Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-07-04 stars in Boston

Boston, Baby! #TutuQueen On The Road – Post 1647

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from the bustling streets of Boston! My, oh my, what an adventure this has been, a whirl of glittery streets and even glitterier experiences! I’m writing this from my hotel room, which I must say, feels a little too beige for a queen like me. I’m adding a touch of pink, of course, with some strategically placed fairy lights and a sequined pillow! I mean, it’s Boston, after all, the land of the brave! So, let me tell you all about my Boston adventures...

As always, my journey began with a bit of a fashion crisis. What to wear on the train, darling? After all, the journey was no mere commute! I wanted something that would cause a stir, something fabulous and utterly Pink Tutu Sparkles-esque. So, I went for my emerald green velvet coat, a stunning splash of colour against my bright pink tutu. I knew I had to bring the magic, and what’s more magical than a pink tutu?

You see, a pink tutu is much more than just an item of clothing; it’s a statement. A declaration of joy. A declaration of oneself. And I aim to spread that joy, one pink tutu at a time. I believe everyone should experience the freedom and magic of twirling in a pink tutu! The world would be a much brighter, more joyful place if we all wore our hearts on our tutu-clad sleeves.

Oh, the train ride was fabulous! It felt like a fairytale carriage whisking me away to my destiny – well, actually it was Boston! But still! I caught up on a few of my favourite novels (naturally, all with themes of transformation and self-expression) and even attempted to sketch a new dance routine in my little notebook. You see, my art comes from the heart, darling, and my heart is brimming with colour and passion for ballet!

I've always adored the grace of ballerinas. They seem to float on air! The elegant leaps and fluid turns are a sight to behold! My first introduction to the ballet came in school – we had an annual trip to the Nottingham Playhouse, and each year I’d dream of taking to the stage, shimmering in a fabulous costume, with the music lifting me up like wings. As I grew up, I went to the Royal Opera House as often as I could, devouring each show! I would say it was my inspiration to become Pink Tutu Sparkles, but honestly, who doesn’t dream of wearing a tutu?

When I was at university, studying…wait for it… fabric science! My life really wasn’t quite as flamboyant back then. I had to work, you know? I worked in a lab, testing all sorts of textiles! Can you imagine, the excitement of working with… silk! Honestly, I sometimes just want to say to the material: “Girl, you’re gorgeous! Do you know how stunning you would look in a tutu?” I’d always take some time out each week to attend the ballet club, though. A fellow student invited me to try on a tutu for charity - and that was when I knew I had to wear one for life!

At first, I’d pop my pink tutu on for just a moment, twirling in my dorm room, dreaming of being onstage. I felt like Cinderella at the ball, transforming from an ordinary science student into a fabulous drag queen. Then, my dreams became a reality – I decided to share my love of tutus and dancing with the world. And I do!

Since becoming Pink Tutu Sparkles, I've had so many unforgettable moments, dancing at markets, festivals, even on the beach! But Boston! Boston is special. The people are so welcoming and full of energy. The music here is intoxicating, a constant rhythm coursing through the streets! As I walk around, soaking up the atmosphere, it feels like the music itself is guiding me to new and wonderful experiences. And so it led me to this beautiful theatre, with red velvet seats and swirling chandeliers!

It was a sold-out show – and that’s the best kind! The theatre vibrated with energy, everyone laughing and enjoying the music. When I took to the stage in my custom-made, hand-sewn tutu – and honestly, it sparkles! Just wait till you see it – the crowd erupted. I felt their energy, a thrilling pulse of acceptance and joy, that I gave right back to them.

I love it. Every time I perform, every time the spotlight shines on my pink tutu, it's pure magic! There’s a kind of shared wonder in the air. After the performance, people stopped me for photos and autographs, with their children gazing in awe. Some even asked for my “Tutu-licious" makeup tips! The moment when children looked at me, wearing their heart-shaped pink tutus, knowing they had someone to inspire them to dream… it was more than magical, it was real! It reminded me of why I wear the pink tutu and the glittery heart on my sleeve, and why I strive to spread joy wherever I go!

Boston was overflowing with inspiration! The city is rich in history and full of energy! We visited the Boston Common, a haven of green amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, where we enjoyed a picnic. I felt like Alice stepping into Wonderland, with colourful floral displays bursting forth from the greenery! Then, we ventured through the historic Freedom Trail, marveling at the tales of the American Revolution. Each step, each brick, carried stories of hope and courage, echoing through the city's very heart. The freedom to be ourselves – and wear a pink tutu – feels incredibly strong in Boston!

We even spent a few hours exploring the Charles River. A perfect setting for a ballet performance, don’t you think? ( I’m writing to the Mayor, proposing an outdoor show! They can’t say no! Just look at that beautiful water – we're talking graceful swans and shimmering reflections, perfect for my ballerina moves!) We went on a boat trip, just to enjoy the sunshine on my face and the fresh breeze ruffling my feathers. I feel most at home when I'm surrounded by nature, the sky stretching overhead and the trees whispering their stories to the breeze.

You see, travelling and dancing are my passions. It's amazing to see the world from a stage. I find myself not just in new places, but in new hearts. It feels like every day I’m finding out more about myself, more about the world. It's always an adventure, a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences, all bundled into my brightly pink tutu.

Today, I'm finally starting to think about the journey home. I've already planned out the outfit. I need a travel look that's just as striking as my stagewear but a little more low-key! I'm thinking of pairing my classic pink tutu with a vintage leather jacket and some funky platform boots! I think it's a bit rock'n'roll and a little bit whimsical, just like me. It's an excellent way to blend in but stand out all at once!

Of course, I'll be taking in some last-minute souvenir shopping, picking up little gems to remind me of my journey and all the fabulously kind people I met here! But don't worry, I won't be returning to Derbyshire without a fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles show! It will be filled with dancing and delight, with music so dazzling that you'll be caught in its spell! It's going to be an extravaganza that you don't want to miss. So stay tuned, darlings, because the Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure has only just begun.

Now, I have to go and finish my costume planning, because when I get back home I’m going to need the biggest, fluffiest, most fabulous tutu I can find for my next performance! Stay fabulous, stay sassy and don’t forget to embrace your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles! Until next time, my lovelies, and never forget: Always twirl your way through life!

Yours always, Pink Tutu Sparkles

(And if you want to know my real name, it’s Alex! Oh, and check out our website at www.pink-tutu.com – I post here daily, telling you all about my crazy adventures.)

#TutuQueen on 2004-07-04 stars in Boston