Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2005-01-24 stars in Blackburn

Blackburn: Where Dreams are Pink and Sparkly! 🩰✨💖

Post #1851

Hello, darlings! Your favourite pink tutu-clad queen is back with a fresh batch of glitter and fabulousness! Today I'm taking you with me on a magical journey to the beautiful town of Blackburn, where I spent a truly spectacular day, spreading joy and sparkles wherever I went. Buckle up, because this one's a right hoot!

As a queen of a certain age (let's just say I've seen more than a few seasons of RuPaul's Drag Race!), you'd think I'd be used to the unpredictable nature of travel. But I have to admit, getting to Blackburn was an adventure of its own. I always opt for a scenic journey when possible, and so this time I decided to ditch the dreary motorway and take a delightful trip by train. The scenery whizzing by was utterly charming, and it was the perfect opportunity for some lighthearted conversation with my fellow passengers - turns out a few of them were on their way to a fancy dress party! We had a right laugh chatting about costumes and, of course, the importance of pink tutus!

Arriving in Blackburn, the excitement really kicked in. You see, darlings, this town is renowned for its beautiful Victorian architecture and rich cultural heritage. Plus, it just screams "pink tutu opportunity"! And I certainly wasn't about to miss out on the chance to spread some tutu-licious love!

The first stop was a visit to Blackburn's grand Town Hall. Built in the 1850s, it’s an impressive example of the Victorian Gothic architectural style, and it certainly made for the most fabulous backdrop for some photos in my pink tutu. Just imagine: me, resplendent in a fluffy pink confection, posing proudly against the backdrop of those intricately carved stone arches! Pure photographic magic!

But let's not forget the main reason I was in Blackburn: my performance! Now, darlings, I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from the crowd. But you know me, I embrace every opportunity with an open heart (and a generous dose of pink glitter, of course). And let me tell you, the audience was absolutely phenomenal! They roared with laughter, cheered wildly, and even sang along to my renditions of all the classic disco tunes. You could feel the electricity in the air!

It's always such a thrill to perform and connect with people. To watch their faces light up with joy is truly the best feeling. One little girl, probably about four years old, kept shouting "Pink Tutu Sparkles, Pink Tutu Sparkles!" with such a bright, excited face. You see, that's what it's all about, darling. To spread happiness and joy, and inspire a bit of sparkle in everyone's day. And there's no better way to do that than with a pink tutu, right?

Speaking of inspiration, one of the things that really got me excited during my trip to Blackburn was the vibrant community art scene. Blackburn is home to many creative artists, and their work is truly inspirational. It reminded me why I do what I do - to embrace creativity and to encourage everyone to express themselves in their own unique ways, even if it involves rocking a pink tutu.

I'm not going to lie, though, finding a good cuppa in Blackburn was a bit of a challenge. Being a girl from Derbyshire, where afternoon tea is more than just a tradition, it’s pretty high on my priority list. After scouring the high street for a while, I stumbled upon this delightful little cafe tucked away on a side street. They had the most delicious, creamy, aromatic tea you've ever tasted. Plus, it came with a scrumptious homemade scone that literally melted in my mouth. I even tried a little of their special "pink" cake - you'll never believe what they used to colour it! (Clue: it wasn't pink food colouring). It was absolutely divine, but I can't tell you their secret ingredient – it’s just between us!

Another highlight of the trip was exploring Blackburn's hidden gems. You see, darlings, it's not all about the big, well-known places. Sometimes, the best discoveries are tucked away in quiet corners, waiting to be found. I discovered a lovely little shop tucked away in a quaint alleyway, bursting with colourful vintage clothes and antique treasures. And you know me, I simply cannot resist a little bit of vintage shopping!

Oh, and I mustn't forget the food market! Now, I'm not going to lie, I am a bit of a foodie. The sight of fresh produce, mouth-watering cheeses, and the smells wafting through the air almost sent me into a sugar coma! The highlight was a stall selling all kinds of freshly baked pastries - I treated myself to a few, including a gloriously pink strawberry meringue. Because why not? Life's too short to resist pink delights, don’t you think?

Speaking of pink, the best part of my trip to Blackburn had to be my visit to the Blackburn Museum. I have to admit, I didn't know much about it beforehand, but it turned out to be an absolute treasure trove of fascinating history and art. They had this amazing exhibition about local crafts, and you won’t believe what I discovered. Did you know, dear readers, that there was once a vibrant industry in Blackburn that specialised in making…tutus? Yes! Apparently, there were even dedicated tutu makers here, creating everything from classical ballet tutus to theatrical showpieces.

And can you imagine how incredibly fabulous it would be to get my own bespoke tutu crafted here in Blackburn? Now that’s an idea worth exploring. Who knows, perhaps I’ll return someday for a bit of tutu-related retail therapy!

But of course, all good things must come to an end. Sadly, it was time for me to bid farewell to Blackburn. And wouldn't you know it, another opportunity presented itself! This time, it was a little impromptu performance at a local pub, just off the train station. They had a lovely, little back room, and when the word spread about the "pink tutu queen" passing through town, the locals came out in droves. Needless to say, it was an absolute blast. Everyone, including the pub's owner, even started wearing tutus, and let's just say the atmosphere was electric.

Leaving Blackburn was a bit bittersweet, but I knew I would be back. There's just something about this town, this infectious energy, that makes me feel like I'm coming home. Plus, there’s still so much more to discover and explore. It’s only a matter of time before I make it back. And next time, maybe we can even do a proper tutu workshop.

Until then, remember, darlings: Life is about wearing a pink tutu and making your dreams come true, one sparkling step at a time. So put on your favourite tutu, grab some glitter, and let your inner sparkle shine!

Catch you on the flip-flop,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2005-01-24 stars in Blackburn