Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-09-10 stars in Bridgwater

Bridgwater Calling! (Post #1715)

Hello my gorgeous darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you the latest from the world of fabulousness! Today, we’re hopping on a train (gotta love the romance of a good railway journey) and heading to the beautiful Bridgwater.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Bridgwater? Is there even a stage there?” Well, let me tell you, darling, with a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance, there’s always a stage. It might be a pub garden, a market square, a park bench – it doesn’t matter! A queen like me makes magic happen anywhere. And I’m absolutely positively buzzing to be in this lovely little town, taking the Pink Tutu Revolution one town at a time!

Oh, darling, before I forget, it’s officially “Pink Tutu Tuesday!” It’s my favourite day of the week, so if you haven’t already, whip out that pink tutu, get those sequins gleaming, and twirl, darlings, twirl!

A Scientific Sparkles Approach

Now, you may think it's odd, but I’m a bit of a science geek (don't worry, this doesn’t involve any chemistry, unless you count glitter as a chemical!) It all started when I was studying my science degree – a right proper boring lab rat.

But then I stumbled upon the university ballet club. Honestly, who’d have thought the nerdy girl with her nose in a textbook would turn into a glitter-covered dreamboat? But darling, it all happened when we had a charity fashion show, and guess what? They made me try on a tutu! It was love at first sight – a swirling cloud of pink perfection, with enough sequins to blind a whole audience. The rest, as they say, is history! By day I analyse fabric at the lab, testing its durability, stretch, and … ummm … glittery potential, and by night, I sashay onto the stage with all the flair and fabulousness my pink heart can muster!

Speaking of magic and sparkly moments, my trip to Bridgwater started a while back. It all began with a message on my website, www.pink-tutu.com. You see, my dears, I'm more than just a sparkly pink princess - I'm a fully-fledged, internationally-renowned Pink Tutu sensation, known for dazzling audiences far and wide. This particular message was from a delightful woman, Betty, from Bridgwater. Betty loves her pink tutus (naturally!), and wanted a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance for the annual Bridgwater Fair. She sent me photos of the town - beautiful old buildings, a stunning canal, and a fantastic open square right in the heart of town. She practically begged me to come (with a very endearing use of exclamation marks, bless her heart!). And darlings, let me tell you, a good begging queen will always melt my pink tutu heart. It's settled, then! Pink Tutu Sparkles is heading to Bridgwater!

A Journey of Tutuful Delight

Now, the trip to Bridgwater was pure magic! You know I love a train journey. It’s a fabulous opportunity to observe the people around me – who knew there was so much stylish inspiration in the waiting room? I even discovered the ultimate fashion tip – wearing a fabulous pink tutu makes your luggage seem so much lighter, like you’re literally walking on air. It’s truly the magic of a pink tutu!

As I sped through the English countryside, I couldn’t help but get excited for the show ahead. Bridgwater, here I come!

The Bridgwater Fair Extravaganza

Arriving at Bridgwater station, the air was thick with excitement. I had my trusty entourage - a collection of glitter-clad fairies, each one ready to bring sparkle to every corner of the fair. They practically skipped through the station, their laughter echoing through the halls!

Now, this Bridgwater Fair was something special. It felt like a celebration of everything delightful, and of course, everything pink! I caught glimpses of fluffy sheep, happy families, amazing craft stalls (all selling pink, you guessed it!) – a truly magical atmosphere!

And what better place for a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance than this vibrant fair? We made our way to the stage (I told you – a queen makes magic happen!) a small stage right next to a vibrant floral display! It felt like something out of a storybook.

A Pink Tutu-ful Performance

Darlings, my show was a dream! It started with a whirlwind of pink tulle, shimmering with more sequins than you’d ever imagined! My first song was a belter of a pop hit - my heart soared with each high note, each dramatic flourish! Then, I strutted through my crowd-pleasing, fabulous dance routine - think leg splits, high kicks, and dramatic dips. It was all very exciting and I knew those fabulous folks in Bridgwater were loving it.

After the show, I met a fantastic young lady – Clara. Now, Clara wasn't just any fan, she was an absolute angel! A true devotee to the Pink Tutu Sparkles philosophy - She wore a pink tutu!

Clara told me how she’d fallen in love with ballet. But life had got in the way. You know how it is – you get caught up in grown-up life, with jobs, bills, and… well, sometimes even the love for a pink tutu can fade!

And seeing my show had reignited that flame! Now, she was ready to get back to the twirls, leaps, and, well, to wearing a pink tutu – with a fierce passion for the world of dance!

This is what it's all about, my dears - sharing the joy of tutus with every last fabulous soul on this planet! The mission is clear: to make the world a more colourful, twirling, joyful place.

The Magic of Pink Tutues

You see, darling, there’s magic in a pink tutu – it’s about embracing the extraordinary, it’s about saying “YES!” to life and all its glorious, sequin-studded chaos! It's about celebrating life, and embracing those beautiful pink hues of the world.

I encourage you to give it a try - put on a pink tutu, stand in front of your mirror, and let your heart tell the world – “Here I am! I'm fabulous! I’m a Pink Tutu Queen!”

I have to dash off now – lots of travelling still to do, a million shows to perform! Remember, my lovely friends – embrace your inner tutu queen and make life a dazzling, shimmering dance!

Follow The Pink Tutu!

You can keep up with my amazing pink-tutu adventures daily on www.pink-tutu.com. Follow my latest glitter-filled travels! Until next time, my dears – stay sparkling, keep twirling, and never stop believing in the power of a pink tutu!

Yours fabulously,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2004-09-10 stars in Bridgwater