativity fly. I have to say, those two worlds, the world of sequins and the world of scientific research, have so much in common, darlings. There’s always something new to discover!

It’s so important, darling, that you never let those voices hold you back, the ones who tell you "you’re not good enough", "you can’t do it" . Just listen to that inner spark, and let your own pink tutu sparkle! Life is too short not to embrace your fabulous self, and let your own unique style take flight!

Here’s a peek into Pink Tutu Sparkle’s life:

  • Tutu Couture: My obsession with the perfect pink tutu is my life blood! I collect them all – sparkly tutus, fluffy tutus, feather tutus. Anything that makes you say, “Ooooooo!”
  • Ballet Dreams: I live for ballet – classic, street, modern, it all works! You can always catch me at the Royal Opera House or The Barbican for a grand performance, and when I have some extra time I get back into the studio!
  • Travel by Horse & Carriage... (well, maybe train!): When not in my pink tutu and sequins, you can find me on a train (or even a real horse), off on some amazing adventure! The bigger the train, the better the travel experience.
  • Performances Galore: I love performing anywhere! From tiny clubs to local fairs to grand theatrical stages – you never know where you’ll find this Pink Tutu Queen.
  • Pink Perfection: It’s all about that perfect shade, darlings! Whether it’s a shocking pink or a pale bubblegum pink, it all fits into my “pink world”!
  • The Queen’s Court: I wouldn't be where I am today without my loyal band of supporters - the "Pink Tutu Court" who love pink as much as I do! They're always there, supporting my performances, offering advice, and just spreading love and joy wherever they go.

Darling, life is too short not to twirl in your pink tutu! Get yours now and embrace your inner pink!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2003-11-24 stars in Stratford