Post #1792
Oh, darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another dazzling blog post! Today, we're whisking ourselves away to the charming town of Bournville, a place that’s steeped in history and oozing with chocolatey goodness – what could be better, eh? 🍫💖
Now, I’ve been saying it for ages, and I'll say it again, there's nothing like a train journey for inspiration. The rhythmic clackety-clack of the wheels, the changing scenery whizzing past the window – it just gets my creative juices flowing! I was sitting on the train, a lovely vintage carriage adorned with floral wallpaper and plush velvet seats, admiring my reflection in the mirror (looking, naturally, absolutely fabulous in my latest pink tutu) when a thought struck me like a bolt of lightning – I’ve never had a blog post about Bournville! How could this be? What a glaring omission in my sparkling history! So here we are, darlings, on a Pink Tutu adventure to Bournville!
But before we get to the town itself, let’s talk about the journey, shall we?
A couple of days before setting off, I received the most exciting invitation to perform at a vintage fair in Bournville, the “Bournville Vintage and Craft Fayre”, in fact! I was practically hopping with glee, darling. Imagine: me, shimmering in a tulle confection the colour of a flamingo’s feathers, entertaining a room full of vintage enthusiasts – what a delightful way to spend a weekend! I'd planned my entire wardrobe for the occasion, everything perfectly pink, naturally, with layers and layers of frills and flounces to add a touch of playful decadence.
As soon as I saw the invitation, I knew I was going to make it a grand affair. Why travel by any old way when you can go by horse-drawn carriage? Yes, darling, you heard right! I hired the most elegant horsedrawn carriage, with a handsome, stoic groom leading the pair of majestic grey geldings. You should have seen me emerge from the stables – pure vintage glamour with a touch of whimsical romance. The townspeople were aghast! The ladies were agog! And I, well, I was living my absolute best life! 🥰
We rolled into Bournville, with its picturesque streets lined with red brick buildings and lush green gardens, like a vision of a bygone era. And then I saw it… The chocolate factory! The iconic Bournville factory building, with its majestic chimney rising high into the sky, a true landmark of British history. Oh, the stories it must tell! Stories of cocoa beans from far-off lands, stories of workers bustling with energy, stories of chocolate making its way onto plates all over the world! 🍫
And speaking of chocolate, darling, it wasn’t long before I was sampling some of the finest chocolate treats in Bournville's lovely shop, “The Chocolate World.” My taste buds were positively dancing! They had a vast array of truffles, bars, and sweets. Of course, I opted for the most delicious pink ones! And the best part? It all felt very in-keeping with the vintage fair aesthetic. A delightful blend of modern sweetness with that irresistible touch of nostalgia!
But my beloved Bournville was so much more than just a delicious chocolate town! It was like stepping into a picture book with its quaint cobbled streets, charming tea rooms and pretty gardens. There was such a peaceful vibe there, something about the quaint old houses and the lovely greenery made me feel quite tranquil and content. And, of course, with such charming shops and gardens, what could possibly be better than spending the day in my glorious pink tutu and taking photos for the ‘gram, eh?
Now, on to the highlight of my Bournville adventure, the “Bournville Vintage and Craft Fayre” itself. The venue was absolutely buzzing with excitement. There were vintage stalls galore, a record shop with fantastic vintage vinyl, antique furniture dealers showcasing treasures from the past, a whole stall devoted to old cameras, and even a retro clothing stand – I, of course, snapped up a gorgeous pink shawl from it! The sheer abundance of vintage items sent my senses into a frenzy. The entire experience felt like I had stepped straight into a classic film, darling.
However, there was one aspect of the vintage fair that made my day absolutely, irrevocably magical – a display of historic ballet costumes! Now, darling, as a queen with an unwavering passion for ballet and, of course, a deep love for the pink tutu, I was absolutely delighted! The display included stunning tutus from the golden era of ballet, and some of them even included stunning pink fabric, my favourite! Imagine my excitement, darlings! I just stood there, mesmerized by the beauty, grace and history embodied in those exquisite garments! It truly reminded me how closely intertwined fashion and dance have been for centuries – an exquisite tapestry woven with thread, tulle and glitter.
The stage was set for my performance and let me tell you, the Bournville Vintage and Craft Fayre audience was amazing! A perfect mix of excited and entertained, and I, well, I felt like a real-life fairy godmother, enchanting them with my dance routines, bringing sparkle and a sprinkle of fairy dust to their evening.
After my performance, as the fair was wrapping up, I just had to grab one last pink treat, of course! My heart (and stomach) was still set on all things pink and delicious, so, I headed over to a local ice cream shop with its most delightful assortment of frozen flavours! The cherry on the top? Their special flavour that day was "Pink Raspberry Swirl"! This wasn't fate, this was clearly a divine sign!
The journey back was even more special, darling. As my horsedrawn carriage clipped-clopped along the countryside, with the stars glittering overhead, I found myself thinking about the magic of Bournville, the sweetness of chocolate, the elegance of a bygone era, and most importantly, the joy of bringing a little bit of pink tutu magic to every corner of the world!
This trip was an absolute delight, and I must say, it really was just what I needed, a bit of magic and inspiration! Oh, I can't wait to share more Pink Tutu adventures with you all!
Now, darlings, if you’re thinking about visiting Bournville, I highly recommend taking a horse-drawn carriage! Just imagine how chic you’ll look! I promise you’ll make an unforgettable grand entrance, just like I did.
Remember, darling, stay fabulous! Keep dreaming in pink, and let’s all embrace the world in a tutu of sunshine!
Lots of love and sparkles,
Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕