Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-08-29 stars in Surbiton

Surbiton Sparkles! 💖

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a dazzling weekend in Surbiton and ready to share all the fabulous details with you! It’s been a whirlwind, as always, and I’m overflowing with stories to tell you.

This is blog post number 1703, and believe me, it's one for the record books! You know me, always striving to get everyone twirling in a pink tutu, and Surbiton certainly felt the sparkle this weekend.

A Trip Back in Time

Surbiton itself was a dream come true. Now, I’ve always been a fan of classic elegance – think Victorian architecture and a touch of old-world charm – and this little town just radiated it. It felt like I’d stepped back in time, with quaint little shops and charming cafes, perfect for a spot of afternoon tea and people watching. Oh, the fabulous fashion I spotted! But, alas, the only thing missing was a good dose of Pink Tutu Sparkle. 😉

Reaching Surbiton: Horse Power and Steam Power

As usual, I went on a proper adventure getting to Surbiton! This time, a good friend let me ride his magnificent chestnut stallion, named Buttercup. Buttercup was a real show-stopper, let me tell you. People stopped to stare at us on the road! Honestly, he seemed to adore the attention as much as I do. It took a little longer than a train journey, but it was well worth the scenic route! And imagine my surprise when I found a horse riding stables in Surbiton - right in the heart of the town! There's something undeniably romantic about horses, wouldn't you say? It's as if they add an extra dose of sparkle to life, don't you think?

Of course, my journey wasn’t complete without a ride on the vintage train to get back home. Now, let’s just say the steam engine took me right back to my childhood dreams – full of adventure, a little bit of smoke, and an awful lot of nostalgic charm. And imagine this – it was actually pink! Don’t worry, darling, you read that right! The most fabulous steam engine I’ve ever laid eyes on!

Surbiton Sparkle: From Ballerina to Drag Queen

So, what took me to this lovely corner of the UK? Why, Surbiton had a little something for everyone, and naturally, my pink tutu heart was absolutely calling! Let's rewind a little bit – remember that vintage fair I mentioned last week in Brighton? Well, after the amazing performances, I was whisked off by the kind owner of a local arts center. And believe it or not, she’s been following my blog! (I told you my pink tutu army was growing!) She offered me a chance to perform in Surbiton, and you know I never say no to a chance to share the sparkle with the world.

Now, Surbiton’s not your typical drag scene – they don’t see many pink tutus shimmering on the streets! But the local community welcomed me with open arms. I mean, have you seen my tutus, my darlings? You just can’t resist! I gave an absolutely brilliant performance – a ballet inspired routine, with a little bit of theatrics thrown in for good measure. And believe me, I managed to weave in a few nods to the ballet performance I saw the day before – a rendition of ‘The Sleeping Beauty.’ The entire audience was absolutely entranced! They couldn't get enough of my sparkling, sassy choreography, all choreographed with my signature Pink Tutu flair.

I love the ballet, don’t you? It’s such a graceful art form! I especially love the graceful elegance of the tutus – their wispy, feminine softness – they are so wonderfully extravagant. When I’m performing on stage in a pink tutu, I feel unstoppable! Like the stars are sparkling all around me and nothing can stop me. That’s exactly how I want everyone to feel – confident, bold and full of that sparkly energy. And after the performance in Surbiton, you know what happened, darling? Yep, someone was wearing a pink tutu for their own performance! The spread of pink is spreading faster than ever.

Shopping for Sparkles!

Let's be real, darlings, what’s a weekend trip without a little bit of retail therapy, right? Of course, I had to hunt down a few new additions to my wardrobe, and I did just that. Surbiton had this wonderful little boutique that made my heart sing! They had the most fabulous collection of clothes, and of course, the owner had a special section for sparkly fabrics. Oh my, my head spun! We discussed fabrics and how it is amazing the impact it has on our lives – clothes are fabric, bedding is fabric, towels, it's everywhere. Of course, we got to talking about pink! Did you know that pink is a symbol of both femininity and love? And I believe those are pretty powerful sentiments, wouldn't you agree? I’ve even got some wonderful ideas for some new pink tutus after a quick visit to the local fabric shop in Surbiton – perfect for next month's performance! I’ll be incorporating all my findings into a blog post very soon – be sure to check it out!

A Little Piece of Paradise in Surbiton

Surbiton truly stole my heart – it was the perfect escape, full of charm and lovely little surprises. As always, I got the chance to connect with fabulous people – the kind soul who let me use her stables, the enthusiastic audience who made my performance truly special. Oh, and how can I forget the delightful tea and cakes at the charming local cafe? The perfect place to sit and people-watch while sipping on some lovely tea.

Speaking of cafes, I discovered this little gem with an enchanting rose garden right in the middle of town. It was the perfect setting for some delightful pink lemonade and a little chat with a local drag queen – turns out she’s been a secret Pink Tutu Sparkle fan! She confessed she always wanted to try out the pink tutu, so guess who got to bring a sparkly friend some inspiration? My heart is bursting with joy!

So, as my adventures continue, you know my aim remains the same – to spread the sparkle and bring a little touch of Pink Tutu magic to everyone. After all, what’s life without a little bit of pink sparkle?

Now, darlings, you must check out the wonderful photos from my adventures in Surbiton on my Instagram @pinktutusporkles. But wait, there's more! Make sure to leave a comment on this blog post at www.pink-tutu.com - I can’t wait to hear from you.

Until next time, keep on twirling, darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2004-08-29 stars in Surbiton