
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-04-04 stars in Liverpool

Liverpool Calling: Tutu Adventures in the City of Beatles! (Blog Post #1556)

Hello, my gorgeous darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad, glitter-spitting, fabulously fun-loving drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the incredible, bustling city of Liverpool!

Oh, this city just gets my sparkle going! The energy here is electric, and it feels like there's a party happening on every corner. And you know me, I canā€™t resist a good time. šŸ˜‰

This is my first trip to Liverpool, and I'm already smitten with its charm. The architecture is incredible, especially those majestic buildings with the iconic Liver Bird perched proudly on top. Honestly, itā€™s a stunning visual feast for my sparkly eyes!

But Liverpoolā€™s charm isn't just about the sights; itā€™s about the people too. They're so warm and welcoming. Even the cheeky Liver birds couldnā€™t resist a friendly chat and a snap with my fabulous pink tutu!

Speaking of tutus, the Liverpool crowd absolutely LOVED my sparkly pink creation! As soon as I stepped off the train and onto platform 1, I was swarmed by a group of youngsters, all dressed in their own colourful outfits. They'd heard about my coming and were desperate to grab a selfie with their favourite pink tutu queen. And who could resist a request from such eager little angels?

We all posed for a quick photo, and they even cheered me on as I skipped along the station platform. I swear, the platform even glittered a little more because of their infectious enthusiasm!

Of course, the highlight of my trip had to be my performance at the legendary Cavern Club. Performing amongst the same space where the Beatles got their start? That's the stuff of rock ā€˜nā€™ roll dreams, darling!

The crowd was so full of energy, bouncing along to my biggest hits like a giant, pulsating pink heart. And yes, I sprinkled in some extra pink sparkles during the performance for those of you who have a special fondness for the finer things in life, and I dare say, I had the entire crowd wearing pink tutus (even if they were only imaginary!)

And whatā€™s a trip to Liverpool without indulging in their iconic street food? From delicious, piping-hot chip butties to a mouthwatering "scouse" stew, my tummy did the happy dance after a delightful, hearty lunch! I couldnā€™t help but bring some back to my little hotel room for later. Yum!

The streets are buzzing with a diverse mix of shops. But no trip is complete without a quick pitstop to a good old vintage shop! Let's just say my suitcase is already brimming with beautiful, shimmering new additions to my collection.

After a truly dazzling trip, it was time for me to say farewell to my lovely Liverpool. I took one last gaze at those spectacular buildings as the train pulled out of the station, the last image forever imprinted on my mind, a happy sigh escaping my lips.

And honestly? Itā€™s hard to say goodbye. This city holds such a special place in my heart ā€“ it's like a big hug with a cheeky wink!

Iā€™m already thinking about when Iā€™ll return. My tutuā€™s ready, darling, and I've got even more pink sequins to bring! And donā€™t worry, dear friends, Iā€™m just getting started! My pink tutu journey is only beginning. The whole world is waiting, and my next stop isā€¦ well, you'll have to wait and see! But trust me, itā€™ll be as fabulously fun as a trip to Liverpool!

Until then, remember to always twirl with your head held high, keep those fabulous colours shining bright, and let your pink tutu fly, my darlings!

See you soon!


Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.S. I just started this fab new Twitter account - go and give it a follow at @PinkTutuSparkle. Canā€™t wait to interact with you all on the social scene, babes!

Why I love my Pink Tutu and a life dedicated to sparkles

I think it all started when I was studying at the university. Yes, believe it or not, Pink Tutu Sparkles is actually a qualified scientist. Thatā€™s right, you can find me in the lab by day testing fabrics, and on stage at night, in all my pink glory. But the transformation didnā€™t happen overnight. It started with a charity event.

There I was, in my usual student get up ā€“ jeans and an oversized T-shirt ā€“ standing in front of the University's very own, ā€œPink Tutu Standā€, ready to try out what seemed to be the most ridiculous thing on this side of the university. Iā€™d been hesitant at first, my initial instinct being a straight up NO, a thousand times NO, but my friendsā€™ enthusiasm was infectious. They convinced me that ā€œa little bit of pink never hurts.ā€

ā€œCome on, you look fabulous, Alex, own it!ā€ shouted Laura, throwing me a glitterbomb that sent shimmers of hope flying in all directions. It was an opportunity I had to grasp.

In all honesty, I'd never really been "into" dresses, skirts, or anything too "girly". My favourite color, ever since childhood, was, believe it or not, yellow!

As the layers of tulle went on and the elastic waistband fastened securely, I felt a nervous but powerful buzz inside. There it was! The iconic tulle! That soft, delicate, fluffy fabric I never thought would be a part of my world.

Suddenly, a deep inner confidence welled up in me. I looked in the mirror. There she was. I swear, I saw a glint of something brilliant, an air of majestic presence ā€“ almost supernatural, as if sheā€™d stepped right out of a vintage film ā€“ Pink Tutu Sparkles!

I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. This, this was a look! That moment, in that charity event, that one magical moment, a whole new world opened up to me!

I could barely believe it, but, I actually loved it. The way the tulle danced as I twirled, the delicate ruffles billowing around my feet. It felt exhilarating, freeing, and somehow, completely magical. I knew right then that my life was about to be a dazzling, glittery spectacle. And from that day onwards, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! And you all know what? This incredible pink-tutu journey only continues to blossom with each performance and with every twinkle.

Even after all these years, after countless stage performances, sparkly costume changes, and the countless gallons of pink lipstick applied to my lips, I can still feel that same nervous, heart-pounding, heart-opening excitement that I first felt as I put on that pink tutu.

It was, indeed, the most powerful feeling I had ever known, and the feeling that gave birth to Pink Tutu Sparkles. The one and only queen of tutus. I would spend every single day trying to capture the magic of that one magical moment, in the hopes that one day, weā€™d all be rocking tutus in celebration of life and everything fun! And darling, that journey continues today. Because my journey is far from over. Let's go have a pink tea party together soon, my loves. The sequins await!

See you again, very soon. xx

#TutuQueen on 2004-04-04 stars in Liverpool